This forum itself is uniting us and we are able exchange lot of ideas. Only thing is we have to have separate cells under this forum itself to address specific problems and provide appropriate solutions. I earnestly request to collect areas of expertise of our members, classify under each specialised areas and whenever need arises, divert the questions to the experts. Put a leader under each cell so that he can co-ordinate the opinions and suggest solutions to the problems.
i agree, with reservations, about this forum uniting us.
yes, it is an avenue, for us to discuss and discard, exchange information and above all to banter.
with some self discipline about the manner and content of the posts, i am quite sure, this is getting to be a thriving institution.
whereas, expanding its scope, as envisaged by you, much as useful as it sounds, requires a lot of time and effort. perhaps one or two people working almost full time to collect and coagulate the data into proper format and usefulness.
not sure if any of us can spare that type of effort.
i am convinced that we, as presenting ourselves within this group, are a decent and generous sort, willing to help out with ideas and knowledge.
so, perhaps, if specific need arises from a member, particularly about career options or skillset polishing, these might be resolved, almost immediately.
about a year ago, there were some serious discussions about starting a college for tamil brahmins in karnataka, where we might qualify as a linguistic minority.
that discussion went no where.
on the other hand, we have not seen appeals for the type of help that you have anticipated. there may be simply no takers to all these organizational effort.
personally, i think, if we continue all current lines, and go where the flow takes us, is jolly good OK.
thank you.