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Moolnakshtra dosham and Pariharam

  • Thread starter Thread starter suresh2012
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Hi All
My friend is suffering with lot of problem in life. He is trying out temple/pooja/japam/some pariharam etc. It does not work. His mother having Moola nakshthram , he has enormous faith in his mother.
He even pray for her well being. His mother suffered/suffering a lot through out his life. My friend's
wife deserted him at middle age and he is depending on only his mother's support. So he is praying for her health. But he is felt depressed because he is facing many failures/obstacles in life. He is currently jobless and depressed.

Will his mother's Moola nakshtra dosha will affect him ? Also provide him good astrologer/nadi jothidam/Guru's who can help him.

One of my friend suggest to visit, Nithyananda swami in Bidar Ashramam. All suggestions are helpful.

Shri Suresh,

I feel extremely sorry for your friend and his mother. May both get relieved from all the pains ASAP.

As far as I could know, let me tell you about Moola Nakshatra..

If a person is born in the First Pada (first quarter) of Moola Nakshatra, it will be harmful for the person's father.

If a person is born in the Second Pada of Moola Nakshatra, it will be harmful for the person's mother.

If a person is born in the Third Pada of Moola Nakshatra, it will just indicate losses of wealth.

If a person is born in the Fourth Pada of Moola Nakshatra, it will give good results and pleasures, with some losses at times.

The Nakshatras - Aswini, Aayilyam, Magham, Moolam, Ketai and Revathy would give some negative results to the native and that of native's Father or Mother or Brothers, varying differently for these 6 Nakshatras. BUT will not be troubling one's children, having been born in specific padas of these nakshatras and being a parent.

So, your friend need not think that his mother's brith nakshatra might be giving troubles in his life.

It is purly his own destiney and that of his mother to face such unpleasant situations in their respective lives. There can well be chances of his own planetary configurations and influences that may indicate troubles to his mother as well.

For better interpretations/astrological consultations and genuine guidance, you may consult Shri.K.V.L.N.Sharma, Sri Vidya Upasakar.

You have to fix an appointment in advance, contacting the office in Mylapore.

Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Brindavanam Trust,
New No.43, Old No.21/3,
Alamelumangapuram 3rd Street,
Mylapore, Chennai.

(Near Shiridi Sai Baba Temple)

Ph. No. : 2493 8734

Dear Suresh,

I know at least five cases of Moola nakshatra born individuals, men and women who are all living happily. No one in their family-this includes their in-laws too- has suffered because of their moola nakshatra. Don't believe in all this nakshatra based destiny. There is no astrologer who has completely understood the jyotisha Shastra. So what all you hear is approximations which may or may not hold good. I think if your friend forgets jyotisham and Moola nakshatram for some time and puts in efforts with faith in God it will do a lot of good to him. We do not choose our mothers. So moolam or Ayilyam, a mother is a mother and a son has to treat her with love and respect.
Dear Suresh,

I know at least five cases of Moola nakshatra born individuals, men and women who are all living happily. No one in their family-this includes their in-laws too- has suffered because of their moola nakshatra. Don't believe in all this nakshatra based destiny. There is no astrologer who has completely understood the jyotisha Shastra. So what all you hear is approximations which may or may not hold good. I think if your friend forgets jyotisham and Moola nakshatram for some time and puts in efforts with faith in God it will do a lot of good to him. We do not choose our mothers. So moolam or Ayilyam, a mother is a mother and a son has to treat her with love and respect.

I like this comment very much. I too believe that people should have faith in God, and forget all this mumbo-jumbo of finding fault in Naksatra and astrology. Take some responsibility and get your problems solved instead of wasting time and money chasing some celestial object.
Dear Suresh

I think we need to talk - you can call me on my cell # 99414 72522. I agree with Sri Prasad1 on this count
- I suppose deeper delving into the situation is warranted rather than just posting things in this forum and
expecting somebody to come-up with a panacea for your 'problems'.

Feel free to call, I'll do whatever I can to help.

Dear Shri Suresh,

With due respects to the opinions of others, IMO astrology points out your problem from a different perspective than your normal thinking and analysis would. It gives you access to information which is not accessible by the above means.

Having said that too much reliance or addiction to astrology is not good because it is like any other thing which is seductive per se. The prospect of foreseeing one's problems and removing them by pariharams is enticing as it sounds easy. This is where the rationalists would jump in and have a field day because what is projected is that you want to have an easy way out.

The tragedy is that the real logic behind astrology, of which I am convinced due to a smattering of my understanding gained from my attempt to study astrology, is glossed over and only these negatives come to the fore.

