Folks, Greetings!
I feel like the metaphoric Abhimanyu, battling all by himself, on the ground, against a formidable group of Kauravas from their chariots.
What if I tell you I am being a contrarian just to increase traffic to the site, no no, just kidding
My antecedents are quite open and well known to many in this forum, including RVR sir. I am expressing my views as honestly as I can, and in the process if I am to go down, I will go down like Abhimanyu.
The criticisms are:
- people in the west don't understand ground realities in India
The above is not logical. Many brahmins living in Indian cities have no idea what is going on in villages. To study and understand realities, the place of residence can at best be a small hurdle, but having a closed mind is an insurmountable mountain of a barrier.
This is a stawman and a complete non sequitur. First, I don't blame anybody, only that brahmins must face up to their responsibility. Others like OBCs must do too, I have said so also. Criticizing me with the bogus charge that I am not talking about OBC is disingenuous.
- It is a day dream to think caste is going away
Yes, agreed, it won't go away easily!
Article 1 of the International Convention on Eradication of all forms of racial discrimination defines "racial discrimination" as:
"any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."
The General Recommendation No. 29: Article 1, paragraph 1 of the Convention (Descent) : . 01/11/2002. Gen. Rec. No. 29. (General Comments) says the following about caste:
Strongly reaffirming that discrimination based on "descent" includes discrimination against members of communities based on forms of social stratification such as caste and analogous systems of inherited status which nullify or impair their equal enjoyment of human rights,
Strongly condemning descent-based discrimination, such as discrimination on the basis of caste and analogous systems of inherited status, as a violation of the Convention,
(emphasis mine)
Now, with Nepal abandoning their opposition, India stands alone in opposing this language. This is why all progressives must stand together in opposition to this system. Changing the mind is the first step, If people refuse this, and want to maintain "purity" of caste, yes, eradication of caste will only remain a pipe dream.
- brahmins are not keeping anyone away from achieving whatever they want
Brahmins don't do this, at least these days they can't do this, but the caste system did and still does to a lesser extent.
This part of the system that organized economic activities based on varna/caste was often argued in this forum as the ideal system for the orderly functioning of the society. It is this system, that requires the off-springs of a vaNNaan to remain a vaNNaan etc., that allowed the accumulation of cultural capital by brahmanas and other upper caste NBs (see, I am including NBs also).
Pointing to individual brahmins not preventing others to do whatever they wish misses the point by a mile. It is the varna/caste system that ensured exclusivity in the accumulation of cultural capital that enables a group of people, segregated by birth status, to thrive while others toiled.
Often times, in social context, perception is reality, and the perception is Brahmins brought this caste system to the Tamil people with their Vedas and Dharmashasthras. This is why the rest of the so called communities, aka castes, are able to lay the "blame" at the doorstep of Brahmins with impunity.
It is all well and good to blame Dravidian politicians, I will join in the denunciations, but at day's end, what good would that do to the "community"?
There is tons and tons of academic literature by disinterested academics about these issues. Where are the answers that are intellectually sustainable? I am searching the literature and I find nothing that documents that caste system is a good system and each "community" aka caste taking care of itself is just fine and just what we need.
- let us first unite all brahmins
This will only further isolate the so called community further from the rest of the population. This promotes an ostrich like tendency that will not serve this "community" aka caste well in the long run.
Anand, it is interesting that you mention the lady telling you Brahmins are not supposed to come to their hut. Apparently this lady's attitude is common among the older dalits and is clue to the origins of their caste.
p.s. please refrain from ad hominems like I am this or I am that, for what do they prove?