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Natural Remedies and Vitamins in Vegetables

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Endometriosis (say "en-doh-mee-tree-OH-sus") is a problem many women have during their childbearing years. It means that a type of tissue that lines your uterus is also growing outside your uterus. This does not always cause symptoms. And it usually isn't dangerous. But it can cause pain and other problems.

The clumps of tissue that grow outside your uterus are called implants. They usually grow on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the outer wall of the uterus, the intestines, or other organs in the belly. In rare cases they spread to areas beyond the belly.

Your uterus is lined with a type of tissue called endometrium (say "en-doh-MEE-tree-um"). Each month, your body releases hormones that cause the endometrium to thicken and get ready for an egg. If youget pregnant, the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium and starts to grow. If you do not get pregnant, the endometrium breaks down, and your body sheds it as blood. This is your menstrual period

When you have endometriosis, the implants of tissue outside your uterus act just like the tissue lining your uterus. During your menstrual cycle, they get thicker, then break down and bleed. But the implants are outside your uterus, so the blood cannot flow out of your body. The implants can get irritated and painful. Sometimes they form scar tissue or fluid-filled sacs (cysts). Scar tissue may make it hard to get pregnant.

Experts don't know what causes endometrial tissue to grow outside your uterus. But they do know that the female hormone estrogenmakes the problem worse. Women have high levels of estrogen during their childbearing years. It is during these years-usually from theirteens into their 40s-that women have endometriosis. Estrogen levelsdrop when menstrual periods stop (menopause). Symptoms usually go away then.
The most common symptoms are:

  • Pain. Where it hurts depends on where the implants are growing. You may have pain in your lower belly, your rectum or vagina, or your lower back. You may have pain only before and during your periods or all the time. Some women have more pain during sex, when they have a bowel movement, or when their ovaries release an egg (ovulation).
  • Abnormal bleeding. Some women have heavy periods, spotting or bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex, or blood in their urine or stool.
  • Trouble getting pregnant (infertility). This is the only symptom some women have.

Endometriosis varies from woman to woman. Some women don't know that they have it until they go to see a doctor because they can't get pregnant or have a procedure for another problem. Some have mild cramping that they think is normal for them. In other women, the pain and bleeding are so bad that they aren't able to work or go to school.

Many different problems can cause painful or heavy periods. To find out if you have endometriosis, your doctor will:

  • Ask questions about your symptoms, your periods, your past health, and your family history. Endometriosis sometimes runs in families.
  • Do a pelvic exam. This may include checking both your vagina andrectum.

If it seems like you have endometriosis, your doctor may suggest that you try medicine for a few months. If you get better using medicine, you probably have endometriosis.

To find out if you have a cyst on an ovary, you might have an imaging test like an ultrasound, an MRI, or a CT scan. These tests show pictures of what is inside your belly.

The only way to be sure you have endometriosis is to have a type of surgery called laparoscopy (say "lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee"). During this surgery, the doctor puts a thin, lighted tube through a small cut in your belly. This lets the doctor see what is inside your belly. If the doctor finds implants, scar tissue, or cysts, he or she can remove them during the same surgery.

There is no cure for endometriosis, but there are good treatments. You may need to try several treatments to find what works best for you. With any treatment, there is a chance that your symptoms could come back.

Treatment choices depend on whether you want to control pain or you want to get pregnant. For pain and bleeding, you can try medicines or surgery. If you want to get pregnant, you may need surgery to remove the implants.

Treatments for endometriosis include:

  • Over-the-counter pain medicines like ibuprofen (such as Advil orMotrin) or naproxen (such as Aleve). These medicines are called anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. They can reduce bleeding and pain.
  • Birth control pills are often used to treat endometriosis. Most women can use them safely for years. But you cannot use them if you want to get pregnant.
  • Hormone therapy. This stops your periods and shrinks implants. But it can cause side effects, and pain may come back after treatment ends. Like birth control pills, hormone therapy will keep you from getting pregnant.
  • Laparoscopy to remove implants and scar tissue. This may reduce pain, and it may also help you get pregnant.

As a last resort for severe pain, some women have their uterus and ovaries removed (hysterectomy and oophorectomy). If you have your ovaries taken out, your estrogen level will drop and your symptoms will probably go away. But you may have symptoms of menopause, and you will not be able to get pregnant.
If you are getting close to menopause, you may want to try to manage your symptoms with medicines rather than surgery. Endometriosis usually stops causing problems when you stop having periods.

WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise

Last Updated: March 12, 2014
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.


Cardiac Arrest And Heart Attack Are Not The Same And Need To Be Treated Differently

Cardiac Arrest And Heart Attack Are Not The Same And Need To Be Treated Differently

September 21, 2015

Both disorders arise from problems with the heart but each with distinct risk factors, treatment options and outcomes. A heart attack is a “circulation” problem and sudden cardiac arrest is an “electrical” problem. How many people know the difference between the two?Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is among the most common causes of death throughout the world. It is estimated that more than 3 million people die annually from SCA, with a survival rate of less than 1%. In fact, SCA claims one life every two minutes, taking more lives each year than breast cancer, lung cancer, and even AIDS.SCA is a life-threatening condition wherein the heart’s electrical system is affected. During SCA, the heart stops beating and no blood is pumped in to the body. This could be compared to losing electricity in your house. The heart “electricity” must be turned back on, typically through electrical shock. Sudden cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack.Heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction (MI) occurs when there is a blockage in one or more of the arteries to the heart, preventing oxygen-rich blood supply to some part of heart muscle.

Heart attacks most often occur as a result of coronary artery disease (CAD) which is a result of plaque buildup in the arteries, which blocks blood flow and heightens the risk for heart attack. However, a heart attack can sometimes trigger an electrical disturbance that leads to sudden cardiac arrest.
While both cause serious problems and possible death, SCA often occurs abruptly and without warning. In fact, two-thirds of SCA deaths occur without any prior indications of heart disease, while heart attacks often have previous signs and symptoms.


Risk Factors

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)

•Previous heart attack - 75% of SCA cases are linked to a previous heart attack
•Coronary artery disease
•Family history – genetic reasons put even younger population at risk
•Cardiac Failure

Heart Attack

•Age - People who are 65-years-old or older
•High blood pressure (hypertension)
•High serum cholesterol
•Family history of coronary disease
•Stress and obesity


Sudden cardiac arrest symptoms are immediate and drastic which include sudden collapse, no pulse, no breathing and loss of consciousness.Heart attack symptoms aren't always obvious; but they can be severe. One may experience a number of symptoms, like discomfort in the left side of chest/upper abdomen, shortness of breath from any type of exertion, cold sweat, vomiting/nausea.


Keep your heart healthy

Few lifestyle changes can go a long way in keeping your heart healthy; here is how.
• Control your portion size while eating; don’t overload your plate
• Include more veggies & fruits in your diet
• Opt for whole grains in your meal as they are good source of fiber & nutrients
• Limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol
• Choose low-fat protein sources
• Reduce intake of sodium in your diet

A heart attack patient should be rushed to the hospital within an hour and required treatment should be delivered. A case of cardiac arrest is however more grave and fatal. Sudden cardiac arrest requires immediate action for survival. The most effective way to treat sudden cardiac arrest is defibrillation. The American Heart Association recommends defibrillation within 3 to 5 minutes of arrest, or sooner, for sudden cardiac arrests occurring outside the hospital.

An Emergency Care Unit inside your chest

Defibrillators can be external, like those carried by emergency crews, or implanted in your body for long-term protection. An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is a small device implanted under your skin which constantly monitors the rhythm of your heart, detects life threatening rhythms, and automatically delivers the most appropriate type of therapy when needed. It works like an emergency system inside your chest. If a rhythm that is too slow is detected it paces the heart as a pacemaker would. If it detects a very fast rhythm then low or high-energy shocks are sent to reset the heart to a normal rhythm.

If you have survived a heart attack, and your heart function has become weak, it may be good to check with your doctor if implanting an ICD will be suitable for you. Prevention is always better than cure.

Data Courtesy: Dr. Anil Saxena, Director, Cardiac Pacing & Electrophysiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla Road, New Delhi
*Card Image Courtesy: Shutterstock & urmc.rochester.edu

The Dangers of Drinking From Plastic Bottles

The Dangers of Drinking From Plastic Bottles
We all use plastic bottles now and again, whether we want to or not. They're simply everywhere - at the shops, in diners, at events and even in our kitchen. We often use the same bottles again and again instead of throwing them into the recycling bin, seeing more value in reusing them.

The question is: Are we taking a risk with our health when we do so? It appears that, in certain cases, the answer is yes. There are 3 things you need to know before you refill that plastic bottle of water:

1. Bacteria can thrive in a bottle of water.

While a one-time use of a bottle of water (as manufacturers declare it should only be) won't harm you, you're tempting your fate if you decide to drink from it again. Studies have shown that prolonged use of the same plastic bottle causes it to scratch and crack, and it is inside these little scratches and cracks that bacteria can thrive, just like on your cutting board.

You must thoroughly clean your cutting board after each use, and if you plan on filling up your plastic bottle for another use, you should clean it as well. Do so with lukewarm water and soap. Of course, this cleaning will probably cause more damage to the bottle. Remember, they weren't made for reuse, and so they were not made to resist the various cleaning materials.

It's also important to remember that the bacteria in the water bottle can get through to your mouth, so if you aren't rinsing your bottle, it acquires many bacteria that live in water, turning your bottle into a real Petri dish.

A study performed at the University of Calgary found that water bottles used by elementary school age children over and over again without being cleaned contained a much higher amount of bacteria than should be in our drinking water. One cause for that is that the bottle sat in room temperature most of the day, which is a perfect temperature for bacteria to thrive in. Putting the bottle in the fridge or the freezer will dramatically decrease the number of bacteria in the bottle.

