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COVID in India: Loss of trust in Modi government has people looking online | DW News

Of course Indian Media, government, and Modi supporters will deny this.

Even West is suffering from this. Modi or any one cannot help unruly, selfish, motorcycle gangs and also we have still not understood this disease. Plus with corruption, we have done no research and yet expect the world to help us? Whatever good will we have is due to Modi. (I am not a BJP or Modi chamcha. But the alternative will be worse due to fragmentation and 90% corruption. ).
It is malicious misinformation. Except at the first couple of months of the second wave the infection has been under exemplary control. U.S. fared much worse and still in the strong grip of it.

Please present only truth and correct logic.
The whole world faced the pandemic.
Many other countries leaders also faced the same blame music!

The blame game of any kind wont change anything.

Blame and constant lamenting is the sign of a mind that is stuck in a loop of himsa( violence) inflicted on self by self.

Problems can be solved without blaming and its not that hard to do so!
India’s second wave of Covid-19 may have protected it from a devastating third wave

If India staves off a third wave of Covid-19, which now looks increasingly possible, it may have a lot to do with the deadly second wave.

In contrast to the daily numbers of over 400,000 in April and May, there were only around 13,000 new infections on Oct. 18, the lowest in 231 days.

“There would be a mild spike in cases as a result of the festive season, perhaps building up to a gentle peak, but not approaching anywhere near the size of the second wave,” said Gautam Menon, professor at the departments of physics and biology at Ashoka University.

It is malicious misinformation. Except at the first couple of months of the second wave the infection has been under exemplary control. U.S. fared much worse and still in the strong grip of it.

Please present only truth and correct logic.
What I posted is misinformation, PROVE it. Don't just throw accusations.
When the post is about India or Indians just writing that other countries are doing worse does not help India.
If I get caught for going over the speed limit, it does not help me to say that the other car was going even faster.

Indian press reports what the Indian Government wants. All government wants to control information. Western media is a lot more independent when reporting.
The whole world faced the pandemic.
Many other countries leaders also faced the same blame music!

The blame game of any kind wont change anything.

Blame and constant lamenting is the sign of a mind that is stuck in a loop of himsa( violence) inflicted on self by self.

Problems can be solved without blaming and its not that hard to do so!
I agree that the blame game may not solve the current problem. But you must assign the blame, and punish the culprit so that it is not repeated.
What I posted is misinformation, PROVE it. Don't just throw accusations.
When the post is about India or Indians just writing that other countries are doing worse does not help India.

Indian press reports what the Indian Government wants. All government wants to control information. Western media is a lot more independent when reporting.

Dear Prasad,

Your information at a time when things are looking up is mischief information if not misinformation. Thete is no need of this post. The Indian government did well. The reason for mentioning U.S. is that such a superpower government was not able to do much. So sometimes it may be beyond capabilities and not necessarily inaction or wrong actions.
Its the fault of the WHOLE WORLD!
The moment there is an issue all become Kshatriya mode.
Even outhere in my country the term
COVID warrior was used.
Combating Covid.
Fight Covid.

This shows the mindset of humans, fighting everything except improving ourselves.

We never reflect as why this happened..where did we go wrong..did we take things for granted or are we really having any power to plan?

Heck No! We need to realize we were just bloody nothing..needed to fear for ourlives to survive..tormented by a virus and super powers too were on their knees.

The most religious too had to make do with praying at home.

We didnt need a Brahmastra to eliminate our ego..a virus was enough to remind us to BEHAVE.
None has solution. Every one complains and list problems. If you can suggest a solution that is feasible, possible, within the corrupt environment, controlling 128 crore people, and so on, then you should list your problmes. Sitting in USA talking about Indian problem is identical to be in India and telling Donal Trum is destroying Democracy. Can any one change that? Nature is acting according to it's own rules and no leader can change it. Even Lord Krishna could not change the mind of Duriyodhan!
None has solution. Every one complains and list problems. If you can suggest a solution that is feasible, possible, within the corrupt environment, controlling 128 crore people, and so on, then you should list your problmes. Sitting in USA talking about Indian problem is identical to be in India and telling Donal Trum is destroying Democracy. Can any one change that? Nature is acting according to it's own rules and no leader can change it. Even Lord Krishna could not change the mind of Duriyodhan!
Well said Renuka and Shri Mani. Everything acts in accordance with natural laws which not only means physical laws but also spiritual laws. People almost always are not able to see or understand the latter but nature itself will make them wise.
Dear Prasad,

Your information at a time when things are looking up is mischief information if not misinformation. Thete is no need of this post. The Indian government did well. The reason for mentioning U.S. is that such a superpower government was not able to do much. So sometimes it may be beyond capabilities and not necessarily inaction or wrong actions.

