Looks like you are much excited and already influenced by your stay in Dubai. For the first time I hear about a muslim iyer community since you say that you hail from brahim iyer community .. Did you mean ibrahim iyer community?
PS: this is tongue-in-cheek!
It need not be.
I had a Christian friend from Goa, who was attracted to Christian girl from Kerala. When I suggested that they should get married, he told me that his father will never accept the union. Then he told me that he was a Brahmin Christian and she was a NB.
Some prominent castes among Sikhs are Arora, Khatri, Ramgarhia, Jat, Saini, Kamboh, Mahton, Chhimba, Mohyal , Chamar, etc. Each caste has its sphere of influence and specialization.
Brahman , the highest caste among Hindus, does not have the same rank in Punjab, especially among Sikhs. In rural areas most of them are ordinary farmers and generally not as prosperous as Jats, Mahtons and Sainis etc. They also used to work as cooks in villages when they did not have sufficient land for ploughing. In urban area they also do shopkeeping. They gave up their traditional profession of priest craft a long time ago during Mughal era when Hinduism was not allowed to be practiced openly. A clear sign of this state of affairs to have existed was the complete absence of historical Hindu temples in Punjab which were demolished during Mughal rule. Brahmins of Punjab were thus deprived of their traditional means of living and were driven to penury.
Mohyals are one of the Brahmin groups of Punjab who in earlier era also used to be Sikhs in good numbers. Many of Gurus' close comrades like Chaupa Singh, Bhai Mati Das and Bhai Sati Das came from this caste. In the earlier era of Sikh history, it was not uncommon to come across the term Brahman Sikh.
Some of the earlier Rehitnamas or regulations of Sikhs were authored by Brahman Sikhs some of whom had used them to insinuate higher status for themselves but the reformist Sikhs of twentieth century rejected these Rehitnamas as inauthentic and developed a new revised one which is now endorsed and published by SGPC.