Even plastic bottles that are reusable need to be washed with lukewarm water and soap, because they can also accumulate scratches and bacteria, even if they probably accumulate less than a disposable one. As a rule, all plastic bottles are hard to clean without leaving scratches, and if you are using plastic bottles more than once - wash them often.

2. Cleaning the bottles can cause a chemical leak

You'll notice I only recommend using lukewarm water to wash the bottles, with a strong emphasis on lukewarm. Using very hot water to clean the bottle (perhaps thinking to sterilize it), is a bad idea, especially if you're using single-use bottles. Experts believe that washing disposable bottles with hot water or in the dishwasher is a recipe for disaster, because the plastic they use to make these bottles is not made to withstand such heat. When it does heat up, there's a chance that dangerous chemicals will leak from the plastic and into the liquid inside the bottle.

Reusable plastic bottles are made of tougher plastic, and are supposed to withstand higher temperatures without a problem. However, there is no safe way to completely remove all the dangers of using a plastic product for a long period of time. The best protection against chemical leaks is to drink your water from glass or stainless steel bottles. Even then, you'll need to wash and dry them properly, otherwise they too will become infested with bacteria.

3. Most of the bacteria in the bottle are found around the opening

Bacteria are mostly found near the opening of the bottle because our mouth itself contains bacteria, and also because of the way the cap is screwed on it, creating a perfect place for bacteria to thrive.

In a recent study, participants were instructed to drink from the same bottle for a week without washing it. At the end of the week, a small sample was taken from the opening of the bottle. What they found was disconcerting, to say the least. The bacteria found were the same kind that cause food poisoning, and in huge amounts.

If the participants in the study had continued to drink from the same bottle, they probably would have developed symptoms of nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting. The only way of preventing this kind of bacteria from flourishing in our bottles is to keep washing them properly. With disposable ones, however, I'd recommend keeping it that way and only use it once.

In any case, the cap of your bottle will always carry some bacteria, as it touches your hands as well. You can also drink from the bottle without touching it with your lips, letting the water flow right into your mouth.

Health Benefits of Coriander

Health Benefits of Coriander


The health benefits of coriander include its use in the treatment of skin inflammation , high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, and blood sugar disorders, while also benefiting eye care.

Coriander, commonly known as Dhania in the Indian Subcontinent and Cilantro in the Americas and some parts of Europe, is an herb that is extensively used around the world as a condiment, garnish, or decoration on culinary dishes. Its scientific name is Coriandrum Sativum L. Its leaves and fruits have a recognizable and pleasant aroma and are commonly used raw or dried for culinary applications.

Nutritional Value of Coriander

Its uses in global food preparation is only the tip of the iceberg. Unbeknownst to many people, coriander is packed with potential health benefits that most people completely miss when they toss this garnish into the garbage after eating their meal. It has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties. A more complete list is given below.

Skin inflammation:Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oils, and linoleic acid, are both present in coriander, and they possess antirheumatic and antiarthritic properties. They help to reduce the swelling that is caused by these two conditions. For other swelling conditions, such as swelling due to kidney malfunction or anemia, it is also seen to be effective to some extent, because some of the components in coriander help the induce urination and the release of excess water from the body.

The reduction in skin inflammation can lead to increased functioning, a reduction in discomfort, and an improvement in skin appearance.

Skin disorders: The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections.

Low cholesterol levels: Some of the acids present in coriander, like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin-C) are very effective in reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood. They also reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) deposition along the inner walls of the arteries and veins, which can lead to serious cardiovascular issues like artherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. More importantly, coriander helps to raise the levels of healthy cholesterol (HDL), which works as a preventative line of defense against a number of dangerous conditions.

Diarrhea: Some of the components of essential oils found in coriander such as Borneol and Linalool, aid in digestion, proper functioning of the liver and bonding of bowels, while also helping to reduce diarrhea. It is also helpful in curing diarrhea caused by microbial and fungal action, since components like Cineole, Borneol, Limonene, Alpha-pinene & beta-phelandrene have antibacterial effects.Coriander is also increasingly popular as a means of preventing nausea, vomiting, and other stomach disorders. Its wealth of bioactive compounds means that new health benefits are always being discovered in this power-packed plant.In addition to these health aspects of the stomach, fresh coriander leaves are excellent appetizers to get your bowels prepared for a large meal.

Blood pressure: Consuming coriander has been shown to positively reduce blood pressure in many patients suffering from hypertension. The interaction of Calcium ions and cholinergic, a neurotransmitter in the peripheral and central nervous system, more commonly know as acetylcholine. The interaction of these two elements relaxes blood vessel tension, thereby reducing the chances of a number of cardiovascular conditions, including heart attacks and strokes.

Mouth ulcers: Citronelol, a component of essential oils in coriander, is an excellent antiseptic. Additionally, other components have antimicrobial and healing effects which keep wounds and ulcers in the mouth from worsening. They help speed up the healing process of ulcers and also freshen breath. Although not in common use in mainstream products, coriander is often used as an antiseptic component of all-natural toothpastes. In fact, before the invention of toothpaste, people would chew on coriander seeds to reduce bad breath!

Anemia: Coriander is high in iron content, which directly helps people who suffer from anemia. Low iron content in the blood can result in shortness of breath, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, and a decrease in cognitive functions. Iron also benefits proper functions of other organ systems, increases energy and strength, and promotes the health of bones.

Anti-allergic properties: Multiple studies have shown coriander to have strong anti-histamine properties that can reduce the uncomfortable affects of seasonal allergies and hay fever (rhinitis). Coriander oil can also be used to reduce allergic reactions to contact with plants, insects, food, and other substances that may cause allergic reactions on the skin or when consumed. Internally, it can ward off anaphylaxis, hives, and dangerous swelling of the throat and glands. It’s never a bad idea to protect yourself against allergic reactions, especially since it is difficult to know what you might be allergic to, until you come in contact with it for the first time!

Salmonella protection:
Salmonella is one of the most dangerous causes of food borne illnesses in the world, so any natural way to protect against it is very important. Coriander has unusually high levels of dodecenal, a natural compound that is actually twice as powerful of an antibiotic than the leading treatment for salmonella-based illness. By adding coriander into your normal diet, you protect your body from horribly uncomfortable, and even fatal, illnesses relating to this deadly bacteria. Coriander is commonly found in salsa to add flavor, so dip a chip and protect yourself from food poisoning, the most common way of describing the effects of salmonella.

Bone health: As a rich source of calcium, coriander is of great value for people who want to protect the integrity of their bones. Calcium and other essential minerals found in coriander are integral components of bone regrowth and durability, as well as in the prevention of bone degradation so commonly associated with debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. Adding even a small amount of coriander to your diet can help to keep your bones healthy and strong for years to come. Calcium is particularly present in the center leaves of coriander, so aim for that part of the plant if bone health is your focus!

Digestion: Coriander, due to the rich aroma from its essential oils, helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, thereby stimulating digestion and peristaltic motion. It is also helpful in treating eating disorders like anorexia. Besides the pleasant aroma of coriander, it has certain stimulatory qualities, derived from the minerals and neurotransmitters that are stimulated when coriander is ingested. Studies have shown thatdyspepsia (indigestion) is reduced if coriander is regularly added to the diet. For small children, who have a higher chance of developing abdominal colic than adults, small amounts of coriander in their diet can clear the issue up quickly!

Smallpox: The essential oils in coriander are rich in antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-infectious and detoxifying components and acids. The presence of vitamin-C and iron strengthens the immune system as well. These properties help prevent and cure smallpox, and they can also reduce the pain and have a soothing effect on smallpox patients. In the places left in the world where smallpox outbreaks occur, studies have shown massive amounts of vitamin-C have a definite curative effect on smallpox in hundreds of different cases.

Menstrual disorders: Coriander is a natural stimulant, and it regulates proper secretion from the endocrine glands, and that hormonal impact means that it helps regulate proper menstrual cycles and reduces the associated pain during a woman’s period.

Eye care: Coriander is loaded with antioxidants, vitamin-A, vitamin-C and minerals like phosphorous in its essential oils, which prevents vision disorders, macular degeneration and it reduces strain and stress on the eyes. There is also beta-carotene in the leaves, which prevent a number of other diseases that affect the eye, and can even reverse the effects of vision degradation in aging patients.

Conjunctivitis: As discussed earlier, coriander is a very good disinfectant and has antimicrobial properties that protect the eyes from contagious diseases like conjunctivitis. Coriander oil is one of the fundamental components of a number of eye care products.

Blood sugar and diabetes: Due the stimulating effect of coriander on the endocrine glands, the secretion of insulin is increased from pancreas which subsequently increases the insulin level in the blood. This regulates the proper assimilation and absorption of sugar and the resulting drops in the sugar level in the blood. This property is extremely beneficial for patients who suffer from diabetes and other related conditions, in order to lower their chances of dangerous spikes and drops in their blood sugar levels, and to ensure other normal metabolic functions as well

Other benefits: Coriander helps cure ulcers, inflammation, spasms, while acting as an expectorant and protecting the liver. It is anticarcinogenic, anticonvulsant, antihistaminic and hypnotic. Coriander is believed to be a natural aphrodisiac and traditionally, it was widely used in certain combinations with other herbs to enhance a person’s libido.

Word of Caution: There have been very few dangers associated with coriander, but as with almost any food, there is some danger of allergic reaction to it, and in some cases, it can be irritating to the skin. One of the more unusual side effects is that some patients complain of sunlight sensitivity, and that excessive coriander intake makes them more susceptible to sunburn, which could subsequently lead to skin cancer over the long term.Pregnant women should not take coriander until more established research is done, although some women have claimed that it increases their production of breast milk flow. It is best to be safe, so speak with a doctor before adding coriander to your diet, and pay attention to the response your body has.

