I have a question here...it is pretty clear in this verse that those who worship the Pitrs go to Pitr Loka..so is there really a need to do Shraddha for departed ancestors cos that is also still a form of worship.
Lord Krishna is quite clear here that to surrender unto Him and everything else will fall in place.
Dear Renuka,
You kind of answered yourself in the second sentence.
He says, "Those who, with the same rites of worship, worship Me, Lord Vasudeva, as the Supreme Self, whose body is
constituted of gods, pitrs and bhUtas, are My worshippers and reach Me only".
All vedic yaganAs has hymns for all gods. Also, the SandhyA(Morning Sun), Gayatri Devi has hymns on them.
All these gods attained their positions through yoga/merits. They are more powerful than us, humans.
Thus, Salute them for their powers/boons.
As, their title and tenure are limited with the yugas, they are not shAsvatham/permanent, hence
worship their inner-self Lord Krishna,
indestructible, Supreme Brahman/Self.
During ShrArdha, we dont worship the pitrs, instead we worship/pray their inner self, NarAyanA, for
their and our Yoga-KshemA.
Worshipping other gods as Supreme Source/Origin, Worshipping ancestors (like doing pooja for them,
keeping their picture/ statue in the altar) and worshipping the Spirits (yakshAs, rAkshasAs etc.) are criticised.]
There is no suggestion to stop any vedic rituals or salutations to other divinities or sAttvika acts
or nithya karmAs. Instead, we are advised to perform them, with the intention, that Vasudeva is the Seat of Origin,
abode of all beings/creation, and the receiver of all sacrifices and the grantor of all will and boons.