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No "Whisper" Happy to Bleed

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Janaki Jambunathan

Active member
Happy to Bleed Protest gaing momentum Though started as protest against the Sabarimala priest remark in reality it is not religious discrimination but more sociopolitical


When Indira Gandhi was bleeding after an assault by DMK men in 70s in Madurai their was a comment by the party chief the "bleeding" was not due to injury!

Recently in US the presidential Candidate made such a remark against a journalist

https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwix0rql-bXJAhUGt44KHf6ZDYEQFgg2MAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.n ydailynews.com%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Frosie-o-donnell-period-war-women-article-1.2327460&usg=AFQjCNGLOG5owZjtliU0YEwiHqOMmQ4RgQ&sig2=ujtZVNFK7QdAJ99H6-UgQw
I am sure these girls can protest in a less disgusting way.

Even though I do not consider menses impure becos its just shedding of the endometrial tissue that was lining the uterus to cradle a fetus (all of us humans start our existence being embedded in the same tissue that is shed during menses).

I personally feel the male energy rises upwards and the female energy flows downwards hence we females menstruate..there is no impurity here but just direction of energy flow..even during menses many yoga poses are not advised cos it would interfere with the direction of energy flow.

Most religions of the world did not take the trouble to explain in scientific way why certain restrictions were put for menses and calling menses impure was the easiest and rather less scientific way to handle the situation which was followed in the past but questioned repeatedly in the present.

But whatever said and done there is still a more civilized way to protest than to display pictures of blood stained sanitary napkins/clothings etc.

Just imagine if guys start to display their seminal secretions on a dark colored underwear ...all females would be protesting that its disgusting!

I feel protest of any kind should convey the message without resorting to disgusting images.
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I am sure these girls can protest in a less disgusting way.

Even though I do not consider menses impure becos its just shedding of the endometrial tissue that was lining the uterus to cradle a fetus (all of us humans start our existence being embedded in the same tissue that is shed during menses).

I personally feel the male energy rises upwards and the female energy flows downwards hence we females menstruate..there is no impurity here but just direction of energy flow..even during menses many yoga poses are not advised cos it would interfere with the direction of energy flow.

Most religions of the world did not take the trouble to explain in scientific way why certain restrictions were put for menses and calling menses impure was the easiest and rather less scientific way to handle the situation which was followed in the past but questioned repeatedly in the present.

But whatever said and done there is still a more civilized way to protest than to display pictures of blood stained sanitary napkins/clothings etc.

Just imagine if guys start to display their seminal secretions on a dark colored underwear ...all females would be protesting that its disgusting!

I feel protest of any kind should convey the message without resorting to disgusting images.

I agree fully with Renukaji.

This is not a matter to be discussed that too this way in the public.

It is the ABC of existence that any system with a leaking orifice pollutes -- whether it is a car, a bike, an intercontinental ballistic missile or a human body (male or female). So it has to be plugged. Period.
It is the ABC of existence that any system with a leaking orifice pollutes -- whether it is a car, a bike, an intercontinental ballistic missile or a human body (male or female). So it has to be plugged. Period.


If " only female polluting" is a myth - Why this Whisper Say it loud - Let women be happy to bleed!

Fight Gender Bias !!


It is just a necessary biological process. Pollution has to be kept in view and precautions taken. There is no scope for superior/inferior binary thoughts here and so there is no need for a loud protest against a non-existent victimhood. I am speaking about the present times. In offices we do not even know the fact. So there is no need to imagine things and "fight" for a contrived cause. LOL.
It is just a necessary biological process. Pollution has to be kept in view and precautions taken. There is no scope for superior/inferior binary thoughts here and so there is no need for a loud protest against a non-existent victimhood. I am speaking about the present times. In offices we do not even know the fact. So there is no need to imagine things and "fight" for a contrived cause. LOL.

There is no imagination and the cause is not contrived!

Practice prevails in many temples

in response to a public interest litigation petition filed by activists Noorjehan Niaz and Zakia Soman of the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, the trust said many religions impose restrictions on women owing to menstruation, perceived as “unclean or embarrassing.” “A woman can at any time have menstrual periods,” the trust said in its affidavit earlier this year.

I still remember my journey to Sabarimala as an eight-year-old along with my father who was an ardent Ayyappa devotee. In those days, the holy shrine did not have so much concrete and Pamba was a pristine river with far less pollution.
The mystique of Lord Ayyappan, unlike any other deities, lies in the fact that it is a forest shrine. Ayyappa was an Adi Dravidian deity or maybe even a Buddhist deity till the Aryanization of the god turned him into a ‘brahmanical deity’ who considered women who menstruated untouchable.

The irrational belief that women who menstruate are impure came into existence as part of brahmanical domination. Ancient southern India in fact worshipped the mother goddess and we had so many bhagavathy temples. These Kali/devi temples were based on the fertility cult; the root of the word bhagavathi comes from ‘one who fertilizes’.