Warm Water vs. Cold Water. Which is Better for Drinking?

Warm Water vs. Cold Water. Which is Better for Drinking?

Sep 23, 2015

Water gives us life and we all know how good it feels to quench our thirst with a nice tall glass of cool water. But is cool water always the best option? Or maybe there are occasions where we should opt for warm water?

Some experts speculate on what the best water temperature is to achieve optimal hydration. After all, our internal body temperature is 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) which is vastly different from that of a glass of cool water.

Ancient medicine systems such as Ayurveda, which originated in India more than 3,000 years ago and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) both highlight the importance of temperature and its effects on the body. So it seems that there are certain occasions where warm water is more appropriate than cold!

Whether cold or warm water – the most important thing is to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Our bodies have their own innate intelligence and often tell us what we need to know.

When you’re working out or the weather is hot outside, you’ll likely crave ice water. But when you’re sick with a cold you will be more inclined to want hot water. It’s still good to know the science behind the best times for cold vs. warm water!


During exercise the core body temperature becomes elevated. Sweating is one mechanism that our bodies use to cool down, but we lose a lot of water and electrolytes which need to be replenished. Sipping on cold water during a workout both rehydrates the body of lost water and helps to cool down the core body temperature. A study done in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition compared room temperature water and cold water during workouts. Researchers found participants who consumed cold water were able to keep their core temperature down 50% longer than the group consuming room temperature water.


Drinking cold water when you have a fever is one method of cooling the body down. It’s important to keep super hydrated when you have a fever because you’re body is working hard to get rid of whatever foreign invaders may be causing you harm. When you’re overheated, drinking cold water can be a huge relief. Try squeezing some fresh lemon and adding a pinch of sea salt to help replenish lost electrolytes.

Weight Loss

Drinking cold water has been shown to boost metabolism and help burn an additional 70 calories per day. Though it’s no miracle obesity cure, it does add up over time. When you consider that a person of average weight (155 lbs) burns 70 calories going for a 15 minute walk, ice water starts to sound like a pretty simple and effective way to burn extra calories when you’re trying to lose weight.

Best Times to Drink Warm or Hot Water


Ever wonder why most people consume a hot beverage upon rising? Yes caffeine has something to do with it, but that’s not the only reason. Ayurvedic medicine states that drinking warm water in the morning helps to stimulate digestion. Susan E. Brown, PhD also states that drinking cold water with a meal can have adverse effects on the digestive process. It requires more energy from the body to warm up cool liquids and foods, thus taking a longer time to digest and assimilate. Good to know for those of us suffering from digestive distress!


When it comes to cleansing the body of impurities, consuming adequate amounts of water is of paramount importance. Dr. Mark Hyman MD recommends drinking room temperature water with a squeeze of lemon. This requires the least amount of energy for your body to assimilate. The lemon also helps to stimulate digestion and flush toxins. During a detox you may want to add some cleansing additions to your water. Try adding some cucumber slices and fresh mint or slices of apple and a cinnamon stick (find here how to easily make your own flavored water for detox and weight loss). Not only will you find keeping hydrated more enjoyable, you’ll also be receiving the cleansing benefits these foods have to offer.

Pain Relief

Warm or hot water is better to consume if you are dealing with a headache or inflammation. Because warm water helps stimulate blood flow to the tissues it’s an excellent remedy for treating menstrual cramps.


Drinking warm water when you’re constipated can help to move things along. The main cause of constipation is dehydration, so it’s essential to consume extra amounts of liquids. Warm water helps to stimulate blood flow and has a more soothing effect in the intestines than cold water.

What the Ancient Medicine Say About Water Temperature

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors have advised against drinking cold water for thousands of years. The logic behind this premise is that cold water has the overall effect of contracting, slowing and shrinking. Warm water helps to keep everything fluid, protects the internal organs and increases healthy blood flow and circulation.

Ayurveda has a similar stand point and doesn’t recommend cold water for the same reasons. Keep in mind these are very old systems of medicine. When these systems were put in place, people weren’t typically worried about losing weight. They were more concerned about how to preserve energy. However, in most cases these ancient medicine systems are time tested and have withstood the medical trends that we see come and go. In regards to healthy digestion and maintaining high energy levels it is probably better to drink room temperature or warm water.

The Rest of the Time

Aside from the circumstances listed above, the consensus from a broad spectrum of health professionals is to stick with room temperature water. Always take into the consideration what the temperature is outside. On a hot day, drink cold water, on a cold winter morning you will probably want to opt for hot or warm water.

Drinking warm water in the morning is a great way to stimulate digestion and get the blood flowing to increase energy, and it’s also detoxifying. Adding citrus or herbs to your water can make it more enjoyable if you don’t like the taste. Many people stick to cold water because it tastes better, but room temperature water can be just as enjoyable. Remember to listen to your body, often it is the best health authority.

Source: www.healthyandnaturalworld.com


Carrots really CAN help your eyes

Carrots really CAN help your eyes
Oct 14th 2015


Your parents were right - carrots really can help your eyesight.

Pigments called carotenoids – which give vegetables like carrots, peppers and spinach their colours – can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), researchers have found.

The condition is one of the most common causes of vision loss in older people - and is also on the rise.
A recent study published in Lancet Global Health estimated there will be 196 million sufferers by 2020 and 288 million by 2040.

The Harvard University-led study used data from a population survey that tracked more than 100,000 over-50s over a period of 25 years.

It found that those who consumed the highest levels of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing the advanced form of the condition than those who ate the least.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in high concentrations in the macula of the eye, where they are known as the macular pigment.

The macular pigment protects the macula by interacting with free radicals to prevent cell damage and by filtering out damaging blue light.

Good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are dark leafy vegetables and eggs.

The study also found those who consumed the highest levels of some of the other forms of carotenoids - alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin - had a 25 per cent to 35 per cent lower risk of advanced AMD.
Carrots and sweet potato are sources of alpha and beta-carotene, while beta-cryptoxanthin is found in fruits like oranges and peaches.

The researchers did not find any link between carotenoids and the intermediate form of AMD, however.

‘This study suggests that carotenoids may slow worsening of AMD once it occurs,’ the researchers concluded in the journal JAMA Opthalmology.

AMD, although painless, causes the loss of central vision, usually in both eyes.

According to experts at NHS Choices, the sight loss usually happens gradually over time, although it can sometimes be rapid.

With the condition, reading becomes difficult, colours appear less vibrant and people’s faces are difficult to recognise, they said.

There is currently no cure. However, AMD does not affect peripheral, or side, vision, which means it will not cause complete blindness.

Wi-Fi: a silent killer that kills us slowly

Wi-Fi: a silent killer that kills us slowly

October 13, 2015

In order to connect online, our wireless devices like tablets, laptops and phones use routers. The router emits electromagnetic waves or better known as WLAN signals, that can be very harmful. The truth is that we ignore this fact because we have very little or no knowledge about its side effects. But it is a fact – these signals harm the body.

The British Health Agency has conducted a study in which they have proven that routers have a bad effect on the growth of plants and people.


  • frequent strong headaches
  • chronic fatigue
  • sleep issues
  • pain in the ears
  • lack of concentration

We must admit that the technology is just a segment of our life that we cannot live without. Knowing that fact, the only thing we can do is learn a way to protect ourselves from its harmful effects. Here we have few useful advices that will help you use the router safely and at least lower the potential damage from it.

How to protect children from electromagnetic waves

Remedies for Nighttime Leg Cramps

Remedies for Nighttime Leg Cramps


In addition to causing you searing pain, leg muscle cramps can wake you up in the middle of the night and disturb your sleep. Research has found that these spasms tend to increase during the summer season. Most of the time, this is caused by dehydration and the loss of electrolytes, which can cause spasms. Toxins from smoking and heavy alcohol consumption can also affect the balance of electrolytes in your body and increase the likelihood of cramping.
This desperate pain associated with leg cramps can also occur due to muscle fatigue or mechanical stress on the muscles, especially if you stand for long periods or walk on hard surfaces. Sometimes the cramping is triggered by medication such as diuretics, statins or beta-blockers. Discuss alternative medications with your doctor to lessen this side effect. If the pain worsens and the problem continues to the point of debilitation, it’s best to consult with your physician as the condition could indicate a more serious problem.


While there are prescription drugs available, if the problem isn’t persistent, you can cure these aches with some home remedies. If you prefer to turn to the pharmacy for solutions, over the counter analgesic balms or menstrual cramp medication like Midol or Pamprin are effective.One to avoid is quinine, a commonly prescribed remedy, which is extracted from the bark of Cinchona, a rainforest tree. The FDA has found serious risks with this cure as large dosages can prove fatal.

Natural Remedies You Can Try at Home


Drink water or Gatorade before bed

Heavy exercise and low fluid intake can cause dehydration. Doctors recommend drinking water or electrolyte filled drinks like Gatorade before retiring to sleep. Water naturally relieves cramps and hydrates the muscles, while the mineral filled drinks ensure your electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, are not depleted.

Place a bar of soap in bed.

This strange old wives’ tale is surprisingly effective and medical authorities even endorse it. Place a bar of soap between the mattress and bottom sheet. Experts speculate that it might be effective due to the emissions from the soap, or the gentle pressure that it puts on the muscle when you randomly toss and turn during the night.

Stretching exercises.

You don’t need to do a whole workout before bed, but 3 minutes of stretching can prevent mid-sleep leg cramp disturbances. You can try a standing calf stretch. Place one leg in front of the other and bend the knee while extending the back leg. You should feel a relieving pull in the muscle. If you are prone to cramping in the upper leg, try a hamstring stretch. Put your feet together and do a standing forward bend at the hips. Hold this pose for 20 seconds.