What I would do is get the perspective of astrology if at all really possible because there is a dearth of sincere and competent astrologers and get the pariharams done sincerely. I am saying this because any sincere and well intentioned efforts would not go in vain. Then forget astrology, do in a pragmatic way what you are supposed to do to solve the problem.
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Hi All
My friend is suffering with lot of problem in life. He is trying out temple/pooja/japam/some pariharam etc. It does not work. His mother having Moola nakshthram , he has enormous faith in his mother.
He even pray for her well being. His mother suffered/suffering a lot through out his life. My friend's
wife deserted him at middle age and he is depending on only his mother's support. So he is praying for her health. But he is felt depressed because he is facing many failures/obstacles in life. He is currently jobless and depressed.

Will his mother's Moola nakshtra dosha will affect him ? Also provide him good astrologer/nadi jothidam/Guru's who can help him.

One of my friend suggest to visit, Nithyananda swami in Bidar Ashramam. All suggestions are helpful.


Shri Suresh sir,

I do not think the Moola nakshatram of the mother will cause all the ills described by you. But you have not written whether she had a sufficiently long married life or is a widow. If she was widowed early, then probably, hers is a horoscope which shows bad results throughout life.

There is one member here whose wife is said to be a good astrologer; I forget the name now. If you can contact him at Chennai, may be you will get good advice.

Dear Suresh,
While I do empathize with what your friend is going through, at the same time he needs to be counselled...I think he should take responsibility for his actions...He could probably analyze if any of the past events could have been handled differently by him...The future is not created by destiny but by one's own actions...He should stop brooding over the past and think about the present..Let him put his best effort on whatever he strives and he would soon enjoy the fruits...Wishing your friend all the very best
If a person suffers in life whole or part, it is the person's own fate, or say visit of the past sins. In a family some people suffer, some do not. it is again the visit of sins committed by each individual which varies in degree or kind. One's star does not affect one's family/family members. But the star or rather the whole horoscope indicates the status of other members. But here in this case, the mother suffers but the son also has to suffer the suffering of his mother. And be careful to tend and serve your mother as best as you can silently undergoing the agonies. Her suffering is penance for her and your duty done faithfully and loyally may eliminate this suffering of yours. Parihaarams only give you confident frame of mind and of course minimise/eliminate the suffering only if the person is destined to have relief. Jyotisham tells only tendencies and god has endowed us with intelligence to guide us,too.
If pariharams were enough to alleviate your problems, Krishna would have given some pariharam to Arjuna and then they would not have to fight the Mahabharat War.

Let us wake up and truly believe in Karma theory, and the Truth. Let us not chase after all this false hopes.
If pariharams were enough to alleviate your problems, Krishna would have given some pariharam to Arjuna and then they would not have to fight the Mahabharat War.

Let us wake up and truly believe in Karma theory, and the Truth. Let us not chase after all this false hopes.

Shri Prasad1,

The epic stories are many with many hidden agenda for the benefit of humankind. Arjuna has to fight against Dharma and fulfill his Karma. Karma means actions and Arjuna had the obligation to fulfill his karma. He could succeed only with the Upadeshas of Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna as a mentor, guide, philosopher, wellwisher etc.etc. was close and accessible to Arjuna. Shri Krishan even had to show him who is he, how he own this Prabanjam etc..etc with his ViswaRoopam during the war, in the war field.

Arjuna was spiritually engrized with the blessings of Shri Krisha and could fulfill his Karma of upholding dharma.

Ramayana is also one such epic story where Lord Rama in a form of Human in this Bhoo Logam had to take the help of Hanuman and his vanara sena to wage a war against Ravana and kill him to uphold Dharma.

Like wise, we humans can not expect Shri Krishan to be present with us, convincingly visible to us in his physical form and give us all the guidance to overcome distress, depressions, fear, worries, confusions, agony, inactions, wrong decisions due emotional imbalance etc..etc..

As you said, we have to fulfill our Karma, acting upon our fate. Just smashing 108 coconuts as offering to Ganesha as a form of parihaaram or anything else like that, not gonna wipe of our negative karmas of the past and change our life/destiny, once for all.

We have to indulge in actions that would fecilitate us paying off our past karmas, while living a depressed, strussful and painful period of life. A knowledgable astrologer can interprete a horoscope well by which he can identify certain indications, that the horoscope would reveal.

The planetary configuration of the horoscope, if interpreted well, can show what sort of karmic negativity a person is destined to bear, based on his karma of the post. Certain simple spiritual practices in dedication of God or Goddess with all belief and devotion, along with some noble actions, that can act as praayachithaartahm, reducing the intensity of the negativity and moulding/seasoning/balancing the mind, can be prescribed so as to help a person live his/her life in peace and harmony.

