a few more points about early marriage.
the older we get, the more set we are in our ways. that appears to be the law of nature.
ask a 6 year old to do something. it is different asking a 16 year old. worse still a 26 year old. i do not even want to go near a 36 year old.
the malleability to adjust and learn decreases with age. a partner, who becomes a part of your life, at 24 is easier to grow up with, and learn together than one at 34.
enough said on that.
another thought process that i disagree, is that the focus on studies will be spoiled by thought of girls. personally, i think, these are two different compartmentalized needs.
the need to romance, date, partner and have companionship is a natural phenomenon, which i think, can live side by side with intense study habits or work ambitions.
one need not be at the expense of the other. this, often, is the biggest mistake that our community makes ie wait till one is over, before giving attention to the other.
in the west, atleast to what i know, college education, is not all study. there is a lot of male female sociliazing that proves to form the foundations to many cases of a shared living leading to permanence, whether it be called common law or formal marriage.
i am not sure whether our youth have this outlet, to what i know of the current conditions.
career focus, is more demanding, and calls for more adjustment. this is where the life work balance comes to play.
a person, focussing on career in his late 20s and early 30s, will have a big adjustment when starting grihasthahood in mid to late 30s.
for a community, which prides on its விவேகம், i am not sure, whether my parent's generation and those that followed it, thought through many of their novel actions which broke away from the traditions.
in these i include
- decisons to limit to small families, which i think, for a small community of our size, is now defusing to be a population implosion, which at this late stage, which many of us including myself, lament, but are unable to do anything - mainly because of late marriage and our (what i think) absurd refusal to let in fresh blood from other groups.
i wish bhagvat ramanuja was here again today.
thank you for your patience.