Potassium and magnesium.

When your body has a mineral deficiency, it makes it difficult for the heart to push enough blood down to your legs. Magnesium regulates the muscle and nerve functions, blood pressure and blood sugar levels; while potassium has a similar function but also plays a part in water regulation. Combined together, these two minerals can encourage effective prevention against cramping and certain foods are rich in one or the other. Bananas are an easy and healthy source of potassium while magnesium can be found in nuts, lentils, and quinoa. It should be noted that if you have kidney problems, extra magnesium can exacerbate the condition.
Source: medicaldaily and wsj
Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has unparalleled health and beauty benefits although it is mostly viewed as a salad dressing or a preservative that can be used in pickles/sauces. In reality, it is a very useful ingredient for most of our health needs. In a medical perspective, apple cider vinegar is as essential as any medicine that is kept at home.

Checkout handful of its countless health benefits.

1. Prevents indigestion- having a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with a bit of honey just before a meal ensures that your digestion process is carried out quite easily. Having a bit of it in the morning decreases the chances of indigestion as well.

2. Reduces dandruff- a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar applied on your scalp prevents and reduces dandruff. Apple cider vinegar changes the ph level of your scalp causing it to harden and not allow dandruff to recur.

3. Reduces pimples/acne- apple cider vinegar is a natural skin toner and anti bacterial substance that changes the ph level of your skin reducing and preventing the occurrence of pimples and acne.

4. Treats bad breath- gargle your mouth with some apple cider vinegar to instantly kick out bad breath. Mixing the vinegar with water and gargling everyday effectively cures any chronic bad breath problems very quickly.

5. Treats hiccups- when water, candies and ginger fail in stopping your hiccups, gulp down a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water in equal quantities. Apple cider vinegar is said to soothe the nerves causing an instant halt in recurring hiccups.

6. Lowers cholesterol levels- several researches claim that the consumption of apple cider vinegar reduces the level of cholesterol. A person can continue the same diet but the mere inclusion of two tablespoons of this vinegar can help tacking high cholesterol effectively. It is highly recommended for heart patients.


The Health Benefits of Brisk Walking

The Health Benefits of Brisk Walking

It's bizarre to think this, but these days people just don't walk enough, or even stand, for that matter. It's easy to let ourselves move from one comfortable seat to another, and get used to a sedentary lifestyle. But the act of walking isn't just a chore, it's something our bodies are made to do. When we do walk, the body benefits in many great ways. You won't believe how healthy it is to go on regular walks.


Please read more from here

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Oct 15, 2015

Cucumber is a member of the botanical family Cucurbitaceae, along with honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon. Made up of 95% water, cucumbers are naturally low in calories, fat, cholesterol and sodium.

Their high water content helps ward off dehydration and combat the heat while their refreshing and mild taste appeals to even the pickiest eaters. Here we provide a nutritional breakdown of the cucumber and an in-depth look at its possible health benefits, how to incorporate more cucumber into your diet and any potential health risks of consuming cucumber.

Nutritional Breakdown of Cucumber

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, 1 cup of raw sliced cucumber with peel (approximately 119 grams) contains 115 grams of water, 16 calories, 0.8 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat and 2.9 grams of carbohydrate (including 0.9 grams of fiber and 1.8 grams of sugar.

One cup of cucumber provides 11% of vitamin K, 4% of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and manganese and 2% of vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and copper needs for the day.

Cucumbers also contain lignans, which research has shown my decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as several types of cancer.
Possible Health Benefits of Consuming Cucumber

Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many adverse health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like cucumber decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion, increased energy, and overall lower weight.


Made up of mostly water and full of important electrolytes, cucumber is a perfect food to have on hand during the hot summer months to prevent dehydration. Adding cucumber to water is a great way to increase water consumption as well.


When used topically, cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect that decreases swelling, irritation and inflammation. Cucumber slices can be placed on the eyes to decrease morning puffiness or placed on the skin to alleviate and treat sunburn.

Bone Health

Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with a higher risk for bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption can be achieved by eating a proper intake of fruits and vegetables (one cup of cucumber provides 11% of your daily needs) and is important for improving calcium absorption essential for optimal bone health

How to Incorporate More Cucumber into Your Diet

Cucumbers should be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week to maintain their freshness. Some cucumbers are treated with a wax coating after they are picked; do not wash these before storing but make sure to wash thoroughly or peel before consuming. Avoid cucumbers with ends that are shriveled or withered.

Cucumbers are best when consumed raw and have a mild taste and cool crunch that make them a great addition to any salad or sandwich.

Try mixing sliced cucumbers, tomatoes and feta cheese for a Greek style side dish. Jazz up your water by adding mint leaves and cucumber for a refreshing treat. Slice cucumbers into thick slices and dip them in your favorite hummus.

Research Shows This One Plant Kills Cancer And Stops Diabetes!

Research Shows This One Plant Kills Cancer And Stops Diabetes!

October 14, 2015

According to Dr. Frank Shallenberger, when it comes to fighting cancer, he’s always looking for natural substances that interrupt the odd metabolism of cancer cells. Some of his discoveries include resveratrol, green tea, Seanol, and others. Most recently, he found a fruit that was effective in killing pancreatic cancer cells. The fruit is called “bitter melon” and is popular in Okinawa, Japan.

When bitter melon juice is diluted to 5% in water, it proved itself to be incredibly damaging to pancreatic cancer cell lines. According to researchers, bitter melon juice reduced the viability of two cancer cell lines by 90% and killed the remaining two lines at a rate of 98%.

So, great, these studies work in cancer cells in a dish. But do they work in animals? Will they work in people? Apparently yes. University of Colorado researchers administered bitter melon doses to mice and found a 64% reduction in pancreatic tumor size without any kind of side effect.

The dose was the same as six grams of powder for the average sized human. Bitter melon may also help diabetics. Researchers found that bitter melon helps ameliorate metabolic problems by its effects on glucose metabolism.

Of course, if you have cancer or diabetes, talk with your doctor about rolling in bitter melon treatment with other treatments to have the highest rate of success against cancer.

குழந்தையின் முதல் வளர்ச்சி தாயின் வயிற்&

குழந்தையின் முதல் வளர்ச்சி தாயின் வயிற்றில்...!


குழந்தையின் வளர்ச்சி என்பது பிறந்த பிறகு குறிப்பிடப்படும் வளர்ச்சி அல்ல; தாய் கருவுற்றிருக்கும் போதிலிருந்தே தொடங்குவது. குழந்தையின் மூளை மற்றும் உடல் வளர்ச்சி நிர்ணயிக்கப்படுவதும் தாயின் வயிற்றில் இருந்துதான். கர்ப்ப காலத்தில் தாயின் உடல் மற்றும் மனநிலையை பொறுத்தே குழந்தையின் வளர்ச்சியும் முடிவு செய்யப்படுகிறது.

தாயின் மகிழ்ச்சியான மனநிலை மற்றும் ரத்தத்திலிருந்து வரும் சத்துணவே குழந்தைக்கு ஊட்டமாக கருவில் சேர்கிறது. இரண்டு செல்லாக இருக்கும் ஓர் உயிர், தாயின் வயிற்றிலிருந்து மூன்று கிலோ குழந்தையாக வெளிவருகிறது. ஆக தாயின் ஆரோக்கியமே, குழந்தையின் ஆரோக்கியம்.

*முதல் மூன்று மாதங்கள் (1-3) – உடல் உறுப்புகள் உருவாகின்ற காலம்

பெரும்பாலான பெண்களுக்கு தான் கருவுற்றிருப்பதாக முதல் மாதத்திலேயே தெரியாது. இதயம், கல்லீரல், மூளை போன்ற முக்கிய உறுப்புகள் வளர்ச்சியடைவது முதல் மூன்றுமாத காலத்தில்தான். தாய் ஊட்டச்சத்து உணவுகளை சாப்பிடுவதால் மட்டுமே ஆரோக்கியமான குழந்தையை உருவாக்க முடியும்.

*இரண்டாவது மூன்று மாதங்கள் (4-6) – குழந்தையின் உடல்வளர்ச்சி

இந்த காலகட்டத்தை தாய் மகிழ்ச்சியான காலகட்டமாக அமைத்துக் கொள்வது நல்லது

*மூன்றாவது மூன்று மாதங்கள் (7-9) – குழந்தையின் எடை அதிகரித்தல்

குழந்தை முழுமையாக வளர்ந்து இருக்கும். சரிபாதி ஊட்டச்சத்து தாயிடமிருந்து குழந்தைக்கு செல்லும். இந்த காலத்தில் கருவுற்றோர், எளிமையான வீட்டு வேலைகளை செய்யலாம். ஆனால் கடினமான உடலுழைப்புகளை செய்யக் கூடாது. கீழே விழுவது, வழுக்கி விழுவது போன்ற விபத்துகள் நடைபெறாமல் பார்த்து கொள்வது நல்லது. கர்ப்பிணிகள் ஒய்வு மற்றும் ஊட்டச்சத்து உணவுகளை கட்டாயமாக்குவது குழந்தைக்கும் தாய்க்குமான ஆரோக்கியத்தை வலுப்படுத்தும்.

தம்பதியர் கருத்தரிக்க திட்டமிடும்போதே, போலிக் ஆசிட் மாத்திரைகளை மகப்பேறு மருத்துவரின் ஆலோசனையுடன் சாப்பிடலாம். போலிக் ஆசிட், இரும்பு சத்து, கால்சியம் போன்றவை மூளை மற்றும் முதுகெலும்பு வளர்ச்சிக்கு உதவும். தண்டுவடம், கபாலம் சரியாக வளராமல் இருந்தால், இதை சரி செய்ய போலிக் ஆசிட் மாத்திரை முக்கியமாகிறது.