Hora Shastra is not against the concept of Karma Theory. It is very much on the basis of Karma Theory and helps in finding out the indications of one's fate in this present life. It also includes the concept of Spirituality to lessen the negative karmic impacts in many ways and means and helps a person to strengthen himself/herself as well, as the needs may be.

I am not saying the one has to depend on astrology only to steer through the sudden unpleasent eventualities beyond one's control and ugliest phases of the life with pains and suffereing.

Some people are very strong and can go through even without resorting to spirituality personally. For some, some guidance is necessary to go through. For some rational counselling is enough to manage the critical situations in one's life and for some such counselling and human advices/suggestions would not be enough.
Mr. Ravi,
It pains me to differ from your views. I beg your pardon. I will say my piece and shut up on this topic.

According to Wikipedia.
"While astrology may bear a superficial resemblance to science, it is a pseudosciencebecause it makes little attempt to develop solutions to its problems, shows no concern for the evaluation of competing theories, and is selective in considering confirmationsand dis-confirmations.".
Astrology: Fraud or Superstition?

Chaz Bufe wrote:

"Still, why do so many choose astrology as a belief system rather than Mormonism, Catholicism, Islam, etc.? A probable reason is that astrology meets the desire of many people for a preordination system, yet it does not contain the most unpleasant aspects of conventional religions. It is silly and utterly irrational, and almost certainly influences some to make unfortunate personal decisions. (Consider the effect of articles such as "Birth Control by Astrology" upon those who take them seriously.) In extreme cases, astrological belief may incline individuals toward passivity—after all, if everything is written in the stars, why not just go with the flow? But unlike such religions as Judaism, Christianity, Mormonism, and Islam, astrology is not based upon guilt, misogyny, and sexual repression. It is simply based upon credulousness, ignorance, irrationality, and the eagerness of human sheep to be led."

If there was rationality to astrology it would be uniform and same through out the world. No two astrologer is going to concur on any chart. Do a rigorous scientific study and prove there is method to this madness before you hang your future by this superstition. If you are doing it for recreation, go ahead nothing is lost.
To me it is a superstition, and distraction from your true Dharma.
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If everyone is balanced and are jnAnis, they wouldn't cry over such setbacks/sufferings in life. But the reality is not so. We population are a variety. I like Ravi's neutral stance.

One who is suffering for long, cannot focus on spirituality or wisdom. Such people need a psychological distraction. So, Vastu shAstra is one such example. The environment one lives/works, the people one interacts/socializes with, the daily routines etc. are to be first addressed. Astrology also deals with such kind of emotional/association problems. I have seen some of my friends become more enthusiastic/positive after they relocate to a new place. Such external changes may build confidence and may relieve the fear/past memories. This will further enable the person to contemplate on their personal drawbacks.

But, most astrologers are interested in drawing money, than sincerely interested in alleviating the sufferings of such simple people. Such astrologers should equip themselves with more psychological knowledge/study regarding the personality/belief/behavior of the individuals, and suggest problem-solving solutions. Most of the societal problems can be fixed through simple life-style changes. Astrologers/Gurus should use such opportunities to change the society for good rather than being monetarily selfish. The same logic is applicable to the doctors, educators and parents in shaping their disciples/followers.
Ok Mr. Govinda you are saying that the astrologer is more like a psychiatrist, is providing a valuable service. Who trains them, what are their qualifications, who licences them, and ultimately who is responsible for malpractice.

I do not have any problem with people using it for recreation. but when it is a professional help, i would rather a trained psychiatrist do it. These unlicensed astrologer are no more that con-artist selling false hope.

I have antagonized two friends in one thread. I am sorry.
Ok Mr. Govinda you are saying that the astrologer is more like a psychiatrist, is providing a valuable service. Who trains them, what are their qualifications, who licences them, and ultimately who is responsible for malpractice.

I think you are reducing astrology to the level of just science. It is not so. At best, it is a combination of art and science, not to mention that successful practice of astrology needs a great deal of intuition and divine grace. If someone were to award licences etc. dont you think the licencing authority has more knowledge than the astrologer?

Who certifies master pieces of painting, sculpture etc. that sells for millions of dollars at auction houses? There are complaints only of fake paintings or sculptures, never any question of a famous painter etc. producing an inferior output.
Mr. Ravi,
It pains me to differ from your views. I beg your pardon. I will say my piece and shut up on this topic.

I have antagonized two friends in one thread. I am sorry.

