
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to point out that there is quite a bit of controversy in the scientific community about his studies. I do not pretend to be a scientist, nor do I have the ability to reproduce his studies. But it is worthwhile to explore his theories, for they may have much to teach us. It is always good to keep an open mind. Think what we lost for so many years by denying the theories of Galileo.
The premise of the Messages from Water is that words can change the molecular structure of water. Water exposed to words like hate, or I want to kill you, or angry heavy metal music form incomplete, asymmetrical patterns. Water that has been exposed to positive words or music show complex and colorful snowflake patterns. The words of Love and Thanks produce the most beautiful water crystal, which is displayed at the top of this section.
"We must think in terms of vibrations to understand this. Everything that exists has a vibration. Water can be imprinted with vibrations. Many individuals are surprised to learn that spoken and written words also have vibrations. For example, beautiful words like love and gratitude have clear vibrations, while negative words have ugly, incoherent vibrations, which either create large distorted clusters or will not form clusters at all."
A Conversation with Masaru Emoto/Natural Awakenings/Dec 2008
you think our arkyam is also having the same effect here, or saying manthram with our hand covering the small chombu of water also has this effect ...looks like it they are following us or we them..the discovery is defenitely from our end. Even the rishis take water and curse, water can hear all good things let us throw water with ashirwaadam .what say you...sunkan
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