pardon me for saying this. i think, one has to remove the cobwebs of hatred even before one starts doing good.
do good for the right reasons.
personally, i do not think, that the muslims are as well off or as favoured as you would like to think. it has been documented over and over again, that they are among the poorest of the people in india, barrinig probably the dalits.
i am not saying that i am not prejudiced, for as humans, we all are, and i think, prejudices define us.
but, i think, the nature of what you chose to believe, is faulted in its validity. beyond which i do not wish to go.
why not wish 'just to do good'? you can target the poor brahmins as the target of your choice.
based on my minimal experience, i think, TBs have very few who are wanting. ofcourse, not everyone will be a millionaire or IT wizard. but the community by and large are well off, compared to the previous generation, and also compared across board to other communities.
we are mostly middle class. we have several individual efforts to help out the unfortunate ones, especially the youth who wish to move ahead.
care5, there are always a group of complainers and whiners, who excuse their own inadequacy, laziness and prejudices in terms of being victimized. it is easy to fall prey to their moans and groans, and i suggest that you strongly desist from falling a victim to such.
surprisingly, i have found, that the intense need for our poor, is health care related. the operations are prohibitively expnsive and these families are double whammied, the sickness, and the loss of income from a prime earner.
having said this, i wish to say, that i admire your desire to help, though i do not necessarily consider your 'conversion' to a clean living 'brahmin' by abjuring meat/alcohol which you once favoured.
those are personal choices, and i think, should be a criterion for any good deed.
thank you and best wishes.