First my opinion Don't try it. Let us go to discussion.
When we go up and up refinement this is what happens.
Human beings were eating every under the sky and on Earth, dynocer meat,snakes,insects and why not eating other human beings( Cannabolism).
Then they reduced the number of other animals and came down to domestic animals like beaf,mutton,chicken,duck etc
Further refinement stopped with mutton and chicken (anti beaf)and some group only eggs. When become vegetarians ,avoided some of the vegetables like garlic, onion and some vegetables.
Then comes the vegen.( I can't do without Thachi mammu)
Still further yogic diet uncooked vegetables and fruits.
We even read about rishis living only breathing air.
It is the order of refinement. Why you want to go back.
We are lucky to be born in the higher order like direct recruit ,civil service officers. You want to become lower cader.
Why doctor tells you to avoid non veg when you are sick. Why many non veg people avoid these during days of prayers.
No doubt veg is satvick. We are brilliant only because of our eating habits which has transformed in our genes.
There are very successful people all over the world who take non veg ,but if you analyse,they may not have best of everything.
Lasty I have my own doubt , how agasthiar devoured vaathaapi?
Dear Sir,
Dinosaurs existed before humans and become extinct much before humans came into existence.
Doctors do not tell to avoid non veg...mostly doctors go along cultural you would find docs in India or from Indian heritage saying to avoid non veg for some conditions but the same wont be said by docs of other cultures although a soft diet is always recommended.
In Malaysia the Chinese belief that during a fever one should avoid rice and eat wheat products instead.
Logically this doesnt jive in countries that only eat it could just be a traditional when my Chinese patients ask me "can i eat rice when I am having fever"...I just play the placebo effect and tell him/her that "well, you can follow traditional beliefs too if that helps you heal faster"
I dont tell him/her that eating rice or wheat makes no difference during a fever cos if I can get his/her mind to believe that he/she would heal faster half my battle is won.
If you read Ayurveda treatment at times for some ailments meat soup is recommended for some ailments.
So it always depends on the ailment and local beliefs.
When we are sick we generally eat less and appetite becos the body focuses of healing rather than digestion but not many people want to understand this and panic like hell when a person who is unwell doesnt eat as much and pump a sick person with all sorts of liquid food/drinks/soups.
If we observe animals we see that they do not eat during sickness and some cats even eat grass during sickness...animals listen to their bodies but we humans seldom want to listen to our bodies partly cos of the fear of losing weight.
From my personal experience I have seen patients from India always want a good appetite and wants all sorts of "tonics" and vitamins and an over attachment to food.
Thats why personally I fast every Monday and Thursday from dawn to dusk..only have a predawn meal and post dusk meal and no food and water in between.
When we fix our mind that our food and water would only be pre dawn and post dusk and do not think of water and food the whole day..we actually get so many things done and lessen our attachment to food.
A lot of ailments are related to over attachment to food...if we could lessen this attachment at least 2x a week you would see your health improve
BTW Jews have won the most nobel prizes and Jew are mostly not vegetarians and eat Kosher meat.
Japanese too eat lots of fish and they are such an advanced nation now with refined thinking and ethics and cleanliness.
So its hard to fully link food with intelligence.