Interesting Renuka. What I see is that children break from the shackles of society system of their parents. If the society system is hypocritic break-up is a frequent occurence as it is happening in many families today.
My only question to the youngsters is are you getting influenced by some other kind of society? This question is not specifically adressed to you Renu, but to all youngsters. Why I ask is that I still notice strong feelings of class , education etc among many youngsters though not all. I dont know if youngsters are less hypocritical but there is a different kind of social elitism becoming more and more prominent. Another doubt is when millions of us are starving should we all spend on unwanted things in life?
I would like to see a society that is truly equal where there is no feeling of superiority even based on wealth or education( which is just a consequence of opportunity). I am not comfortable with even social elitism. To begin with all elite clubs which offer membership to only a certain elite must be banned.
Do I sound communist? Does not matter.I am an admirer of VR Krishna iYER. But I believe in moderate living and even if one is rich one should voluntarily invest that money for society rather than spending it on needless luxuries of life. Oherwise the money can get into one's head.
Otherwise the statement that is frequently made- The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer will become true. We will then need to face a civil war.
So for true equality to be attained all dimensions of equality must be spread in society and that can only be facilitated by moderate living!
Dear Subbuddu Ji,
Its real hard to say if youngsters are getting influenced by any other society cos some easily give in to peer pressure and this is where parental guidance is warranted.
From what I had noted so far parents that are too rigid and parents that are too lax also face the same problems from children and parents who follow the middle path also face the similar problems with children these days in other words we as parents can only guide to a certain extent.
In Malaysia a study was recently done that despite the mandatory death sentence for drug trafficking still the crime rate in drug offences has not taken a dip and in fact new drug lords organizations mushroom from time to time.
So the next question is how do we go about it?
Do you think that we parents indirect instill materialism in our kids at an early age and also drive them to academic excellence with the sole purpose to earn more but not really instilling human values?
May be we can blame the education system which is too exam and preformance oriented and intelligence is always only based on the marks a person scores.
So i am not suprised to see increase in White Collar crimes these days.
If we teach children study hard so that you can earn more and drive sports cars wont they grow up loooking only for money?
Human values is seldom on our list.
Many parents might teach kids some rituals, pooja,mahabharat and ramayan may be once a week but 24/7 we are trying to make them like Sakuni to deal with the dog eat dog world do you think they will grow up to be Dharmaraj?
Parents these days only brag to each other how much their kids score in exams etc or how much their children earn but how many ever tell about their child's nature for example may be a child who is only an average student but with a good nature do parents tell anyone my son scores high in Gunas?
So are youths the only ones to blame?