I am against any form of discrimination in the name of religion, where non Hindus or women are banned entry to temples. That goes against the very integral philosophy of our great religion which says Tat Tvam Asi: You Are That.
The quest for social domination by men over women and amongst various castes brought decadence into the religious institution called Hinduism. The original mission of the seers to seek a formless god through deep inner penance was lost and the shrine at Sabarimala is a classic example.
The traditionalists created their own specious reasoning, things that I heard from my muthashi − that during the menstruating cycle women go through a death process and the uterus is actually carrying a corpse; also, that the god does not like the smell of menstruating women. The temple, these people claimed, should always have the smell of flowers and sandal paste and this strong smell of women during their periods put off the gods.
Similarly, the bleeding process is seen as a downward process occurring in the lower part of the body and slotted in the category of apaana vayu, whereas prayer is seen as an upward process. All these explanations are completely dogmatic and are against the very grain of the real haindava darshanam.

I was in Kerala, and witnessed the hooligans wearing black make a mockery of the religious beliefs. They were in their black outfits were boisterous bunch. Pushing and shoving and chanting loudly. They did not care for the old people and children in the line at Padmanabha temple. I had to protect my older siblings from being trampled by this pushing and shoving. They were rude, and loud at Kanyakumari next day. The were pretending to be talking selfies, but actually were photographing ladies. They were playing loud music on their phones. They were just ordinary street people in black garbs.
I read with horror, women being denied entry to temples during certain times of the month when they are considered impure.

Even in sani temple in sinhagad maharashtra , a woman performed puja abhishekam - not a permissible act Though no one came in her way, later the shani idol was washed to make it

pure.lol .

Also the priests who kept quiet were hauled up for allowing the action of this woman . Today , a senior trustee resigned as he thought it was discrimination at

its worst.

It is ridiculous that a paternalistic society treats women this way and we in our forum have a member who thinks it is correct.
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It is highly ridiculous to argue against certain traditions which have deep rooted belief.

In certain temples, only on those days, women are not allowed.

But in other religion viz in Christianity ladies are barred from becoming priests.

In mosques ladies are not allowed to enter even for praying.

Let them all analyse why these religions bar ladies becoming priets or entering into mosque for even praying.

It is very unfortunate that we have a member without knowing what is happening around and mostly wander in dream world, come here to talk about religious practices.

One needs to shed such attitude of indifference and try to be balanced in judgements.

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It is a ridiculous argument that other religions also treat women badly.

If it is a bad practice one should do away with it not justify it.
It is a ridiculous argument that other religions also treat women badly.

If it is a bad practice one should do away with it not justify it.

Those with disturbed conscience who wanted such practices to do away are free to preach through out the day by standing at the top of RED FORT and also to launch their own religion or try to bring transition or rennaisance.

No one prevents them.

We have few arm chair torch bearers who merely talk like radicals but sincerely practice all traditions and rituals. Hypocrits.
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I do not consider menses impure but I feel menses is a time that a woman should rest.

I would be real happy if countries would allow females to work lesser hours on the first 3 days of menses.

As a female I can safely feel as I get older rest during menses is a welcome change but modern life demands a woman to live like a man and face a man's world.

To be honest one's moods can take a real dip during menses and most females would be irritable and would want to be left alone.

Also at times one might feel nervous and stressed out during menses.

As I age I prefer to embrace feminine changes and refuse to live like a male.

I feel we women are trying too hard to be "males" and stress ourselves out proving that we as strong as males.

I am not saying that a female is weak..we are not but there are certain times our body needs a rest.

I personally feel during menses the flow of energy is downward and menses is Sadhana for a female and she needs the rest to enjoy the benefits of the Sadhana.

We should not attached the impure stigma to menses when its actually a cleansing ritual for the female body.

Traditionally humans never tried to logically understand dynamics of the human body and label anything and everything pertaining to a female's body as impure.

Its high time this mindset changes and women too should embrace their femininity and enjoy rest during menses. If they feel they have the energy to roam around I leave it to them if they want to visit a temple or a graveyard.

Coming to temple purity..a priest in a famous temple in Malaysia recently got sacked cos he allowed a dog to accompany its owner during pooja.

Well...to me this is not entirely right to sack the priest.

Surely pets are not a welcome sight in a house of worship but the priest was sacked becos according to the temple committee the a dog entering a temple amounts to desecration of a temple.

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It is highly ridiculous to argue against certain traditions which have deep rooted belief.
What deep rooted? Where is the proof? Apartheid also was considered deep rooted, Is it justified?

But in other religion viz in Christianity ladies are barred from becoming priests.
That is bunch of baloney. Except for Catholics all other denominations women are ordained as priest.

In mosques ladies are not allowed to enter even for praying.
Again misinformed. They are allowed through separate entrance.

But like Krishji pointed out that it is useless to point out the mistreatment of women in other religion is reason to be mistreated in Hinduism. This argument has been hashed out in this forum before. Unless society demand changes it does not happen. If Raja Ram Mohan Rai and others had not objected, we still will have "Sati" pratha still being practiced.
Ref; Post#15 -Renuka

We should not attached the impure stigma to menses when its actually a cleansing ritual for the female body.

