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intercaste marriage

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Sure. I feel one can if the girl is prepared to adapt to our culture. if not also there can be no bar of one practising his rituals
Intercaste marriage

Please look at this table below. NO, the child born from Inter-caste marriage is NOT a Brahmin. So, no rituals that are allowed for Brahmins.

Please dont allow ego gratification to take the place of sanctity and purity in creation of God. Rose is Rose, Jasmine is Jasmine, Apple is Apple, Grapes are Grapes. Every where there is a different genetic framework made by God.

Anuloma means in the natural order (union between a elevated caste man and a subordinate class woman) and pratiloma is its reverse... varna sankara was forbidden in the early times...

Father + Mother Progeny = known as (Anuloma or Pratiloma type)
Brahman + Kshatriya = ?
Brahman + Vaishya = Ambashta (Anuloma)
Brahman + Shudra = Nishad (Parasava) (Anuloma)
Kshatriya + Brahman = Suta (Pratiloma)
Kshatriya + Vaishya = ?
Kshatriya + Shudra = Ugra (Anuloma)
Vaishya + Brahman = Vaidehaka (Pratiloma)
Vaishyav Kshatriya = Magadha (Pratiloma)
Vaishya + Shudra = Karana (Anuloma)
Shudrav Brahman = Chandala (Pratiloma)
Shudra + Kshatriya = Ksattri (Pratiloma)
Shudra + Vaishya = Ayogava (Pratiloma)


Father + Mother = Progeny Known As
1. Brahman + Ugra = Avrita
2. Brahman + Ambashta = Dhigvana
3. Brahman + Nishada = Kukutaka
4. Shudra + Abhira = Abhira

Father + Mother = Progeny known as
1. Vaideha + Ayogava = Maitreyaka
2. Nishada + Ayogava = Margava (Das)/Kaivarta
3. Nishada + Vaideha = Karavara
4. Vaidehaka + Ambashta = Vena
5. Vaidehakav Karavara = Andhra
6. Vaidehaka + Nishada = Meda
7. Chandala + Vaideha = Pandusopaka
8. Nishada + Vaideha = Ahindaka
9. Chandala + Pukkassa = Sopaka
10. Chandala + Nishada = Antyavasin
11. Kshattari + Ugra = Swapaka

What are the implications of marrying a girl from another Caste .

Can the boy Still practice the brahmin rituals ? like 'tarpanam'
The second generation , Can they follow the Brahmin culture ?


Where there is a real and sincere will, there are lots of ways.

After all, these are one's own choice.
Sugar,Milk,Dicaution are Three separate Materials.
If all are Mixed together Coffee another Separate Product is Formed.
After Coffee is formed,can we separate all the ingrediants ?

Like the same way Brahmin Culture is Separate,
Non-Brahmin Culture is separate.
How could it be possible to continue in Brahmin Rituals after mingling with a Different Culture?
To Mr.T.S.Sankara Narayanan

Sir, Fantastic example.Simply Superb.

Thank you.

Best way of driving home the point of milk is milk and mixture is mixture
.... Can the boy Still practice the brahmin rituals ? like 'tarpanam' The second generation , Can they follow the Brahmin culture ?

Hi vinunath,

Darmashashthras are pretty strict about this. Manu wants Dvijas to take a woman of equal caste as the first wife. He can climb down the caste ladder for the second wife onwards, but are prohibited to go down to the level of Shudra.

If a Dvija weds Shudra women, he is said to degrade his family and children to the state of Shudra. A Brahmana who copulates with a Shudra wife will sink into hell, and if he has a child by her, he will lose the rank of a Brahmana.

(Please see Chapter 3 of Manu Dharma Shashtra)

But, if you really want to follow traditions, just ignore everything that is said here, including what I have written. The best thing for you to do is to (i) ask a family elder, or (ii) ask your guru -- if you do not know who your guru is, ask an elder family member, all Brahmin families have a guru.

peace ...
Best way of driving home the point of milk is milk and mixture is mixture

Yes, sarvajithv51, simply fantastic, I love coffee, and so do TBs in general I think. In fact, TBs can't start their day sitting on their throne unless they have had their filter-coffee.

Sugar,Milk,Dicaution are Three separate Materials.
If all are Mixed together Coffee another Separate Product is Formed.
After Coffee is formed,can we separate all the ingrediants ?

