From what I have read Ramana was not good at studies and used to bully other students. On both these counts he used to get punishment from his guardian (elder brother, I think). Once he got very ill and his condition was very critical at one point. He recovered from the illness but the fear of imminent death which he had some experience during that illness made him constatntly think about life and death, and ultimately the question, "Who is this "I" who lives and then dies?".I think Ramana never met Yama but had a feel of death is that correct? Jambu :crazy:
Yes absolutely, but savithri has not asked anything for society. She needs her husband back, that was the only motto of her. Whereas Yudhistra and Vidhura themselves are the avatar of shri Yama. Markandeya met yama but not even talked to him, since infromt of him Shri mahadeva hitted yama with his left leg.
So the only guy who talked with yama for the societal sake is sage nachiketas, am I right uncle??? Might be in that small age, he is totally free of any bondings or other things as we see in the case of savithri devi.
I am just imagining what will happen today. Will anybody's wife fight with Yama Dharma Raaja for her husband like Savithri?
Just imagine and make your own conclusions
All the best
The children of parents will go abroad, settled there. In tamil there is a proverb, "Settha anniku vaa na patthu anniku vara" (If I asked you to come for the death ceremony, you are coming for the tenth day ceremony). Our this generation children are good examples for this. I just dont want to go in detail regarding this as it will hit the privacy too.