Come on Shri Prasad1!!!. We can not expect each other to have common agreement on all the topics/subjects. And that does not mean that we would be offending each other. It would be my pleasure to share our honest views and openions, does not matter if they differ with that of yours and mine rather just accepting other than what our views and openions are OR refraining ourself from sharing our contrary views/different perspectives as an obligation between the friends.

I think you are reducing astrology to the level of just science. It is not so. At best, it is a combination of art and science, not to mention that successful practice of astrology needs a great deal of intuition and divine grace. If someone were to award licences etc. dont you think the licencing authority has more knowledge than the astrologer?

Who certifies master pieces of painting, sculpture etc. that sells for millions of dollars at auction houses? There are complaints only of fake paintings or sculptures, never any question of a famous painter etc. producing an inferior output.

astrologers and snake charmers is more like it, as both are fake like a $3 bill.
Like I said in my previous post astrology for fun is ok with me. But people use astrology and pariharam to treat serious psychological problem, then there is serious situation.

99% of people are not Ravi Verma.
But 100% astrologers are pseudo scientist.

Thanks for your post #17.
astrologers and snake charmers is more like it, as both are fake like a $3 bill.
Like I said in my previous post astrology for fun is ok with me. But people use astrology and pariharam to treat serious psychological problem, then there is serious situation.

99% of people are not Ravi Verma.
But 100% astrologers are pseudo scientist.

Thanks for your post #17.

Shri Prasad1,

Through the devine science of Hora Shastra, a competent astrologer can find out how depressed a person is and if a person has serious psychological disorder or say any other serious health issues. Such astrologers who are not cheaters for the sake of money and are not primitive would certainly advice to go for medical treatment. They would just explain the possible reasons for such ailments and can also tell as how prolonging the illness could be or how soon a person would be relieved from the ailment.

IMHO, belittling or discarding this devine Hora Shastra due incompetent or cheating astrologers would be similar to blaming Religion and Spirituality for the poverty in India.

I think Science has just scratched the surface of reality. It would need to delve deeply to make sense of the esoteric subjects like astrology and any branch of spirituality for that matter. The science of mind need to and I think would emerge as a branch of science and that would put a lot of ancient knowledge in the right perspective.
that sounds unfair. I have heard about successful people amongst both these.

Not at all true. Some are upasakars; Many are mathematicians.

I will concede that it is my opinion, and I know I have been wrong before LOL.

Show me a scientific proof. Prove that 2 astrologer working independently in two separate location will come back with same diagnosis and predictions.

Also show me that 90% chance that a prediction will come true. Prove to me that "pariharam" worked 100%.

By the way snakes do not have ears, they can not hear the music played by charmers. Moreover the charmers are snake handlers at best, but they defang the snake and in the process kill the snake. PETA is against this practice.
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Dear Prasad,

I will tell the case of a person very close to me whose horoscope indicated a threat to life during a certain period.. Anticipating that, a mrityunjaya homam was performed. At the indicated period the person met with an accident , suffered very serious head injury but miraculously recovered in a very quick time. I think everything would have been right in this case: the prediction, the competence of the person who performed the homam, the faith of the concerned people in homam etc etc.

My point always is even if one astrologer predicts with a probability much better than chance, there is strong evidence for astrology.

I will concede that it is my opinion, and I know I have been wrong before LOL.

Show me a scientific proof. Prove that 2 astrologer working independently in two separate location will come back with same diagnosis and predictions.

Also show me that 90% chance that a prediction will come true. Prove to me that "pariharam" worked 100%.

By the way snakes do not have ears, they can not hear the music played by charmers. Moreover the charmers are snake handlers at best, but they defang the snake and in the process kill the snake. PETA is against this practice.
Dear Prasad,

My point always is even if one astrologer predicts with a probability much better than chance, there is strong evidence for astrology.

That's the point Shri Sravna. Well said.

Just because there exists some incompetent or cheat astrologers, the devine subject of astrology itself can not be false/bogus.

The knowledge of Predictive Astrology of the astrologer, the competence of the person performng spiritual activities with reverence and the faith of the people in such practices matters a lot to realize the significance of the Astrology.

Ok we will have our differences.

My point is that please seek professional help before believing in all this mumbo jumbo.

A child was failing and doing very poorly in school. The parents consulted a reputable astrologer, he diagnosed the problem and suggested a Pariharam. The mother did all that, but father took a insurance and had the child evaluated by a child psychiatrist. It was found that the child suffered from a chemical imbalance.
He was prescribed medication, and is doing much better.

Both the parents are happy. The mumbo jumbo did not hurt, and the medicine worked. Or vice-versa.

In an identical situation (American parents) they only went to psychiatrist, and same diagnosis, same treatment, same result.

Now tell me that Astrology alone would have worked.
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