* ஊட்டச்சத்து குறைபாடு…. கவனிக்க…

*உணவு, ஊட்டச்சத்து குறைந்தால் உடல் மற்றும் மூளை வளர்ச்சி தாமதமாகும், பாதிப்புகளும் ஏற்படலாம்.

*நாளாமில்லா சுரப்பிகள் பிரச்னை இருந்தாலும் வளர்ச்சி சீராக இருக்காது.
*தைராய்டு சுரப்பி குறைந்திருந்தால், குழந்தையின் மூளை வளர்ச்சி பாதிக்கப்படும். தைராய்டு மாத்திரைகளை சாப்பிட்டு குழந்தையை நார்மலாக வளர்க்க முடியும்.
*குழந்தை பிறந்த பின், 3-4 நாட்களுக்குள் தைராய்டு டெஸ்ட் செய்து கொள்வது நல்லது.


10 Herbs to Shrink Tumors and Kill Cancer Cells

10 Herbs to Shrink Tumors and Kill Cancer Cells

Oct 15, 2015

We usually use various herbs as addition to meals we make, to improve the flavor and “mix things up”. Throughout the history, herbs have been also used for their medicinal properties. They are associated with a positive effect on relieving various diseases, including the most dangerous ones – tumors and cancers. Keep reading this article and find out why you should definitely include more herbs into your diet and stay cancer free by avoiding foods in your diet.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains sulfur compounds which may stimulate the immune system’s natural defenses against cancer. Moreover, garlic is associated with reduced tumor growth as well. Numerous studies have confirmed garlic’s beneficial effect on prevention of cancer. For example, The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition is a long-going multinational study that involves male and female participants from 10 different countries, and it inspects effects of nutrition on cancer. The study revealed that high intake of garlic was associated with reduced risk of intestinal cancer. Consumption of garlic is also linked with a colon, esophagus, pancreas, and based cancer prevention. Therefore, to reduce chances of developing tumor or cancer, include garlic into your meals. This herb is both delicious and healthy.

2. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is one of the most important plants when we’re talking about liver health and cancer prevention. Milk thistle and seeds from the plant eliminate toxins that might connect to the liver, including cancer. Also, milk thistle has anti-tumor properties as well. This plant is already used for various treatments in Europe, while in the United States it is only available in the form of dietary supplement.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is known for numerous health benefits. Consuming a teaspoon of turmeric a day will make you feel better and improve your overall health. Another great reason you should consume it is the prevention of cancers and tumors. This herb contains anti-inflammatory properties, and it boosts our immunity system. Also, several studies have linked turmeric with increased number of tumor-fighting cells. A number of laboratory studies on cancer cells revealed that turmeric can decrease the risk of getting cancer. Further, in patients with cancer, turmeric was able to kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing and spreading.

4. Bloodroot

Bloodroot’s benefits in destroying cancer were already recognized by scientists. It is used in Black Salve which is a medicine for treating cancer. Naturally, you can use bloodroot on its own, and several tests revealed it has tumor-fighting properties too. Just like with cayenne pepper, bloodroot is toxic for cancer cells and causes apoptosis.

5. Feverfew

Feverfew is known for battling a fever, hence the name, and relieving the pain associated with a migraine. A study conducted at a University in New York also revealed that feverfew can be beneficial for killing off leukemia cells. Cancer researcher Harikrishna Nakshatri and his team from Breast Cancer Research at Indiana University’s School of Medicine discovered that feverfew has the ability to prevent breast cancer from spreading and also to reduce lung cancer.

6. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is usually consumed by people who love spicy food and sometimes they aren’t even aware of all its healthy benefits. If you don’t have a habit of spicing up your meals with cayenne pepper you should, definitely do so to protect your body from cancer. Cayenne pepper is a strong antioxidant and clinical studies conducted in England, Japan, and the United States revealed that capsaicin (a compound found in cayenne and other hot peppers) causes of cancer cells to undergo apoptosis. Apoptosis is a type of cellular self-termination, or we can safely say – suicide. It means that cayenne pepper is, actually, toxic to cancer cells and with regular consumption cancer cells can’t form in your body. Spice up your food and stay healthy.

7. Wheatgrass

According to some studies, consumption of a tiny glass of wheatgrass once a day proved to be health-boosting for both cancer and non-cancer participants. Wheatgrass is especially useful for people who are suffering from various side effects that were caused by cancer treatments. It purifies the blood, increases oxygen levels, and strengthens your body to fight off cancer successfully. Wheatgrass contains at least 13 vitamins and other healthy nutrients. For example, it contains selenium which is known for anti-cancer properties.

8. Ruscus Aculeatus

You might know this herb by the name Butcher’s Broom. Active ingredients from this herb, ruscogenins, have tumor-shrinking and anti-estrogenic properties, which is why this herb is used in breast cancer treatment. Also, Butcher’s broom has the ability to increase the number of cancer-fighting cells in one’s body.

9. Sheep’s Sorrel

To most people, this herb is just a common weed, but it has numerous health benefits. Sheep’s sorrel is beneficial for people who are experiencing the side effect of cancer medications. It helps patients’ tissue rebuild and return to the condition they had before cancer’s occurrence. You have probably heard of the Essiac tea that became popular due to cancer-curing properties. Well, this tea contains sheep’s sorrel.

10. Astragalus

This herb comes from China where it is known for its numerous health benefits, including cancer-fighting properties that were confirmed by several studies. For example, scientists from the University of Texas have revealed that cancer patients who received Astragalus had twice the survival rate of patients who received placebo. This herb is versatile and works perfectly with other herbs to fight off cancer. A study from Italy discovered that Astragalus and ligustrum combined decreased mortality rate in breast cancer patients from 50% to 10%. Astragalus improves person’s immune system which helps it identify cancer cells in the body.

More Herbs and Spices that Prevent Cancer

Ginger – has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and it is associated with decreased risk of getting cancer.

Black pepper – inhibits the growth of cancerous stem cells of breast tumors without destroying healthy cells. Also, it is linked with numerous health and cancer-fighting properties. It adds flavor to your food and protection for your body.

Oregano – contains carvacrol which is a molecule that helps offset the spread of cancer cells by acting as a natural disinfectant.


Back in time, there were no doctors who prescribed adequate treatment for people who didn’t feel well. That’s why many cultures looked for salvation in herbs that surrounded them. Today, usage of herbs for medical purposes is usually overlooked and ignore. However, they contain numerous benefits for our overall health, and they also have the ability to prevent us from getting cancer or develop tumors. Therefore, to improve your overall health and protect your body from cancer make sure you make a little room for herbs in your life as well.

Source: www.dietoflife.com

Massaging the Foot to Alleviate Headaches!

Massaging the Foot to Alleviate Headaches!

Do you want to relieve your headache in a matter of minutes? Try the ancient technique of foot massage, and feel the pain drain away.

Reflexology is a simple technique performed on the feet. It is based on the belief that all major organs and nerves are connected to our feet, and by pressing in the right way on the right place, various places in our body can be cured from pain.


First, massaging the solar plexus is designed to relax the foot and the overall tension. This action is performed by pressing the thumb or the point of a fisted hand to the center of the foot (the solar plexus area). Gently rub for several minutes. You can also rotate the foot gently to relax the tension in the Achilles tendon.

How do you press with the thumb?


Simply press on the point and keep the thumb on it. You should use gentle pressure at first. If your thumb is a bit weak, you can use the end of a pen (not the writing tip of course) or one of the specialized reflexology tools (see below).


Advanced techniques require moving the thumb in a small half circle, 'walking' the thumb along different points like little steps, or just rubbing up and down, again using the thumb.

How will you be sure you found the right spot?

Usually the point of pressure will be soft, and you will feel a light sensation of being pricked. The right spot may turn a bit red, white or a little bloated, and sometimes will go numb. The right pressure is up to the point where you feel uncomfortable, but not unbearably so, and not enough to cause any damage to the skin if you are using a pen/tool.

Mudras - Healing Through Your Fingers

Mudras - Healing Through Your Fingers

Most people associate yoga with a person sitting in the lotus position, hands on their knees with their forefinger and thumb touching. This positioning of the fingers is called “Mudra” and just like pressure points, this technique can affect our physical and emotional states.

Mudras have been known in the East for thousands of years, not only in meditation or yoga, but also as part of the treatment for various physical and mental ailments. At times, people put their fingers in the mudra position without even knowing it. There are hundreds of mudra variations, which include your head, hands and body, each one helping with different ailments.

This list will show you the 10 easiest mudras that you can perform everywhere and at any time - simply choose the one that corresponds to your problem and stick to it for a few days, until you feel better.
Please note that there is no need to apply pressure on your fingers. Perform these exercises with both hands simultaneously, preferably while sitting down.1. Gyan Mudra (Knowledge)

The tip of your forefinger touches the tip of the thumb while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: This mudra stimulates the pituitary gland, which controls your metabolism, as well as your sleep cycles. Gyan helps improve your memory, prevents insomnia, provides clarity of mind and can help in preventing dementia.Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.2. Prithvi Mudra (Earth)

The tip of the thumb touches the tip of your ring finger while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: Prithvi helps you with physical and mental weaknesses, prevents chronic lethargy, provides an energy boost and reduces the symptoms of osteoporosis. Other benefits include prevention of dryness of the skin, rashes, aging, hair loss, and even stomach ulcers.Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.3. Varuna Mudra (Water)

The tip of the pinky touches the tip of the thumb while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: Varuna helps balance your mental state, as well as your bodily fluids (it prevents dryness of the eyes, mouth, digestive system and skin). This mudra also aids in stopping cramps and constipation, as well as regulates the menstrual cycle and other hormonal irregularities in women. On top of all of these benefits, it can prevent joint degradation, anemia, and even may improve your sense of taste.