Like the same way Brahmin Culture is Separate,
Non-Brahmin Culture is separate.
How could it be possible to continue in Brahmin Rituals after mingling with a Different Culture?


coffee tea and other are beverages,so it a choice.

similiarly,the race of human is one humanity.or rishis and sages,had given clear cut formula,from the sperm and the egg,for fertilisation.this process is one and the same.in order to rule the humans,divisions,which normally are inherent was classified,so that administration is easy and manageable.

in todays world of modern medicine,if one were to analyse humans,then biology is the first cause,that shud be applied,with matching blood group types,so that dna,of a human can be determined.

science of genes,is undergoing so much of analysis,that,we find,that the fairer a person is,they lack lot's of natural empathy in life,similiarly when one is very darker person,they too lack empathy ,so such broad based assumptions are irrational,instead,love truth bliss righteousness peace non-violence,should be inculcated,to people for a saathvic gunam to prevail.

in order to balance saatvic nature,we shud also have tamasic gunam and rajasic gunam people,so that all class of personalities,namely brahmana kshatriya vaishya shudras,co mingle in society.

the problem in india today is,they go caste by birth in some areas and in some areas by gunam or karma .so,by hereditary a genius is not born neither a imbecile is born hereditary.these laws of nature are at physical level only.on a spiritual level,the good works or sath karyam,that one does,automatically thru various births of bodies,attains perfection.

there are hindus who do not believe reincarnation at all,like carvakas.

untill such time comes.brahmins shud marry brahmins,and live peacefully.brahmins boys shud fall in love with brahmin girls,so that the race of brahmins in human society flourishes.this is a simple guideline,even if they break the guidelines,nothing bad or good will happen,as whatever responsibility that they shud do,they will do,regardless of caste creed religion nationality.

there are only two castes or jathis.aan jathi or male ,penn jathi or females.rest all is theory from past present,dunno future as yet.

coffee tea and other are beverages,so it a choice.

similiarly,the race of human is one humanity.or rishis and sages,had given clear cut formula,from the sperm and the egg,for fertilisation.this process is one and the same.in order to rule the humans,divisions,which normally are inherent was classified,so that administration is easy and manageable.

in todays world of modern medicine,if one were to analyse humans,then biology is the first cause,that shud be applied,with matching blood group types,so that dna,of a human can be determined.

science of genes,is undergoing so much of analysis,that,we find,that the fairer a person is,they lack lot's of natural empathy in life,similiarly when one is very darker person,they too lack empathy ,so such broad based assumptions are irrational,instead,love truth bliss righteousness peace non-violence,should be inculcated,to people for a saathvic gunam to prevail.

in order to balance saatvic nature,we shud also have tamasic gunam and rajasic gunam people,so that all class of personalities,namely brahmana kshatriya vaishya shudras,co mingle in society.

the problem in india today is,they go caste by birth in some areas and in some areas by gunam or karma .so,by hereditary a genius is not born neither a imbecile is born hereditary.these laws of nature are at physical level only.on a spiritual level,the good works or sath karyam,that one does,automatically thru various births of bodies,attains perfection.

there are hindus who do not believe reincarnation at all,like carvakas.

untill such time comes.brahmins shud marry brahmins,and live peacefully.brahmins boys shud fall in love with brahmin girls,so that the race of brahmins in human society flourishes.this is a simple guideline,even if they break the guidelines,nothing bad or good will happen,as whatever responsibility that they shud do,they will do,regardless of caste creed religion nationality.

there are only two castes or jathis.aan jathi or male ,penn jathi or females.rest all is theory from past present,dunno future as yet.


i bow my head in respect. a very good post sir.
i think folks like vinunath, will be the ultimate crushers of the worst of caste discrimination.

love, like air, knows no boundaries. there is no explanation for the chemistry between two individuals, and no matter what others may say, those that are in love, are attracted by a force close to inseparable.

even between lovers, the worst enemies are one another's families or worse, religions. without any apology, i would say, that the indian islam or indian christianity, among the worst purveyors of the intolerance of hinduism, when it comes to marriage. there is, i believe, an uncompromising demand to convert, which i would say, is the result of this mental programming from day one.

within the same religion, as hindus, we should be able to adjust. i completely disagree with sankar on this point. we cannot call for hindu unity, yet refuse to relate to, eat with each other. there is no separate but equal. all equal, it must be.

again, as nachi says, many a thing, will happen as it is bound to happen. staunch brahmins may wonder, why this age of kali is so cruel to their long held values. i do not have answer for this, but i cringe sometimes, when these groups, in the face of this loss, retort to a spew of hatred against other groups. or sometimes, within our own group. such attitudes are not conducive to discussion or dialogue.

i, for one, have chosen, not to inculcate the values of caste to my children. they are proud hindus, not religious,but have a strong sense of hindu idenitity. my children, if they ever hear, of brahmin superiority or distinct brahmin rules, would cringe and mock such stratified distinctions, as they believe in the equality of man, before God, state and within ourselves.

more on this, as we progress. it is upto each of us, to deal with the worst aspects of casteism. i have found that the strongest and most arrogant of brahmins, when they find their children marrying other religions either break down completely, or overnight become messengers of the universality of faiths and preach friendships.

more later.