Traditionally humans never tried to logically understand dynamics of the human body and label anything and everything pertaining to a female's body as impure.

True Even Uncontrolled emotions were thought to be due to wandering of the female Uterus all over inside her body and called it "Hysteria!! (Hystrix - Uterus)
Mensus was described as weeping of unfertilized ovum! Though Medical science has scientic explanation பத்தாம் பசலிs wii stick to their traditional thinking!
In one area there exists discrimination of women sighting the reason that entry into the temple is denied during menus.

In other area emancipation of women is beyond the level with taking pride and delight in proclamation of the right to bleed openly and challenging to paste the mensural blood on the face of opponents.
No Not really ! It is to shock you out of Haemo Phohia!!

Most women don’t particularly want the freedom to bleed in public. All they are asking for is a little respect.


Dear JJ Ji,

I find menstruation a personal and private affair.

In fact as a teenager I used to ask my friends how come they did not feel shy when the coming of age rituals were done with pomp and show?

Recently I attended a function of a 13 year old girl who came of age and boy was it grand! It was more grand than an engagement!

But the 13 year old did not feel even shy..in fact I asked her "How do you feel that the whole world now knows that you have started to menstruate?"

She replied she felt happy that she is now a woman!

I thank God my family did not believe in all these come of age rituals and I escaped all this public 'advertisement' of a girls coming of age.

It would have been really embarrassing! BTW I totally dislike the fact that a woman does not really have privacy in her life..each time she has her menses everyone needs to know..be it during puberty or even monthly and be barred from temple/prayers etc.
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Dear JJ Ji,

I find menstruation a personal and private affair.

Recently I attended a function of a 13 year old girl who came of age and boy was it grand! It was more grand than an engagement!

But the 13 year old did not feel even shy..in fact I asked her "How do you feel that the whole world now knows that you have started to menstruate?"

She replied she felt happy that she is now a woman!

I thank God my family did not believe in all these come of age rituals and I escaped all this public 'advertisement' of a girls coming of age.

It would have been really embarrassing! BTW I totally dislike the fact that a woman does not really have privacy in her life..each time she has her menses everyone needs to know..be it during puberty or even monthly and be barred from temple/prayers etc.

Reality is different See this Video - Puberty - with pride to happily bleed! & not embarassing BTW

As a man I have felt Menstruation is a personal and private affair for women and resisted the temptation to post on the subject.

Yet I have a sense of revulsion that entry to public spaces such as temples are restricted citing this as a reason.

It is their personal choice where to go during these periods.

Most go to their worK places. They are not prevented from working .

I think when women protest, they have a reason to protest.

We can respect their right to privacy and not decide what they should do during the uncomfortable periods of their life
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Happy bleeding and clogging drains! - "No whisper" - Think loud

Hamsa Iyer is a young associate fellow at Mumbai-based think-tank, Observer Research Foundation. Among other things, she works on sanitation and has been trying to reduce her waste footprint by composting wet waste at home. “I rarely send out waste from my house, but realized every month I was generating menstrual waste. That set me thinking and I searched for eco-friendly options, and chanced upon cloth pads manufactured by Eco Femme. I ordered them online and since then I have switched over from non-biodegradable Whisper to comfortable cloth pads,” says Iyer.
On days she is menstruating, Iyer comfortably moves around in cloth pads and after returning home in the evening, she soaks them in water for an hour while she prepares her dinner and finishes other chores. Post dinner, she washes her cloth pads and hangs them out so that they dry and disinfect in the sun the next morning. “Our grandmothers used cloth pieces during their monthly periods. But, there was so much shame attached to it that they dried the cloth in some unhygienic corner of the house. It is time we break the shame part of it and dry our cloth pads out in the bright sun,” she adds.

Arunachalam Muruganantham, a social entrepreneur from rural Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, is famously known as ‘Menstrual Man’, and calls himself the first man to have worn a sanitary napkin. His company, Jayaashree Industries, has created a unique model and machine (that costs Rs 65,000 as compared to the usual Rs 3.5 crore) for manufacture of low-cost sanitary pads that are 99 percent biodegradable. The entire operation is done by rural women, thus creating employment for rural poor. It's a woman-to-woman model that uses women to manufacture sanitary pads and sell them to other rural women. The minimum cost of one pad is Re 1. "When I started working on sanitary pads, I realized the market had only two major players – Procter & Gamble, and Johnson & Johnson. Products of both the companies were unaffordable to large number of Indian women, who were still using old rags, sand, sawdust, hay, plastic, etc during menstruation. A large population of women still do the same in India. We are in a hurry to send women to Mars, but we cannot give them healthy and safe sanitary napkins so that they can live a life of dignity...Through our model, we are making low-cost customized sanitary napkins available to rural women.” Muruganantham claims their products have become very popular, and are now being manufactured by women across India including the Andaman and Nicobar islands and Naxalism-affected areas. “We are expanding fast, and big companies are now worried," he says.

Perhaps it’s time for another campaign; one where we mail sanitary napkins (used or unused) back to the manufacturers.

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