Perform for 45 minutes every day, or for 15 minutes 3 times a day. Avoid if you’re dealing with excess water retention.

4. Vayu Mudra (Air)

The thumb holds the forefinger down while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: Vayu helps reduce stress and anxiety, as well as the intensity of your voice. It aids in decision making and impatience, shyness, unease, the hiccups, cramps, dizziness, and even Parkinson’s symptoms.Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.5. Shunya Mudra (Emptiness)

The thumb holds the middle finger down while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: Shunya is effective in cases of earaches and serves as a confidence booster. This position also prevents a feeling of emptiness, tinnitus, and even vertigo.In cases of severe earaches, vertigo or numbness of a limb, perform this mudra until the problem is solved. Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. Note that experts recommend stopping once the problem is over.6. Surya Mudra (Sun)

The thumb holds the ring finger down while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: This mudra helps reactivate the thyroid, lose weight and revitalize the digestive system. It also aids in reducing stress and anxiety while keeping you focused on your goals. Another benefit of the Surya is in keeping you warm if you’re suffering from chills.Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. Pay attention to your body temperature while in this position, and stop once your body starts to get too warm.7. Prana Mudra (Life)

The tips of the ring finger and pinky touch your thumb while the rest of the fingers remain straight.
Targets: Prana helps strengthen your mind and can boost your motivation. It also improves your eyesight, reduces tiredness and depression, and boosts the immune system.Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.8. Apana Mudra (Digestion)

The middle and ring fingers are held by the thumb.
Targets: Apana helps regulate your kidneys and intestines, thus aiding in cleaning your body from toxins and preventing constipation. Other benefits are the prevention of nausea and vomiting, as well as a burning sensation while urinating.

This position is particularly useful for diabetics as it regulates blood glucose levels.
Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.9. Apana Vayu Mudra (Heart)

The forefinger touches the base of the thumb while the middle and ring fingers are held by the thumb. The pinky remains straight.
Targets: Apana Vayu helps prevent heart diseases and other heart-related problems. In addition, it prevents gases and heartburn.Perform for 30-45 minutes every day, or for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. If you’ve experienced heart problems in the past, it is particularly recommended to practice this position daily.10. Linga Mudra (Heat)

Interlock your fingers while keeping the left thumb straight. Wrap the left thumb with your forefinger and right thumb, both of which should touch.

Targets: Linga helps increase body temperature and reduces phlegm and congestion. It strengthens the lungs and is particularly effective in cases of a cold, flu, sinus infections and asthma. It is also known to aid in men’s sexual virility.

It is recommended that you do not practice this mudra regularly, but rather only when you’re sick. Once the symptoms are gone, stop practicing it.

Health Benefits of Hot and Cold Baths According to Ayurveda

Health Benefits of Hot and Cold Baths According to Ayurveda

Sep 12, 2015

Taking bath regularly keeps you healthy, fresh, energetic and rejuvenated for the whole day and for life is a statement made in Ayurveda centuries ago. All of us take bath daily as a formality and as a routine part of our daily schedules. But the medical importance of taking bath has not been emphasized and explained anywhere other than the oldest holistic medical science…Ayurveda. Here we shall be discussing about the holistic and medical horizons of bathing.

What are the benefits of bathing?

“Deepanam vrishyamaayushyam snaanamojo bala pradam
Kandoo mala shrama sweda tandraa trut daaha paapmanut”


Enhances the digestive fire (capacity) and regularizes metabolism. This property enables us to digest our food properly. This may probably brought about by improvisation of circulation & retention of heat after bath.


Aphrodisiac effect. keeps us fresh and spirited during the act. Bathing relaxes the mind and body from the effects of day long stress and fills in enthusiasm.


Enhances life span. It means to say that it fills in a new energy and life in all the cells.

Oorja & Bala Pradam:

Provides energy and strength. This is achieved when the bath alleviates tiredness and fatigue enabling an individual to get actively involved in physical and mental activities.
Relieves one from kandoo (itching), mala (dirt), shrama (fatigue), sweda (sweating), tandra (stupor), trut (thirst), daaha (burning sensation) and paapma (effects of unwholesome and sinful acts)

Effects of Morning Bath:

“Praata snaanam cha paapaharanam duswapna pradhwamsanam shouchasya aayatanam malaapaharanam samvardhanam tejasaam”

“Roopa dhyotakaram shareera sukhadam kaamaagni sandeepanam streenaam manmatha gaahanam shramaharam snaane dashaite gunaaha”

The below mentioned 8 fold benefits are achieved after snana (bath):

Relieves one from paapma (effects of unwholesome and sinful acts)
Destroys the effects of bad dreams and nightmares.
Source of cleanliness.
Removes dirt and dust.
Improves appetite.
Improves color and complexion.
Gives freshness to the body.
Relieves one from fatigue.

Health Benefits of Having Cold and Hot bath:

Cold bath helps alleviate Raktapitta(haemorrhagic disorders).

Hot bath increases strength of an individual and pacified the aggravated vata and kapha. It provides strength only when it is used to bathe the body excluding the head.

It means to tell that hot water should not be used for head bath. If done it not only destroys the strength but also causes harm to the hairs and eyes. When vata and kapha doshas are vitiated luke warm water can be used for head bath.

“Asheetena ambhasa snaanam payaha paanam yuva striyaha
Etadvoo maanavaaha pathyam snigdamalpam cha bhojanam”

As quoted by Ashwini Devas (or the divine physicians of Hindu mythology who are rated as the first ever physicians by Ayurveda) to King Bhoja “Bathing with hot water, drinking milk, food in lesser quantities which is admixed with ghee are always beneficial for you” These can be considered as beneficial for the whole human race…for all of us.

Aamalaki or Embalica Officinalis called amla is said to be one of the best rejuvenators in Ayurveda – when taken as an internal medicine. The same is advised to be used for bathing in Yoga Ratnakara(Ayurvedic text)

“Yaha sadaa aamalakaihi snaanam karoti sa vinishchitam
Valee palita nirmukto jeevadvarshashatam naraha”

One who regularly takes bath using amalaki admixed water or by applying paste of amalaki will be devoid of vali(ageing and wrinkling) and palita(premature maturing of hairs) and will have a healthy life span of hundred years.

Conditions Contraindicated For Bathing:

Those suffering from fever, diarrhea, diseases related to eye and ears, flatulence, cold and congestion, diseases caused by vitiated vayu and indigestion should not take bath. It should not be taken immediately after taking food too.

Wipe Your Body Thoroughly After Bath:

“Snaanasyaanantaram samyak vastrena tanu marjanam
Kaanti pradam shareerasya kandu twak roga naashanam”

After bath one should wipe his body using a clean cloth thoroughly. By doing so one gets relieved of itching and skin related ailments. The complexion of the skin increases as a result of wiping.


கான்டாக்ட் லென்ஸ் அணிபவர்கள் கவனிக்க வே&

கான்டாக்ட் லென்ஸ் அணிபவர்கள் கவனிக்க வேண்டிய 8 வழிகள்!


ங்கிலாந்தில் வசிக்கும் ஜாக்கி ஸ்டோன் என்ற 42 வயதுப் பெண்மணி, பார்வைக் குறைபாட்டுக்காக கான்டாக்ட் லென்ஸ் பொருத்திக்கொண்டார். பிரிட்டனிலேயே இரண்டாவது பிரபலமான நிறுவனத்தின் தயாரிப்பைத்தான் அவர் பயன்படுத்தி இருக்கிறார். லென்ஸை அணிந்த மறுதினமே பார்வை மங்கலானதை அவர் உணர்ந்தார். இரண்டு நாட்கள் கழித்து வலி பொறுக்க முடியவில்லை. மருத்துவரிடம் விஷயத்தைச் சொன்னபோது, கண்களுக்கு சொட்டு மருந்து போட்டு வீட்டுக்கு அனுப்பி இருக்கிறார். ஆனால், எல்லை மீறிய வலியின் காரணமாக மீண்டும் மருத்துவமனைக்கு வந்திருக்கிறார். வலியைக் குறைப்பதற்கான மருந்துகள் எதுவும் வேலை செய்யவில்லை. அவரது கண்ணில் ஃப்யூசாரியம் (fusarium) என்னும் பூஞ்சைத் தொற்று ஏற்பட்டு இருப்பதைக் கண்டுபிடித்தார்கள்.

அதற்குள் அவரது இடது கண்ணில் மூன்று படலங்களையும், 70 நரம்புகளையும் அந்தப் பூஞ்சை தின்று தீர்த்திருந்தது. மருத்துவமனையில் விழித்திரை மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை உள்பட 22 அறுவை சிகிச்சைகள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டன. ஆனாலும், பலன் இல்லை. 17 வாரங்கள் அவர் மருத்துவமனையில் தங்கி சிகிச்சை பெற நேர்ந்தது. இருந்தும் அவரது இடது கண் பார்வை பறிபோனது. இந்தப் பூஞ்சைத் தொற்று, பார்வை நரம்புகள் மூலம் மூளையைத் தாக்கக்கூடிய அபாயம் இருக்கும் என மருத்துவர்கள் அஞ்சியதால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட கண்ணையே அப்புறப்படுத்த வேண்டியதாயிற்று. பூஞ்சைத் தொற்று ஏற்பட்டதற்குக் காரணம் அவர் கண்ணில் அணிந்திருந்த காண்டாக்ட் லென்ஸ்தான் என மருத்துவர்கள் உறுதி செய்தனர். அவர் தற்போது செயற்கைக் கண் பொருத்திக்கொண்டு இருக்கிறார்.

