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Is the caste system weakness of Hinduism?

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Sri Psnvasan,

"It is not possible to prove Vedas also, as no one can prove Bible or Quran also in the same way"

Are you saying you know whole Vedas, that you can claim this with certainity? The Bible and Koran are of a different nature to the Vedas.

Because the Vedas are attributed to knowledge (Veda = knowledge) of all sorts, but the Bible and Koran are centered around accepting a divine truth (as per their claim) of God and His word mainly on issues of conduct and lifestyle, not knowledge.

If Vedas are about knowledge, then definitely it has relevance in the world. Having shown that relevance practically, it will very well be considered proven.

"But, why people are converting, when their holy books are also not proved? It is not because of practices like untouchability. It is because of lack of money. Christian missionaries give more money and people also get a certificate as backward for reservations."

Part of the reason is as you say - money and healthcare which Christian missions offer, obviously the people will flock to them. As long as one spreads their religion without violence, and people accept it willingly, proselytization is a fair game.

But here is the other reason these conversions happen - our brahmin tradition doesn't appear to people as espousing a universal love or fraternity, instead it seems to speak of superiority, which is why common folk are not attracted to it. Do you see? I agree that brahmin way of life has a discipline which people look up to as being good, but it isn't seen as having a message of universal love or consideration for others.

Truth is that Upanishads speak volumes of consideration for others and kindness, but we as a community haven't displayed this as our image in recent times. We may have as individuals, but not as a community. In all our importance to be exclusive, practices like untouchability have disrespected people and we have repulsed the major population from us. This is why the Buddhist movement started, or why people convert to Islam, Christianity where they hope to be treated better.

"Then people in Hinduism also should come forward to do more dharma. Only when people find a way to earn basic needs, they will be ready to listen."

The message of groups like ISKCON are good, they attract people. We need to continue on similar lines and work towards the development of humanity and country. We should study our traditions, and actually understand them not merely follow them or accept them blindly.

"If one rich Indian educates one poor Indian and every one does this, no one can stop the development of India."

I agree, this is a good scheme if it comes to the realization of many.

"But, how to ensure that they will save our culture or Hinduism in future?"

The idea of "Hinduism" is itself new and came as a term to club the early astika schools of India. Ancient India had various schools both astika (which used Vedas) and nastika, so we are defined in this diversity only.

If you are talking about saving the tradition of Vedas etc, then all I can say is what I said earlier - the sooner we find its relevance in today's world, the quicker it will propagate in influence. So the starting point for that is for us to study the Vedas and even question tradition (so that we can actually understand it). Instead, if we go doing things for tradition sake, meanings will be soon lost and that will be the real loss. Don't you think?

Ask yourself, if suppose what you see as "Hinduism" today was not something that was introduced new only few centuries ago while we were in decline. How can we say how people who interpretted Vedas 5000 years ago lived? Did they practice things like madi, or did it come later? Tell me how can you say.

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Ok. I agree and i think i have to stop here and get into action. I will think on how to explain people the practicality in Vedas and Upanishads. If possible, i will start writing a book on that.

But, Hinduism is not recent tradition developed from school of asthikas. Hinduism is Sanadhana Dharma and these schools only tried to depict all these Dharma. So, it is a mis-understanding that Hinduism is developed from these schools. These schools were in fact developed to depict Sanadhana Dharma.

I think there is no use in going on writing like this. So, i wish to stop writing on this tread and stop thinking on what can i do for the society.

Thank you.
Dear Shr i.Vivek_V,
You are addressing Happy Hindu as Sri.HappyHindu.Please address her Sow.HH or M/s HH.
I enjoy reading all your posts.Please continue your postings.
With my Best Wishes,
SwamiTaBra, what is it with all these personal characterizations? Please sir, enough with ad hominems, having a belief does not make one, ipso facto, "abundantly opinionated" or "prejudiced". Just imagine sir, how you will feel if people call you names. Instead of telling me I am opinionated and prejudiced, how about we discuss the merits of our beliefs?

SwamiTaBra, This is a completely uncalled for swipe. As I have repeated many times in this forum my respect for Shri Sangom is unsurpassed, I still have that respect for him. In the matter of K, I had very sharp disagreement with him, and the matter is very well known now. It was a nasty business, please don't make it worse. Shri Sangom and I agree on most issues and we disagree only in a few. With Sangom not participating I have lost a valuable ally on most issues. So, please, don't try to fish in troubled waters.

Fair enough!

Thank you ....


The purpose of zeroeing on the word “believe” is that show you how often you conveniently pick up words or phrases, make your convoluted meanings to attack hapless members. Sri Sangom was your latest victim, and he evidently is disgusted because you have dismissed his clarifications. Some time back you responded to Saidevo by picking up two word “ that street” (viz.: post #83 in the thread Agraharams).

All that I gave you was a taste of your own medicine.

You now cry foul.

With regards,
Am making this post for the readers (since yet again your voice is far too familiar for any form of conversation).

