Hostility against brahmins is rising by the day in TN. Social media such as blogs, twitter etc are double-edged swords. Though it can increase interaction among people from different communities which is a good thing, it can also be used as an effective tool to spread hatred far and deep and fast. While discrimination of all sorts already exist against brahmins, it has not been catastrophical. Yet! Once a critical mass is reached, this could change, as people in power might try to channelize this hatred to achieve their own political ends.
Brahmins have been migrating out of TN for quite some time now. I foresee that such migrations will start to happen at an accelerated pace in the near future. I would like to ask those, who have already migrated, to detail their experiences here in this thread. What kind of challenges does one face when migrating to a new place? Is language a significant barrier? How can members of our community help each other in this matter?
Hostility against brahmins is rising by the day in TN. Social media such as blogs, twitter etc are double-edged swords. Though it can increase interaction among people from different communities which is a good thing, it can also be used as an effective tool to spread hatred far and deep and fast. While discrimination of all sorts already exist against brahmins, it has not been catastrophical. Yet! Once a critical mass is reached, this could change, as people in power might try to channelize this hatred to achieve their own political ends.
Brahmins have been migrating out of TN for quite some time now. I foresee that such migrations will start to happen at an accelerated pace in the near future. I would like to ask those, who have already migrated, to detail their experiences here in this thread. What kind of challenges does one face when migrating to a new place? Is language a significant barrier? How can members of our community help each other in this matter?