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If one takes Shankara's advaita to be true, then what is going on in the world is nothing but brahman maya interactions. Brahman's existence being eternal, it makes sense to expect the existence is a blissful experience. How can brahman being the only reality experience bliss? What is the basis of that bliss? The answer it seems is the inseparable aspect of brahman called maya. It is this aspect or power which projects pseudo realities like the physical world. The fun here is the consciousness of the beings in the lower world is that of the brahman but obscured ones. One can say that brahman projects innumerable obscured consciousness of itself which as a result becomes constrained within the constructs of space and time and has to go through a process to get rid of the veil. This process is what I think is enjoyable to the unadultered brahman which is more than amused to experience the bombasts of the egos afflicted by the veil.
The process proceeds in such a way that it is a learning experience for the maya afflicted consciousness and a blissful experience for the pure brahman. So the interactions in the world may be seen as nothing more than brahman interacting with its own consciousness which are at a lower level. Other than enjoyable the educative part is also there because the lessons learnt in the physical realities are nothing but an unfolding of what the pure consciousness believes.
The process proceeds in such a way that it is a learning experience for the maya afflicted consciousness and a blissful experience for the pure brahman. So the interactions in the world may be seen as nothing more than brahman interacting with its own consciousness which are at a lower level. Other than enjoyable the educative part is also there because the lessons learnt in the physical realities are nothing but an unfolding of what the pure consciousness believes.