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Brahmin girls falling trap of love jihadi's and converted to islam.

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i am pained to write that many brahmin girls are falling in the trap of "love jihadis" and are converted to islam. This is happening in kerala for the past many years. Many brahmin girls have fallen in the trap.

Muslim youth tempt good looking brahmin girls by saying all lies and many girls have fallen in the trap. These girls are sexually exploited and then converted into islam.

I have informed this in state meeting of kerala brahmana sabha, but sorry to say that this is not at all taken seriously.

How to help our community? What is the way?


manoj sivan, palakkad


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And that is Kerala. Christianity set first foot in Kerala and there are more chrisitian divisions in Kerala than any where else. It is a mysterious place where all good things happen so also strange ones. Generally speaking in worldly matters Brahmins have not been considered an intelligent lot, much less the female folks. We have always been thinking that allegiance to God and our Dharma is supreme, but excluded our duty as a human being. We have the results. You should create minds that can work on its own and sustain itself in a particular way. Christianity is right at its place so also Islaam at its. If the Vedas and our customs do not impress them, let them go and study our sanatana dharma from the opposite camp. But it is not religion or other customs that lure them. Some thing superficial and abysmal attractions.
Brahmin girls falling trap of "love jihadis" and converted to islam


let this information of "love jihad" and brahmin girls falling prey reach more and more people of the community. Please pass on this information to all you know so that everyone understands the seriousness of the problem.

I am pained to write this because even village girls in palakkad have fallen in the trap and have become muslims.

It is high time for brahmins to learn our sanathana dharma. Those who know the history of "islam" will not fall into the trap.

Please help our community by passing on this information is my humble request.


manoj sivan, palakkad
Dear Mr. Manoj Sivan!

Welcome to the Forum! :welcome:

So finally you decided to join in the Forum! :thumb:

Give your statistics and I am sure your thread will become the next hot thread!

Brahmin girls seem to be the most confused and disillusioned girls in India now!

May God guide them in the right path and prevent them from falling victims to the men who don't deserve them!

with best wishes,
Visalakshi Ramani
Dear Mr.Manoj,

Why dont you carry this Serious Matter to The Upper Heads in BJP or RSS at Palghat.

They will take up the issue seriously and take drastic effort to put an end to The Evil Conversion.
Dear Mr.Manoj,

Why dont you carry this Serious Matter to The Upper Heads in BJP or RSS at Palghat.

They will take up the issue seriously and take drastic effort to put an end to The Evil Conversion.

Sri T.S.Sankara Narayanan,

I don't think this strategy would work. Political and religious dogmatic groups can not influence this matter positively to our favor, in this matter, IMO.

These Brahmin girls are trapped in "LOVE". Girls right from the age of 18 as major have their right to accept or reject a love proposal and carry on with it as the case may be. "LOVE" is the tool that can not hinder the conversioin strategy.

The law and order can paralyse us, if we take actions against "Love Jihadis". Our own girls would first stand against us, asking us not to break her heart and ruin her life. Being trapped in "Love", their claims can not be rejected.

The problem is purely, the influence of family and social environment in present days...

A True brahmin is supposed to live a very simple life and think about

and contemplate on things higher than the day to day life.

The mantra taught to us was "Simple living and high thinking."

We should pass on this concept to our next generation and make

them realize the worth of our own religion, culture and customs.

That may deter the mindless conversion on the grounds of love!
The problem is, this is the age of perversion. Only highly disciplined minds can survive the onslaught of the times. That is the reason that the higher values of our religion need to be strongly instilled in the young minds. Otherwise I think the decay would be irreversible.
The problem is, this is the age of perversion. Only highly disciplined minds can survive the onslaught of the times. That is the reason that the higher values of our religion need to be strongly instilled in the young minds. Otherwise I think the decay would be irreversible.

Exactly Shri Sravna!!!!!...

Perversions are fructified by many girls and boys in guise of Love. Some, who are mentally prepared to just amuse onself with the pleasures are not falling in the trap of conversions, IMO. They are just losing many of the feelings of their innerself. Unfortunately some are becoming pray of "Love Jihadis", who are basically from villages.

Othar than lack of instilling religious and moral values, I feel, poverty and family disturbances are the prime reasons for such cases, where girls are falling pray of "Love Jihadis". As well, the many of the conceptual deals of the Hindu Marriage Market.

If only the girls know that a triple talaq delivered through any medium is enough to leave them high and dry...............
Not a simple issue.
1. Girl loves the boy; converts and marries. This is to be accepted. Parents can either swallow and make truce with the girl or say'good bye' to the girl and her new family. Choice is theirs.
2. Boys lure the girls by over attention, over spending and exposure to a relatively luxurious life. Boy's sisters are encouraged to coerce the hindu girl to become a victim.
3. Boys are paid to lure. seduce, blackmail and terrorize the girl; the girl has no choice but to fall prey to the forced marriage and conversion.

Our society has to intervene in 2 and 3. VHP was successful in stopping type 2 and 3 marriages in Mangalore-Udipi areas. Girl's parents are the last to know and are really devastated by the behaviour of their daughters.

As far as I am concerned, I will say 'good bye' and keep my distance from such an alliance.
If only the girls know that a triple talaq delivered through any medium is enough to leave them high and dry...............

You dont need triple talaq..A single talaq is enough.But single talaq after the "edah" period is over(a stipulated period of time almost equivalent to a month) the same ex husband can remarry his ex wife if he wants.

this also applies to double talaq but in triple talaq thats not the case.
After the "edah" is over the ex hubby can not marry his ex wife..till she marries someone else..consumates the marriage get talaq by the new hubby and only then she can remarry her ex hubby if she wants.

