Hello subalaji and All:
I fully agree w/you and this is one of the main objectives of me signing up here. We should start chalking out the objectives as a team; perhaps you should start a new Objectives thread for this group. Here is my 2 cents (opinion):
I wanted to do my best to help our Brahmin Community especially to the less fortunate. Once we accomplish that, we can extend our help to other caste/communities as well. Obviously, we don't want to be portrayed as an outfit like KKK(Klu Klux Klan - For those of you who are not familiar with this, it is a fraternal group advocating White Supremacy in the United States and its sole purpose is to propagate and retain the White Supremacy. Although this group is still very much alive and kicking, some White people resent that and it has become a social stigma). So long story short, we don’t want to be like KKK, instead, we should be a group of Brahmins helping out our community folks FIRST due to obvious reasons and then extend our services to other caste/community as well
FELLOW BRAHMINS: If history has taught us anything (like persecution of JEWS and all), minority people like us who have been oppressed should join hands to rebuild our community and our stature in the society.
MY GOAL is simple: We as BRAHMINS should co-exist with other caste and community folks like we all do now, unlike what it used to be, and serve as a moral example to others yet anchored to our beliefs and values.
At this juncture, I’d like to propose to:
[1] all BRAHMINS that, in today’s world, it is hard to distinguish between BRAHMINS from the others especially those who are from other Regions, so let’s start by changing our Last Names to sound Brahminical , typically in the US and the rest of the world, or for the most part the Last Name represent the Family they Hail from, for instance my Manager’s
Last Name is Miller, thus his Wife, his kids, his parents, his brothers, sister all have the last names as
Miller. So, you get the point. I’m planning on changing it to Iyengar shortly and similarly for my Wife as well.
[2] Please refrain from Drinking, Smoking, and Eating Non_veg food. I know it is easy to say but hard to implement. Guys, if we want to succeed as a group we have to do this. This is the main quality of a Brahmin.
[3] Let’s do Sandhayavandhanam everyday. I recently started with this after my recent trip to India.
[4] Some of us take off our Poonals. Guys, I don’t blame you b/c I used to be like that when I was in College and for the first few years while I was in the US. Nowadays, I don’t take it no matter what.
[5] Do community service and some quality time at the temple along w/other priests reading ‘Nalayaa Prabandham’ or whatever is applicable to you.
[6] Share good beliefs/values to people. And etc., etc.,
I do not expect every one in this group or outside to agree with what I had mentioned, but if we don’t, we will cease to exist before even our life time.
subalaji said:
My request to all fellow brahmins , while there are lot of issues to be sorted out long term , I feel short term let us all put our heads and efforts together to see how we can identify and help brahmins with education, coaching and getting jobs. Once we start doing this some of the above issues will get sorted out . Once every poor brahmin knows the community is making genuine efforts to help them , lot of things will automatically change .
Thanks a lot and do not mistake me