Those who wish can read up on the fights between the aryas and dasyus. There are quite a few cultural differences between the aryas and dasyus. The dasyus were called riteless (without fire), and their ways were demonised by the aryas. The dasyus were worshippers of the phallus (there are enough books which can be read online on this from google books).

It has been suggested by some historians that the dasyus were also vedic but followed a different veda (some say it was the atharva which was not recognised as a veda initially).

The dasyus were also supposedly associated with idol worship (some say they were agama followers). Those interested in more details on the dasyus and their worship can kindly read the book "The origin of Saivism and its history in the Tamil land" by KR Subramanian to know more on shaivism and if it can be called "vedic". Some parts of the book can be read online here: The origin of Saivism and its ... - Google Books

There are frequent refs to physiognomy of the daasas / daasyus in the vedas also. The dasyus were called

a) anaasa (noseless, that is people of platyrrhine nose)
b) mrdhravacah (of unintelligable speech - so obviously they spoke a language different from the aryas)..
c) vrsasipra (bull lipped, meaning those with big thick lips)
d) The Rigvedic hero Trasadasyu was called leader of "dark complexioned men" in the Rig. Indra overthrew krshnayonih dasih and krsnagarbha is frequently taken to mean 'pregnant with a dark complexioned child'.

So the dasyus were people with a flat nose, thick lips, dark complexion and spoke a language different from the aryas. The dasyus came to be clubbed with the term 'shudra' since all of them were considered enemies of the aryas.

The smrithis were written after the vedic period. The term used for "slave" in manusmrithi is also the word "daasa".

The smrithis are full of references reg how to treat a shudra or how to keep a shudra / dasyu down. In the thread "Brits are to Blame" you can find verses from Manusmrithi which show that a shudra could be tortured (using violence to force a shudra to follow the master was sanctioned in manusmrithi).

And if someone killed a shudra slave he only had to give away cows as a fine and that too he had to give the cows to brahmins. So in the end brahmins only profitted. No one knows how many slaves were killed like this.

Even if we do not look at smrithis, everyone knows how low-castes were treated in India even in the recent past. If that was not slavery, then God knows what it was.

If a priest in a temple follows madi-aacharam it is expected of him as a part of his job. It is appreciated. But the hypocricy comes when self-proclaimed brahmins in secular jobs justify untouchability in public secular life. And the public finds it ridiculous.

Comparing casteism/untouchability/slavery with the slavery of medieval europe, islam, blacks, whatever, whereever, etc is not an excuse for letting slavery exist within hindusim. In today's India, there is no place for casteism/untouchability/slavery.


Dear Kum/Smt. Happy Hindu,

You response by invoking Daysus and all that mythology is amusing.

I am reminded of candidates who appear for exams and when they find that they don’t have suitable answers to a question/s, just write anything that comes from their memory just to fill the answer sheets—whether germane or not – out of the hope that examiner will award him/her some marks in consideration for the labour of filling pages!

It’s just puzzling that whilst candidates appearing for exams are desperate, what is the compelling reason you could have to indulge in such exercises here.

Most are your contents of your posts that I have come across are eligible enough to be posted under the forum "Joke/ Humor".

With regards,
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Dear Kum/Smt. Happy Hindu,

You response by invoking Daysus and all that mythology is amusing.

I am reminded of candidates who appear for exams and when they find that they don’t have suitable answers to a question/s, just write anything that comes from their memory just to fill the answer sheets—whether germane or not – out of the hope that examiner will award him/her some marks in consideration for the labour of filling pages!

It’s just puzzling that whilst candidates appearing for exams are desperate, what is the compelling reason you could have to indulge in such exercises here.

Most are your contents of your posts that I have come across are eligible enough to be posted under the forum "Joke/ Humor".

With regards,


Your snide stuff is not new -- in fact it is very expected of you.

What you think hardly matters. Unfortunately (for people like you), the general public does not want casteism / untouchability / slavery anymore. And finally, that is all that matters...
....The purpose of zeroeing on the word “believe” is that show you how often you conveniently pick up words or phrases, make your convoluted meanings to attack hapless members. Sri Sangom was your latest victim, and he evidently is disgusted because you have dismissed his clarifications. Some time back you responded to Saidevo by picking up two word “ that street” (viz.: post #83 in the thread Agraharams).

All that I gave you was a taste of your own medicine.

You now cry foul.
Swami, in both the instances you are citing, Saidevo and Sangom, I did not attack the person, I took issue with some of what they wrote. They walked away for whatever reason, I happen to think they did not have answers and they chose to walk. I am willing to go back and relitigate those issues if you want. I have never hesitated to apologize and express regret if I am shown to be wrong. I challenge you to do that and I will readily accept responsibility and make amends. But, stick to the issues, no need to call me opinionated, etc., this kind of ad hominem attack is not my medicine sir, you are mistaken.

One more thing, I won't respond to personal attacks from you anymore, expect a reply from me only if you stay clear of ad hominem attacks.

Thank you ....
Dear Kum/Smt. Happy Hindu,

You response by invoking Daysus and all that mythology is amusing.