Out here Talaq via SMS is also valid.
Simple solution is be happy with our religion( i am not using the word be proud cos pride comes with prejudice).
If parents are too strict in upbringing this problem occurs and if they are too lax also this problems happens.
I will give a personal tip which worked for me and a few others when we were in college.Whenever any guy tried to get to know anyone of us as in ask us out out for a date....If the person was a Non Hindu the answer will be No(told politely)
I know this sounds a bit "prejudiced" to the eyes of some here but that sort of thinking can always make sure we marry fellow hindus.
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Brahmin girls falling trap of "love jihadis" and converted to islam

Namaskarams Mami,

According to attached Indian Express report maximum number of girls fallen in the trap of "love jihadis" are brahmin girls.

It is high time that brahmin girls are given education regarding our "Sanathana Dharma"


Manoj Sivan

Dear Mr. Manoj Sivan!

Welcome to the Forum! :welcome:

So finally you decided to join in the Forum! :thumb:

Give your statistics and I am sure your thread will become the next hot thread!

Brahmin girls seem to be the most confused and disillusioned girls in India now!

May God guide them in the right path and prevent them from falling victims to the men who don't deserve them!

with best wishes,
Visalakshi Ramani


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there are members here whose children have married out of caste, religion and race.

these appear to have adjusted fairly well to our customs, adapted it, and become part of our culture. maybe that is another way to approach this.

if we have nothing to do with our children, if they want to marry outside our tambram circle, are we not driving them away from us?

let those members, whose children married outside the tambram, may be can share their experiences, and suggestions, and lessons for the benefit of other members. that would be nice and a good service to the community.

thank you.
Namaskarams to all,

this "love jihad" is a well planned mode of conversion organised by terrorist outfits belonging to islam. This is happening every where in india and abroad. Our girls must be educated about our "sanathana dharma". These girls are sexually exploited by love jihadi's and some forced to do terrorist activities. The catholic bishop council of kerala is the organisation to conduct study of love jihad operation. They have published the report. The report is in malayalam. I have attached the report earlier. Although hindu organisations have rescued many girls and have warned about love jihad, as you all know the influence of muslims in our country- they are winning the war.

I humbly request all to read the detailed article in malayalam about love jihad.

I pray to you all to do the best to save our sisters.

May god help us all!


manoj sivan

Just as we are discussing the unfortunate subject, we just have the news that Ms Nayanthara, SI actress, has changed her religion. She was a Kurien from Kerala. Well. It is her decision and she has to uphold. But that is certainly not a credit to Sanatana Dharma until she upholds its tenets. Of course, these have acquired some political hue because of others. Others call it a "change of faith". I do not understand how 'faith' can be changed. If it can be changed it was not 'faith' nor it could ever be.
It is parents mistake. Our Brahmin parents have moved away from Hinduisam. We have not bothered to be a brahmin. we look into Foreign culture. I know even 70 year old wears a Chudhidar which is not our culture. u can were upto one age. leave alone this, Right brining up of children from childhood makes difference. today 50% of Brahmin children are pampered by their parents and Grand parents. if u do not Teach them the right think , then one day they will marry only a Muslim Girl or a Boy to a Muslim girl or boy.or Chirstians. then there is not use of regretting it. One of Brothers friend's Son god married to a Bangladesh muslim Girl. what a sad state of affairs. in other community they react in other way which i do ot want to write here how?. some communities i know behave in violent way if they marry to other Religion.

we are putting too much emphasis into celebrity stuff.

Whatever may be her religion, I always liked nayanthara, inspite of the horrible movie aadhavan that I saw yesterday.

I do like prabhu deva. Incidentally for the purists, prabhu’s first wife was a converted muslim, his mother I think is also muslim. I think we should not get worked up over the allegations in this thread. It can get very emotional and when one looks deeply, not much truth into it. The kerala christian community had similar complaints against the jihadist, and it was proved to be a political ploy of hate mongers.

Welcome other groups into our tambram fold. That is one sure way to stem the deep fall in our numbers in tamil nadu and india.
Yes. We Brhamins are just silent for the past 150 years. we are paying for the mistakes of our Ancesters. Look how many Bramin girls have kunkum on their fore Head or " what do u say " Nethiku Pootu vaithu kulgiraagal". even i know some married Girls in the night remove "Thalli".. We moved away from Brhamin Culture. we have forgotten or refused agree with our Religious matter, and some call it -"all usleless things"/ has one Muslim will ever say against his religion?. they love their Religion, but do we------------------?
You dont need triple talaq..A single talaq is enough.But single talaq after the "edah" period is over(a stipulated period of time almost equivalent to a month) the same ex husband can remarry his ex wife if he wants.

this also applies to double talaq but in triple talaq thats not the case.
After the "edah" is over the ex hubby can not marry his ex wife..till she marries someone else..consumates the marriage get talaq by the new hubby and only then she can remarry her ex hubby if she wants.

Out here Talaq via SMS is also valid.
Sometime before, I read a news story somewhere in Bangla Desh or around, a man said 'talaq' in his dream and the divorce was decreed.

arr belonged to a tamil mudaliar family. there is a story behind his mother's conversion, and hence him. can happen to anyone with a crisis of health that the family experienced. i am with you, re it is a loss to our faith, but such is life.

also, please do not get worked up or upset folks. there are enough folks pouring vitriol on other faiths and communities. india is a multi faith multi lingual mutli caste country.

we have no more entitelement as tambrams than anyone else. infact we have always got more than our due share.

do not listen to hate mongers. for ultimately all this returns to you, multiplied. i know of a few, who indulged in this sort of activities and ideas, to regret it later.

yours truly, an ex RSS of long long ago.. :)
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