கான்டாக்ட் லென்ஸ் அணிபவர்கள் கவனிக்க வேண்டிய 8 வழிகளை நம்மிடம் பகிர்ந்துகொள்கிறார், சென்னை ஸ்டான்லி அரசு மருத்துவக் கல்லூரியின் கண் சிகிச்சைப் பிரிவுப் பேராசிரியர் கே. கண்மணி.

* உரிய மருத்துவரின் ஆலோசனையின் பேரில் சிறந்த நிறுவனத்தின் தரமான தயாரிப்பைப் பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும்.

* அணிவதற்கான பயிற்சியினைக் கற்றுக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

* முகம் பார்க்கும் கண்ணாடி முன் நின்று அணிய வேண்டும்.

* மின் விசிறியை அணைத்துவிட்டு அணிய வேண்டும். இல்லாவிட்டால் லென்ஸ் காற்றில் பறக்கும் வாய்ப்பு உண்டு.

* லென்ஸ் தவறி விழுந்தாலும், கீறல் ஏற்பட்டுவிடாதபடி கீழே ஒரு சுத்தமான துணி இருக்கும்படி பார்த்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

* நகக் கீறல் லென்ஸில் ஏற்படாமல் இருக்க நகத்தை ஒட்ட நறுக்க வேண்டும்.

* கண்ணுக்குச் சொட்டு மருந்து போடும்போது லென்ஸைக் கழற்றிவிடவும்.

* லென்ஸ் அணிபவர்கள் கண்ணுக்கு மை போடக்கூடாது.

10 Common Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

10 Common Warning Signs of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer, claiming the lives of more than a million people every year. Despite these worrying numbers, lung cancer is not necessarily a death sentence if you catch it early enough. The problem is that most people aren’t aware of the early symptoms, which could potentially save lives. In this guide, we will review the ten most common early symptoms of lung cancer, that everyone should know.

1. Chronic Cough

If you’re coughing so often that you’re now hoarse, and the coughing still won’t stop, it may be a warning sign. Many of us will associate the coughing initially with a recent cold or seasonal allergies, but if your cough has been going on for eight or more weeks, consult with your physician. Another aspect you should note is that patients report that the cough worsens at night, making it harder to sleep.

2. Quick, Unexplained Weight Loss

Western society tends to celebrate weight loss, which is the result of the high obesity rates and the subsequent heart diseases it entails. As nice as it may be to shed those extra pounds, if you’re not actively trying to lose weight (either by exercising or by dieting), yet it seems to be dropping nonetheless, you may want to contact your doctor. The cause of this unexpected weight loss is that your body knows that there is a tumor growing inside, and it is burning all of its energy reserves trying to fight it.

3. Labored Breathing

Suffering from shortness of breath or wheezing isn’t necessarily an indicator of lung cancer, so most people will not associate these symptoms with cancer. However, if these symptoms appear all of a sudden, even during activities that you used to do with ease, it may serve as a warning sign. It is advisable to get checked by your physician, particularly if you have a history of lung cancer in your family, or if you are a smoker.

4. Pains in Your Hands and Fingers

If you’re feeling tired and your fingers are hurting, it can be an early warning sign of cancer. If the skin on your palms is getting thick, and you notice the appearance of white or pale folds, you might be experiencing a condition called “tripe palm”, placing you within a high-risk group for cancer.

5. Chest Pains

If you’re experiencing pain while laughing, coughing, or lifting something, it might very well be a significant warning sign, particularly if the pain is persistent. The pain is caused by tumors that are growing inside your lungs, pressing against the surrounding tissues. In addition, lung cancer tends to spread to the bones. So if your chest pains are accompanied by bone pains (especially in the back or hips), contact your physician immediately!

6. Unexplained Mood Swings

Sudden, unexplained irritability is often a sign of cancer, but most patients and doctors don’t make the connection right away. If you’re experiencing sudden bouts of irritability or anger, followed by depression or exhaustion that is accompanied by other symptoms on this list - you ought to make a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible.

7. Blood in Your Phlegm

If you notice blood in your phlegm, it is never a good sign, and even just small spots can spell doom. While bloody phlegm doesn’t automatically indicate lung cancer, it’s still a warning sign, so don’t wait to have it looked at, particularly if you’re coughing up large amounts of blood, or the bleeding doesn’t stop.

8. Irregularities in Breast Tissues

Men suffering from lung cancer can experience development of breasts, as the cancer forces the body to release hormones it wouldn’t normally secrete. Change in the breasts will take place over a period of a few weeks to a few months. Do not ignore such changes and make it a priority to consult with your family doctor.

9. Pain in the Shoulders

You may think it’s irrelevant, but chronic shoulder pain can sometimes be the result of a tumor that is pressuring the nerves in the armpit, leading to tingling sensations, aches, and shooting pains from the shoulder and down the arms. This sign is more common in later stages of the cancer, when the tumor is already very large. You may also feel pain in the ribs near the armpit, swelling of the lymph nodes and face, and general aches in your body.

10. Repeated Infections

If you’re suffering from recurring infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis, in addition to other infections, particularly of the airways, know that it is closely associated with lung cancer. These chronic infections are caused by the body’s immune system being weakened from battling tumors.

Health benefits of sweat potatoes


Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes :

1. They are high in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including heart attacks.

2. They are a good source of vitamin C. While most people know that vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses, few people are aware that this crucial vitamin plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation.

It helps accelerate wound healing, produces collagen which helps maintain skin’s youthful elasticity, and is essen­tial to helping us cope with stress. It even appears to help protect our body against toxins that may be linked to cancer.

3. They contain Vitamin D which is critical for immune system and overall health . Both a vitamin and a hormone, vitamin D is primarily made in our bodies as a result of getting adequate sunlight. Vitamin D plays an important role in our energy levels, moods, and helps to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth, and it supports the thyroid gland.

4. Sweet potatoes contain iron. Most people are aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy, but iron plays other important roles in our body, including red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper im­mune functioning, and the metabolizing of protein, among other things.

5. Sweet potatoes are a good source of mag­nesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. Magnesium is necessary for healthy artery, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function.

6. They are a source of potassium, one of the important electrolytes that help regulate heartbeat and nerve signals. Like the other electrolytes, potassium performs many essential functions, some of which include relaxing muscle contractions, reducing swelling, and protecting and controlling the activity of the kidneys.

7. Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting but their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain.

8. They are high in carotenoids like beta carotene and other carotenoids, which is the precursor to vitamin A in your body. Carotenoids help strengthen our eyesight and boost our immunity to disease, they are powerful antioxidants that help ward off cancer and protect against the effects of aging.

Studies at Harvard University of more than 124,000 people showed a 32 percent reduction in risk of lung cancer in people who consumed a variety of carotenoid-rich foods as part of their regular diet. Another study of women who had completed treatment for early stage breast cancer conducted by researchers at Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) found that women with the highest blood concentrations of carotenoids had the least likelihood of cancer recurrence.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Jeera (Cumin Seed) Water

The Health Benefits of Drinking Jeera (Cumin Seed) Water

Drinking jeera water on a daily basis has several health benefits.

  1. According to Ayurveda, warm jeera water is helpful in strengthening our digestive system, circulatory system and balance our tri-doshas – vata, pita and kapha.
  2. Warm jeera water helps to refresh our body and flush out the toxins from the body.
  3. Jeera water contains good antiseptic properties that fights common cold and fevers.
  4. When a little ginger is mixed in jeera water, it helps to soothe a sore throat.
  5. Jeera (Cumin seeds) are highly noted for digestive disorders like atonic dyspepsia, diarrhea,biliousness, morning sickness, indigestion, malabsorption syndrome, and flatulent colic.
  6. Jeera water is also effective in inducing sleep. After taking a A teaspoon of cumin seeds and a ripe banana at night, drink jeera water to induce sleep.
  7. Cumin is said to increase the heat in the body thus making metabolism more efficient.
  8. Jeera is rich in Vitamin-E. The essential oils present in this have disinfectant and anti fungal properties, which prevents any microbial and fungal infection from affecting the skin.
  9. Cumin is rich in iron and it is highly beneficial for ladies, especially those who are pregnant, or lactating mothers.
  10. Also helpful for the burning sensation of the palms and soles.

Prostate Diet

Prostate Diet

The prostate is a gland present in the male reproductive system, which is the roughly around the shape and size of a walnut. Unfortunately, there are many men who suffer from prostate problems, especially an enlarged prostate (also known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia or BPH), inflammation and prostate cancer. Some of the first signs of prostate problems include problems urinating, traces of blood in the urine and changes in the color of urine. While prostate problems are a lot more common in middle-aged and older men, they can affect just about anybody. It has been seen that men who consume a more calories than is required on a daily basis are a lot more likely to develop prostate problems, as compared to the others.

Apart from the intake of excess calories a diet that is very high in animal-based protein could also increase the risks of prostate problems. Caffeine too should be restricted from a healthy prostate diet so soda, coffee, tea and chocolate should be consumed only in limited quantities. Almost all health experts state that it is important for men to follow a healthy prostate diet right from an early age, so that they can avoid prostate problems as they age. The diets that are recommended for various prostate conditions may vary, based on the type of problem, as well as severity of the ailment.

