There is a general misconception that "Prabhavaadhi shashti samvatsaras" beginning from 'Prabhava" is Tamil New Year. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari or Dwarka to Asansol, the New Year starts when Sun enters Mesha (or Aries). Though we Tamils call it correctly (forget about DMK's NY), others call it at the advent of popular festival. Like Chingam in Kerala, Diwali for Gujarati, Yugadi/Gudi Paadwa for Telgu, Kannad or Maharashtrians. In astrological calculations the New Year or New Name of the year is mentioned when the Sun enters Mesha. As for the Lunar year, probably it could be because of Arabic or Islamic influence. Even in the name of months a relative pattern is only followed. In case of Maharashtrian New Year, Gudi Padwa, the name Chaitra is given not because it is Chaitra month, but because waning(dark fortnight) Prathamai will begin from Chitra Nakshatra. All months are named this way. Astrologically or rather astronomically Sun is placed in Mesha about our time, i.e April 13 or 14. The basic idea or calculation is same, but every body wants to show they are different. It is time we all vote for uniformity in calling New Year and remove misconception. I look forward to experts opinions. Regards