A couple of weeks back, The Economist wrote that according to one estimate 7 million Indians died in the second wave, and 2.8 million by conservative estimates!! The official number is around half million which is probably wrong but not off by a factor of 10! But the article was comparing death rates in different countries and like any typical Westerner they wanted to make sure the USA was not on top (deaths per population) of the list. So India was pushed to the top with the nonchalant claim that the government was lying and many millions had perished. Of course Westerners are always truthful and Indians cannot be trusted so the figures were not fudged but only made accurate!
A couple of weeks back, The Economist wrote that according to one estimate 7 million Indians died in the second wave, and 2.8 million by conservative estimates!! The official number is around half million which is probably wrong but not off by a factor of 10! But the article was comparing death rates in different countries and like any typical Westerner they wanted to make sure the USA was not on top (deaths per population) of the list. So India was pushed to the top with the nonchalant claim that the government was lying and many millions had perished. Of course Westerners are always truthful and Indians cannot be trusted so the figures were not fudged but only made accurate!
The westerners specifically the Americans try to be on top by force. They seem to miss the obvious truth that any time it may come back on them. Such seems to be the intoxication of power you begin to think anything is possible and nothing can hurt you.
If you think you can plan for everything and so control everything you are being part of nature's plan.

Wise understand they have to play by the laws of nature. The fools think they are above them.
The U.S. it seems is shown as a negative example by nature of how not to be bombastic and irresponsible with power and influence. It will not be at the top for long and will be kicked out of power by nature.
Indian News Channels constantly scream anti-government information, particularly those called NDTV, India Today, Times Now, ABP News, Sun News, Puthiya Thalaimurai, Asianet, Telegraph, Hindu, Indian Express, Pioneer and the like. Republic & Zee alternate between cozing up with the government versus opposing them.

Pre-emptively stating that Modi supporters will oppose it seems to me an attempt at one type of demagoguery.

The claim was thrown by DW News (a famous anti-Indian website/news outlet). We don't need to shoot the messenger, but for sure, I'd be careful about who gives the information. I'd not want to trust Hitler for a peace message, would I?

The Economist, DW News, BBC News, CNN, The Atlantic, The NY Times - none of these marquee brands have covered themselves with any glory in being non-partisan as news providers. They share their news which suit their agenda.

Our anecdotal data seems to carry more weight than governmental data shared official. Our mistrust of all things governmental, notwithstanding, how many of us went to take our own free vaccine doses? That this government offered free vaccines to just about everybody is lost on us. That 80 crores of Indians have been given free rations till Nov-2021 (or is it till Dec-2021?) from Apr-2020 is lost on us. How easily we diss the government based on a leftist news source?

Imagine, if the government were as vindictive as we imagine it to be & start harassing our citizens, because we don't appreciate the hard work things have taken to be put together to achieve the magical & psychologically strong mark of 100 crore vaccine mark today!? Probably, we need to be better tuned in our antennae! Probably, we need to give that bit of benefit of doubt to our government. Probably, we need to be less than so caustically cynical. Probably, we need to be positive minded!
The white American clowns and jokers have to understand the world is just not white america. Their ego seems to be sky high. Only that occupies their head with no gray matter.
The white American clowns and jokers have to understand the world is just not white america. Their ego seems to be sky high. Only that occupies their head with no gray matter.
Incidentally, we are all too familiar with a problem made out of a similar strain in our own country. All our history books are Delhi-centric, aren't they?
The white American clowns and jokers have to understand the world is just not white america. Their ego seems to be sky high. Only that occupies their head with no gray matter.
Your solution to bad news is to kill the messenger. As if that solves the problem. I am surprised that a "so-called" higher energy person carries so much hatred, in your bad times.
Gita teaches equanimity, not Hatred towards the messenger.

I agree that was unwarranted. My personal life was severely affected so I might have carried that here. I apologize to the forum for the burst. I will try to maintain equanimity.
None has solution. Every one complains and list problems. If you can suggest a solution that is feasible, possible, within the corrupt environment, controlling 128 crore people, and so on, then you should list your problmes. Sitting in USA talking about Indian problem is identical to be in India and telling Donal Trum is destroying Democracy. Can any one change that? Nature is acting according to it's own rules and no leader can change it. Even Lord Krishna could not change the mind of Duriyodhan!
Lord Krishna could have changed anything He wanted, but its just that God doesnt interefere with our Free Will and Karma.
The westerners specifically the Americans try to be on top by force. They seem to miss the obvious truth that any time it may come back on them. Such seems to be the intoxication of power you begin to think anything is possible and nothing can hurt you.
Some countries try to be on top by being intoxicated with power and money.

Some other countries is always trying to project superiorty of ancient culture.

So somehow both are at the either end of the same spectrum, sailing on the sea of delusion.
The white American clowns and jokers have to understand the world is just not white america. Their ego seems to be sky high. Only that occupies their head with no gray matter.
Sravna, everyone has some form of " pride" ...some have ego of power..some have ego of spirituality..at the end of the day we all must strive to go beyond the notion of " I am this or I am that" but just Be in the Now without any trace of self projection.

I agree that was unwarranted. My personal life was severely affected so I might have carried that here. I apologize to the forum for the burst. I will try to maintain equanimity.
What did you find so " negative" about USA that you dont seem to have any regard for the USA?
but lots of Indians especially TBs have migrated there, how is it they adapt?
Dear Renuka,

I really do not want to practice and propagate negativity or hate. I apologized for it. I will act only in accordance with my conscience which is God to me.

I find many things negative about USA and of course many positive things too. The fundamental problem with them is the ego to the extent of thinking all others are fools. I don't think it is healthy. Others also have problems but U.S. seems to be in a position to wield their power and influence over others and prevail with that negativity. That's the crux of the problem.

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