Most people prefer to treat an enlarged prostate naturally, which includes certain foods. Given below are the nutrients that should be a part of the best prostate diet for an enlarged prostate:

  • Beta-sitosterol, which is found in sugarcane pulp and herbs, such as saw palmetto and pygeum
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, present in flaxseed oil, basil, tuna, salmon oil, halibut and cod liver oil
  • Zinc, generally found in poultry, pork, dairy products, shellfish, eggs, red meat and oysters
  • Vitamin D, which can be found in milk, green leafy vegetables and liver
  • Vitamin E, present in foods like dry or roast almonds, peanut butter, broccoli, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil and spinach
Inflamed Prostate Diet

An irritated prostate diet should include be very high in foods that contain antioxidants, as they enhance the immune system, making it stronger. Some of the foods that should be a part of an irritated or inflamed prostate diet include:

  • Watermelons
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapefruit
  • Papaya
  • Red berries
  • Green leafy veggies
  • Red wine
  • Black tea
  • Broccoli
  • Onions
  • Citrus fruit
  • Raspberries

It is absolutely essential for people to consume a high amount of water for prostate health. There are several prostate dietary supplements also available in the market, which can make up for the lack of adequate nutrients in a diet. However, it is important for people to check with a doctor for daily recommended doses, before adding any supplement to their diet. In fact, men who are elderly or are suffering from any other preexisting medical condition should make sure that they consult a doctor before making any changes to a diet.

Prostate Foods

In order to maintain good prostate health, it is absolutely essential for men to make sure that they eat the healthy prostate foods at all times. There are certain prostate foods to avoid as they could trigger off prostate problems in men. Given below is a list of some of the bad prostate foods, which should be eaten only in limited quantities:

  • Processed foods, which are very high in trans-fats. This usually includes all commercially prepared food items, such as pastries, pie crusts, canned soup, frozen entrees, fast food and anything else that may be made using hydrogenated vegetable oil, or even partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Foods that contain margarine or shortening are also unhealthy for the prostate.
  • Animal based products, such as cream, butter, dark meat poultry, beef fat, pork, cheese, whole milk, full cream dairy products, beef, poultry with skin and lamb should be avoided, or eaten in limited amounts. It is best to opt for plant based sources of fat, such as olive oil, palm kernel oil, cocoa butter, palm oil and coconut oil.
  • Refined grains or carbs that have been totally stripped of healthy nutrients, like vitamins and fiber, during the processing stage. Hence, baked goods, polished rice, candies, ice cream, sugar, enriched bread and cereals.

Fortunately, there are certain good prostate foods to eat too, which should be a regular part of all men’s diet. Given below are some of the healthy enlarged prostate foods:

  • Broccoli
  • Cod liver oil
  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Flaxseed and flaxseed oil
  • Halibut
  • Herbs, like basil, pygeum and saw palmetto
  • Liver
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • Roast almonds
  • Salmon and salmon oil
  • Shellfish
  • Skinless poultry
  • Spinach
  • Sugarcane pulp
  • Sunflower oil
  • Tuna
  • Wheat germ oil

However, some of these foods may not be ideal for people who are suffering from other medical conditions and therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before making any dietary alterations.

Juice For Prostate

Several men check with health experts about the benefits of juice for prostate problems. Data shows that drinking juice for prostate health can be very effective, as it can treat and prevent major health issues, such as prostate cancer. However, it is important to use the right juice for prostate cancer; commercially prepared juices may not be very effective as they contain high amounts of preservatives and sugar, which reduce their nutritional value. Men should drink homemade fresh juice for prostate improvement.

Cranberry juice for prostate is very effective, especially in case of those men who are suffering from prostatitis. It prevents infections, by flushing the bacteria out of the bladder. It also acidifies the urine, so that urethritis and other prostrate problems can be avoided. Cranberry juice contains anti-cancer properties and therefore, it can prevent prostate cancer.

Health experts also claim that drinking carrot juice for prostate can be useful, as it can prevent cancer. Another common recommendation from health experts is the consumption of pomegranate juice for prostate cancer.

Men also check about the benefits or lime or lemon juice for prostate health. Data shows that taking some amount of lemon or lime juice for prostate can be beneficial, as it boosts immunity and keeps the digestive tract healthy.


original or duplicate medicine

original or duplicate medicine

Know u r medicines original or duplicate...

If you want to know that the drug which you brought from the store are original or duplicate is just by easy 3 steps ..... By dr.trilok raval

behind the each medicine there is one nine digit number which is the unique id number .........
Just msg that number to 9901099010
After 10 sec. You will get one response msg ........

If the medicine is original then you will get the reply with the proper batch number and the name of the pharma company .....
Which you can cross check with your strips or any medicine which you brought ......
And if the number is not matching then you just have to resend the same msg so the complaint will be registered .

10 Ways To Get Rid Of Corns On Your Toes

10 Ways To Get Rid Of Corns On Your Toes

Corns are small and sneaky patches of hard thickened skin can creep up on feet and toes and stay in a rather unsightly manner. They tend to occur on sides of toes and form as a result of pressure or friction on that part of the toe.
Skin affected by corns appears to be a different shade from the rest of the toe or foot and looks unappealing. In the summer time, having corns certainly may make you think twice whether or not to wear sandals. Enough about the terrible news on how corns can totally bum your life. Now let us get into the useful news and explore how to get rid of corns on your toes and feet.

1.) Baking Soda Soak To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

The great thing about this particular solution to corns is that it is relatively cheap, found in most household shelves, and easy to use. Baking soda has properties that act as exfoliating agents on skin. When trying to get rid of corns, baking soda works great in exfoliating the layers of dead skin away and rid of the corn. To make your own baking soda remedy, mix three tablespoons of baking soda with a quarter of a basin full of water. Soak you feet for about 15 minutes, remove from water and gently scrub with a soft brush.

2.) Baking Coda Paste To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

Alternatively or additionally, you can make your home made baking soda paste as a remedy to corns. To make this paste, you will need a teaspoon of lemon juice, teaspoon of water, and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix the three ingredients until it forms a paste. This paste has the same exfoliating powers of a baking soda foot soak but with an added punch of lemon acidity to penetrate the layers of dead skin even more effectively. Apply the paste to an affected area and cover with a bandage and leave overnight. Wash off the paste the next day and gently rub with a soft brush.

3.) Pumice Stone To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

The best remedies are found in nature, and this is the ultimate example of this. Pumice is a type of volcanic rock with air pockets that formed when the magma was cooling. Many years later, humans discovered how to make this airy property of the stone useful. In removing corns, the ruggedness and softness of the rock work great to effectively rid of the dead skin layers. For the most effective results, soak your feet in water, or better yet, in baking soda water, before you gently massage the affected area with pumice.

4.) Lemon To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

Ah! Lemon! The citrusy fruit has come to the rescue. One of the great things about this particular treatment is that it smells quite good–definitely a win-win. Because lemons have high acidity levels, they are nature’s best acid providers for the use of health. The acid in the lemon is a softening agent that penetrates dead skin and softens it. With consistent use, it will eventually penetrate the skin layer by layer, softening it, then allowing it to fall away. To use this remedy, rub fresh lemon juice with a cotton or fabric in circular motions for a few minutes, then allow it to air dry. Repeat this about three times daily.

5.) Turpentine Oil To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

If you have not yet come across this versatile oil, it is about time you do. Turpentine oil is well known for its healing properties and when it comes to treating corns on your toes, it does some good. To use this remedy, develop a nightly routine of massaging the corns with ice wrapped in thin cloth for one or two minutes. After the ice rub, apply some turpentine oil, massaging it into and around the corns. Wrap the area with a bandage and leave it overnight.

6.) Turmeric Powder To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

Turmeric powder is great in easing pain and speeding up healing in the process of getting rid of corns on your feet. To make the mixture, add a half a teaspoon of honey to a teaspoon of turmeric powder to create a thick paste. Apply the paste on the corns and rub it gently for about a minute. Allow it to air dry and wash off with warm water. Repeat the process twice a day.

7.) Aloe Vera To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

Aloe vera is one of the most well known remedies for virtually anything and everything’s, corns included. On its own, it may not be as effective in this particular case, but when mixed with other ingredients, their properties to heal complement each other and create a powerful corns remedy. Aloe vera mixed with potato paste and moisturizing jelly is one of these potent corn busting remedies. The potatoes should be uncooked and grated to be mixed with aloe vera and create the paste. Apply to the affected area thrice daily.

8.) Moisturize To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

After showering, it is critically important to moisturize your corns with lotions of natural oils. This will help the skin on the corn soften and eventually begin to fall away and hence, rid of the corn.

9.) Over The Counter Medications To Get Rid Of Corns On Toes

Antibiotics from over the counter work well in conjunction with your at home remedies. They help prevent infections and minimize risks when you treat the corns at home. This is a good way to stay on the safe side of avoiding more serious health complications.

10.) Talk Yo Your Doctor On What You Can Do

At times, when the condition persists regardless of your efforts, it may be an indicator of an underlying condition. Talk with your doctor or podiatrist about what your condition and they will help you find additional remedies in case the condition is more serious than previously thought.
Does Cinnamon Help Diabetes?

Does Cinnamon Help Diabetes?

Several small studies have linked cinnamon to better blood sugar levels. Some of this work shows it may curb blood sugar by loweringinsulin resistance.

In one study, volunteers ate from 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon for 40 days. (One gram of ground cinnamon is about half a teaspoon.) The researchers found that cinnamon cut cholesterol by about 18% andblood sugar levels by 24%. But in other studies, the spice did not lower blood sugar or cholesterol levels.

Is Cinnamon Safe for People With Diabetes?

Unless you have liver damage, it should be OK for you to enjoy it in food. If you do have liver problems, be careful, because large amounts of cinnamon may make them worse.

If you are considering cinnamon supplements, talk with your doctor first, especially if you take any medication. Also, look for brands labeled with a quality seal. These include the NSF International, US Pharmacopeia, or Consumerlab seal. This helps assure that the supplement actually has the ingredients stated on the label and doesn't have any contaminants or potentially harmful ingredients.

Unlike medications, supplement makers don't have to prove their products are safe or effective. But the FDA can order a supplement off the market if it proves it's unsafe.

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