Hello Anand, you honor me more than I deserve. You know, talking of precognition, just yesterday I was thinking about you, what happened to dear Anand, he is silent for so long, probably got bored with all the useless arguments, I thought

Daniel Dennette has a section on "precognition" in his brazenly titled book, "Conciousness Explained" -- he gives a very reasonable rational explanation for some of the experimental results in this area.
You know Anand, it is articles like this one that bolsters my respect for science. Nobody thinks of science when they flip out their i-phone or Android and search for an Indian restaurant in an unfamiliar city, and just by touching it with the forefinger get turn-by-turn navigation assistance. Who thinks of science when we board an airplane and surrender our life to some unknown individuals we have never met. Science is not what we thank for the medicine we use to control blood sugar or pressure or a host of other chronic conditions. We take all these for granted.
But what makes science so wonderful is the case described in this article. Nothing is settled and beyond skepticism. No anomaly on "settled" theory is simply hushed up. The reason science is great is this skepticism, never settle for easy answers. Check, and double-check, replicate, verify.
You know Anand, if anything can find an answer to this anomaly the article describes, it is science. Religious dogma can never find an answer. It can only exist where there is scientific uncertainty.