We wish to do Amavasya Tharpanam, Dhevasam and other thithi karyams for our parent.
The practice was discontinued after 1st year Varushabdigam and not done for the last few years.
The doubt is :
- Can you start doing the rituals from next month straight away ?
- Or, is there any "Re-starting Procedure" after discontinuing such rituals ?
We have been advised to do :
- a Homam first at Kashi / Rameswaram for doing thithis for pleasing SEVEN previous ancestors (we dont know beyond 4 ancestors)
- then start with doing a total of 36 Tharpanams in a year (Amavasya Tharpanam, Monthly Thithi Tharpanam, Malayapaksha Tharpanam etc)
- Fasting to be observed on all these days and no outside food (tea coffee also) - Before and also After the Tharpanam day for "all" the family members
- and then do varusha Thevasam
Having discontinued the procedure due to lack of proper guidance, we wish to start the procedure in a proper way.
But the advise seems a bit out of budget and impractical.
Need the advise of learned people who can guide us the proper, but practical way of starting this process.
The practice was discontinued after 1st year Varushabdigam and not done for the last few years.
The doubt is :
- Can you start doing the rituals from next month straight away ?
- Or, is there any "Re-starting Procedure" after discontinuing such rituals ?
We have been advised to do :
- a Homam first at Kashi / Rameswaram for doing thithis for pleasing SEVEN previous ancestors (we dont know beyond 4 ancestors)
- then start with doing a total of 36 Tharpanams in a year (Amavasya Tharpanam, Monthly Thithi Tharpanam, Malayapaksha Tharpanam etc)
- Fasting to be observed on all these days and no outside food (tea coffee also) - Before and also After the Tharpanam day for "all" the family members
- and then do varusha Thevasam
Having discontinued the procedure due to lack of proper guidance, we wish to start the procedure in a proper way.
But the advise seems a bit out of budget and impractical.
Need the advise of learned people who can guide us the proper, but practical way of starting this process.