You may live in Britain, but you must show British ness says the British Government now. Tests in the English language and the British way of life will be compulsory for the foreigners from next year. The West now believe that the way of life and culture is very important for their nation building activities.
Everything west is very good and superior for our Elite and Secular. How about advocating this now ?. Globally we are known as Hindus and our religion as Hinduism. There is no equal word for DHARMA in English or in any other foreign language. This is only best experienced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and no need for any test.
You may live in Britain, but you must show British ness says the British Government now. Tests in the English language and the British way of life will be compulsory for the foreigners from next year. The West now believe that the way of life and culture is very important for their nation building activities.
Everything west is very good and superior for our Elite and Secular. How about advocating this now ?. Globally we are known as Hindus and our religion as Hinduism. There is no equal word for DHARMA in English or in any other foreign language. This is only best experienced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and no need for any test.