I am reminded of candidates who appear for exams and when they find that they don’t have suitable answers to a question/s, just write anything that comes from their memory just to fill the answer sheets—whether germane or not – out of the hope that examiner will award him/her some marks in consideration for the labour of filling pages!

It’s just puzzling that whilst candidates appearing for exams are desperate, what is the compelling reason you could have to indulge in such exercises here.

Most are your contents of your posts that I have come across are eligible enough to be posted under the forum "Joke/ Humor".

With regards,

Sri.Swami Sir,

Greetings. Sow.Happy Hindu's reply may be inadequate in your opinion. It would be more scholarly to show the inadequacies in Sow.Happy Hindu's reply. Making fun of her message and making fun of her is not scholarly to say the least. You should show evidence why Sow.Happy Hindu's arguments in most of the posts are not connected to the subject at all; then it is up to the forum to decide whether such posts from Sow. Happy Hindu should be moved to 'joke/humour' section. Unless such evidences are produced, in my humble opinion, your message in post #1080 belongs to 'joke/humour' section. Thanks.

@Sri Psnvasan

"I will think on how to explain people the practicality in Vedas and Upanishads. If possible, i will start writing a book on that."

Excellent, but tell me if even you have understood the method of deducing knowledge from the Vedas. As regards myself what I say about the Vedas is based on what I have thought through a critical reasoning, but I know nothing about the Vedas and hope to only find out in the future.

"Hinduism is not recent tradition developed from school of asthikas. Hinduism is Sanadhana Dharma and these schools only tried to depict all these Dharma. So, it is a mis-understanding that Hinduism is developed from these schools. These schools were in fact developed to depict Sanadhana Dharma"

Okay. Hinduism has had various definitions, I understand what you say here too.

"So, i wish to stop writing on this tread and stop thinking on what can i do for the society."

Yes, after all that is only truly relevant! I appreciate this greatly.

The questions I posed on the tradition of madi and the general scene of untouchability are still unanswered. But maybe we can lay those to rest for sometime.

@ Sri B. Krishnamurthy

"Dear Shr i.Vivek_V,
You are addressing Happy Hindu as Sri.HappyHindu.Please address her Sow.HH or M/s HH."

haha...I didn't know. I will address her correctly with Sow. Thanks for telling me.

"I enjoy reading all your posts.Please continue your postings."

Thank you, I really appreciate it. :-)

Swami, in both the instances you are citing, Saidevo and Sangom, I did not attack the person, I took issue with some of what they wrote. They walked away for whatever reason, I happen to think they did not have answers and they chose to walk. I am willing to go back and relitigate those issues if you want. I have never hesitated to apologize and express regret if I am shown to be wrong. I challenge you to do that and I will readily accept responsibility and make amends. But, stick to the issues, no need to call me opinionated, etc., this kind of ad hominem attack is not my medicine sir, you are mistaken.

One more thing, I won't respond to personal attacks from you anymore, expect a reply from me only if you stay clear of ad hominem attacks.

Thank you ....

Dear Sri Nara,

Ad hominem charge is a red herring. You have not answered to the point on your reply to Saidevo and on the dismissal on Sangom’s clarifications.

It will only be proper to debate on the matter only when Sangom and Saidevo involve themselves again. And moreover there must be an arbiter; the moderator of this forum who is supposed to fill in the role has failed in his/her responsibility by remaining silent.

With regards,
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You point well taken. But please understand, when people were classified according to the job assigned to them, it never had any caste connotations as we know it today. Even scriptures talk about people, and how they realised the divinity within and were respected for that. The caste system became a tool in the hands of present day politicians to suit their narrow ends. It again all depends on how we bring up our Children, the future of this country. I think strongly that the day is not far off, when the caste system withers away; blown by the forces of survival and forces of market economy. With the world becoming a global village and getting competitive and survival is a struggle, people tend to forget everything else. It's happening in urban India and surely the rural areas also will catch up.
To All,

Some of us brahmins have the tendency to try and defend the caste system, not because they think others should be treated badly, but because they don't have to undergo feeling like they are responsible, nor having to feel they made a mistake. I agree that caste system may have started with something sensible, but too many bruises have been beared for such an idea to be spoken out or even be relevant. Saying these reasons to people who suffer caste discrimination will only make them misconstrue what we are saying because it reflects a lack of senstivity to their present problem. Its like a man's leg being cut off and you standing in the side, trying to justify you didn't do it without trying to help save him..

Bottomline: What happened in the past was not our actions, it was of our forefathers. Our actions as a community, by ourselves are decided by what we do today and from now on. So we should try and not staunchly defend our past, where were have done wrong we must accept and make amends as best as possible. We must think: "How does it feel for a wealthy dalit to be regarded as "originated" from something like a low caste?".

We should forget such ideas as anyone being high or low by lineage, but only by their personal virtue and way of life. The greatest things may have the humblest origins. We should make it clear that as a community, we look at people also in that matter - on their personal basis, not about what their forefather's were.

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