What are the implications of marrying a girl from another Caste .

every caste,has same blood sperm egg.does any sperm contain a marker saying brahmana sperm kshatria sperm vaishya sperm shudra sperm?similiarly for the egg,does it carry any marker as brahmana andam kshatriaya andam shudra andam vaishya andam?no implication at all,it all depends on he society you live and how long one wants to live in past memories?

Can the boy Still practice the brahmin rituals ? like 'tarpanam'
The second generation , Can they follow the Brahmin culture ?


when brahmana boy is doing what all shudra kshatria vaishya does,how does it prevent you or any others following the brahmanas culture?i welcome you to try to live as a brahmana wholeheartedly,plz welcome sir,be our guest athithi devo bhava.
namaste shrI NN.

there are only two castes or jathis.aan jathi or male ,penn jathi or females.rest all is theory from past present,dunno future as yet.

I am reminded of a joke we enjoyed in our College days from a lecturer. An evangelist who was eager to address an audience of Tamil Hindus wanted to start with the Tamil equivalent of 'Ladies and gentlemen!' Somebody taught him that the ladies are 'peNjAti' and gents are 'ANjAti' in Tamil. So he started his speech with the address, "piriyamuLLa peNjAtigaLE!..." No need to say that even before he could go the 'ANjAti' in his address, he was instantly greeted with sandals thrown at him!

Tamil poet and sage AvvaiyAr classifies jAtis into two:
"iTTAr periyOr, iDAdhAr izhikulaththOr"
"Those who give charity are of the higher and those who don't are of the lower caste."
Dear all..

Just practice Sanathana Dharmic culture..you can never go wrong...
I dont see my life style as belonging to any caste..

I am a vegetarian
practise my daily prayers..sans rituals..
read religous text everyday without fail..
without fail recite "brahmarpanam brahmahavir..." mantra while cooking and eating..
do my work without fail( even though i get bored sometimes)
do regular charity to humans/animals etc

my lifestyle is just a Hindu lifestyle..i dont feel a true Hindu lifestyle needs to be divided and diffrentiated into specific caste lifestyles..
Dear all..

Just practice Sanathana Dharmic culture..you can never go wrong...
I dont see my life style as belonging to any caste..

I am a vegetarian
practise my daily prayers..sans rituals..
read religous text everyday without fail..
without fail recite "brahmarpanam brahmahavir..." mantra while cooking and eating..
do my work without fail( even though i get bored sometimes)
do regular charity to humans/animals etc

my lifestyle is just a Hindu lifestyle..i dont feel a true Hindu lifestyle needs to be divided and diffrentiated into specific caste lifestyles..

amen, uh uh, thathaasthu :)
vannakkam ammayar rk
namaste shrI NN.

I am reminded of a joke we enjoyed in our College days from a lecturer. An evangelist who was eager to address an audience of Tamil Hindus wanted to start with the Tamil equivalent of 'Ladies and gentlemen!' Somebody taught him that the ladies are 'peNjAti' and gents are 'ANjAti' in Tamil. So he started his speech with the address, "piriyamuLLa peNjAtigaLE!..." No need to say that even before he could go the 'ANjAti' in his address, he was instantly greeted with sandals thrown at him!

species is jathi ,i think.or variety.humans can be two species but are one with humanity.actaually evangelist,are so paavam.like kili pillaigal oppichyfy bible or quran,totally brainwashed as in brainless.sigh! oh India and Indians,when will we stop this monstroity of conversion in our lands of punya-athmas ,sigh!!

Tamil poet and sage AvvaiyAr classifies jAtis into two:
"iTTAr periyOr, iDAdhAr izhikulaththOr"
"Those who give charity are of the higher and those who don't are of the lower caste."

my grandpa had a belly ache,when i read in tamizh,as olavayyar,as i did not know oww to pronounce.any how, gnyana pazham nee appa, is the best devotional song,appadiya andha shanmughan waruvanno ennam thonroom.
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Dear Renu,

Dear all..

