Two posts recently done under a different thread -
My post is not to defend anything, as the vedhic dharma is neither offended nor debased by such immature observations... and neither are any followers...
One may be well equipped with the material education - that too is a shasthra, no doubt - but that does not implicitly grant them the maturity in other things, spiritual or philosophical... worldly experience can sometimes be quite detrimental in going the opposite way, in understanding certain basic concepts of dharma... neither can it compensate for improper understanding...
The person is experiencing his own journey and its results... so be it...
But really, the question which I would like to pose, to interested members, is this:
"Do we really need to 'prove' to the world to discard such opinions... not only of the brahmins, but of our vedhic dharma as well? Of course, individual views cannot be altered (neither do they matter), if not by a conscious effort of the concerned... But in the long run, such views tend to collate themselves and pose a threat even to the dharmic... The vendetta against brahmins is one. Ultimately, the society would suffer as a result of such brain-washing"
Originally Posted by Sankara View Post
Observations of a (non-IT) Indian American:
Brahmins (keepers of the traditions of the most disgusting religion ever devised, Hinduism, that counts in its canon, the laws of Manu, that equate caste-perpetuation with spirituality) are 4% of India and 40% of its civil service (any wonder India is so messed up?) and 80% of its IT diaspora. The vast majority of these IT imports are doing nothing irreplaceable and in point of fact are depressing wages. Confronted by the reality of the underdog status in a foreign land, you'd think they'd develop an empathy for the people down the pecking order back home they actively or passively oppressed. But that is not the case, instead these morons fund regressive casteist organizations in India. And have no respect for the history of African Americans and their struggle for civil rights derisively referring to them as "kallus". Absolutely nothing would be lost by sending these retrograde specimens back where they came from.
A lot of presumptions and sweeping statements galore in the above two paras --> 'disgusting', 'religion', 'oppressed', 'morons', 'regressive'... well... to put it short... the entire content!To quell speculation, declare myself, born a Brahmin but have actively renounced Hinduism, product of IITM & IISc, two-decade resident of the US, travel widely and have followed the growth of the IT community in the US. The civil service stat is an aggregate of centre and states while the IT diaspora stat is limited to the US and based on my observation. Savoring India's categorical rejection of casteist forces this morning.
My post is not to defend anything, as the vedhic dharma is neither offended nor debased by such immature observations... and neither are any followers...
One may be well equipped with the material education - that too is a shasthra, no doubt - but that does not implicitly grant them the maturity in other things, spiritual or philosophical... worldly experience can sometimes be quite detrimental in going the opposite way, in understanding certain basic concepts of dharma... neither can it compensate for improper understanding...
The person is experiencing his own journey and its results... so be it...
But really, the question which I would like to pose, to interested members, is this:
"Do we really need to 'prove' to the world to discard such opinions... not only of the brahmins, but of our vedhic dharma as well? Of course, individual views cannot be altered (neither do they matter), if not by a conscious effort of the concerned... But in the long run, such views tend to collate themselves and pose a threat even to the dharmic... The vendetta against brahmins is one. Ultimately, the society would suffer as a result of such brain-washing"