Just practice Sanathana Dharmic culture..you can never go wrong...
I dont see my life style as belonging to any caste..

sd culture,includes christians,islam,jain,buddhist,carvakas,sikhs,......its an umbrella organisation,isn't it?

I am a vegetarian
practise my daily prayers..sans rituals..
read religous text everyday without fail..
without fail recite "brahmarpanam brahmahavir..." mantra while cooking and eating..
do my work without fail( even though i get bored sometimes)
do regular charity to humans/animals etc

my lifestyle is just a Hindu lifestyle..i dont feel a true Hindu lifestyle needs to be divided and diffrentiated into specific caste lifestyles..

this promotes saathvikam gunam,as all the above are sadhanas.brahmana is one who knows brahman and teaches them to other three k v s.kshathriya is one who protects brahmanas,vaishyas,shudras,as well as kshatriyas.vaishyas is one who transacts biz culture for welfare of b k v s.shudra is one who serves physically as in labor b k v s ,so that society works smoothly.

in modern world we dont like to be profiled in a religious manner,but get classified in a social maner for interacting.religion was used in india in ancient times,becoz that was the medium to control masses,for the rulers.a king need not neccessarily be assumed as a ruler,becoz the rishi or sage ,controls the king.

that is why religious power in india is being curtailed,and political power is gaining supremacy,over rulership of masses.

brahmana - b
kshatriya - k
vaishya - v
shudra - s
thanks guys , it was so fantastic and informative !! I am still a brahmin .

One of my friend , a TB ve married a Muslim gal from Uzbekistan .. he changed her name and enrolled her to the AryaSamaj. We did had a long debate on "Brahmin" by chance and by Choice...

His answer was , the Brahmin guy carries the Family tree and the Girl is just a path to the next generation !! again , the Girl do not hold a gothram , she will change her gothram to adjust with her husband and so on !! he kept on sayin about Vyasa bhagavan , parasurama etc etc !! lastly he mentioned about "thara vathu koduppu" not sure if i spelt this correct , one of his uncle adopted the girl as his daughter and got her married to this guy .... honestly guys , i have got no clue on all them things hence kept my gulp shut !!

All i was saying was them rituals and cultural difference b/w a TB and other Caste .
thanks guys ,

His answer was , the Brahmin guy carries the Family tree and the Girl is just a path to the next generation !! again , the Girl do not hold a gothram , she will change her gothram to adjust with her husband and so on !!

I now wonder ,is it in this context that some say the father ( in all patriarchal societies) is the gothram , where as the mother serves as a "paathram" for the to be born offspring. May be that is why 'Garbha paathram", container of garbha.
One of my friend , a TB ve married a Muslim gal from Uzbekistan .. he changed her name and enrolled her to the AryaSamaj. We did had a long debate on "Brahmin" by chance and by Choice...


hope you welcomed him and her to our fold.

the alternate would be him going to the muslim fold. one less number for an already dwindling crowd. :(

coffee tea and other are beverages,so it a choice.

untill such time comes.........

The time is already come. In fact the time has been in existence ever since evolution and creation. You don't need to wait for it. You may act now upon it now.
Former Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala opposed intercaste marriage as well as same gothra marriage.

Chautala supports Jindal on Khap panchayats, meets Chidambaram - India - The Times of India

All the best

Before talking about science, let Chautala offer himself for dna tests and prove that everyone of his gotra descend from a common founding father.

Khap Panchayat diktats resulted in the recent murder of Manoj and Babli of Karora village in Kaithal district who were killed for marrying sau-gotra (same clan): http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Five-to-hang-for-khap-death-diktat/articleshow/5744650.cms

Meeting Chidambaram is a publicity stunt by Chautala who wants the murderers to be released.

After all his corrupt practices, now Chautala in his old age has nothing else to make politics out, so he is using such causes for publicity.

What a shame.

[Love live the right wing - way to go - you are our great hindu taliban - please kill more people who marry for love]. The Khap already killed another couple (Ved Pal and Sonia) before: http://www.timesnow.tv/articleshow/msid-4341384,prtpage-1.cms

This is another khap panchayat diktat: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Khap-forces-couple-to-seek-death-in-Barmer/articleshow/5874866.cms (Just who are these khap panchayat people to pass law sentences - shows how lawless india is - anyone can make an attempt to take law into his hands - does not matter if it is a politician or anyone else).
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