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7m Aarivu

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I haven't yet watched this. Waiting forum's resident film reviewer par excellence Shri Kunjuppu to review it :)

what a nice complement to k..he truly deserves it btw nice skanda mayil picture
Looking at this issue in the normal sense of the term 'migration', almost all of us
are migrants, if not from one extreme to another, but even within a state. If
you ask anyone the name of his native place, he would give the name of a small
village but quickly add that 'I have not seen it. We have lived all thru' in this city'
If he lives in a big city or a foreign country, he would proudly declare ' we have
been living here for many generations'. Mr.KK himself is a madrasi even though
his native place is a small place near Tiruvarur.
It is possible to dismiss this as insignificant thing with all the Brahmin's magnanimity. But I see it as an opportunity to set right the confusing history trusted on Brahmins as migrant Aryans. Why is that there is no flutter on a supposed to be historic movie that portrays history in a grossly erroneous manner. If the Pallavas and the Buddhist residues in Tamilnadu can be accommodated as Dravidian Tamils, so be it for Tamil Brahmins.

By the way, where can I get the most authentic history of the Brahmins?
Who was the author of the post? we have to know the author and confirm the article is unbiased one...
What is your list for the unbiased author? Every author will have their own prejudices for any discussion forum. To call it as a bias means that you are biased in just the opposite way! Am I correct?
I am not talking about the movie. In vedanta (tamil), the 7th arivu is that
parabhrahman pErarivu. With the sixth arivu a man is provided with he must
realise the supreme TRUTH.

மனிதனுக்கு ஆறு அறிவு கொடுத்திருக்கிறான். அந்த ஆறாவது அறிவைக்
கொண்டு பேரறிவை அறியவேண்டும்.

அறிவை அறிவது அறிவு !
I have written about this in another Thread some time back -

1. The low-melanin pigment in the skin that we see (mostly among North Indians and some in the South) is from the so-called Aryan Immigration (I don't call this as Invasion, because these people probably immigrated passively, not as warriors to invade/conquer new lands) that occurred around 3000 BCE. These people came from Central Asia or West Eurasia, now in and around Kazhakstan. They also brought Sanskrit with them.

2. Much later, invaders, traders and travelers from Persia, Afghanistan etc came in contact with Indian population (originally of high melanin dark skinned people) since 900 AD

3. These people inter-married with the local dark skinned people for at least 2000 years... thus creating a hue of skin colors in India:

Southern most Kanyakumari people are purer Dravidians (dark colored) and Northern most Kashmiris are purer Aryans/Persians and those in between are a mixed race of skin color.

I hate discrimination based on color of the skin, period.

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There are no pure race, there is various combinations.
According to wikipedia.
"While biological scientists sometimes use the concept of race to make practical distinctions among of fuzzy sets of traits, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race is often used by the general public in a naive or simplistic way. Among humans, race has no taxonomic significance; all people belong to the same hominid subspecies, homo sapiens sapiens"

The idea of Aryan and Dravidian races is the product of an unscientific, culturally biased form of thinking that saw race in terms of color. There are scientifically speaking, no such things as Aryan or Dravidian races. The three primary races are Caucasian, the Mangolian and the Negroid. Both the Aryans and Dravidians are related branches of the Caucasian race generally placed in the same Mediterranean sub-branch. The difference between the so-called Aryans of the north and Dravidians of the south is not a racial division. Biologically bo th the north and south Indians are of the same Caucasian race, only when closer to the equator the skin becomes darker, and under the influence of constant heat the bodily frame tends to become a little smaller. While we can speak of some racial differences between north and south Indian people, they are only secondary.
For example, if we take a typical person from Punjab, another from Maharash- tra, and a third from Tamilnadu we will find that the Maharashtrians generally fall in between the other two in terms of build and skin color. We see a gradual shift of characteristics from north to south, but no real different race. An Aryan and Dravidian race in India is no more real than a north and a south European race. Those who use such terms are misusing language. We would just as well place the blond Swede of Europe in a different race from the darker haired and skinned person of southern Italy.
Nor is the Caucasian race the "white" race. Caucasians can be of any color from pure white to almost pure black, with every shade of brown in between. The predominent Caucasian type found in the world is not the blond-blue-eyes northern European but the black hair, brown-eyed darker skinned Mediterranean type that we find from southern Europe to north India. Similarly the Mongolian race is not yellow. Many Chinese have skin whiter than many so-called Cauca- sians. In fact of all the races, the Caucasian is the most variable in its skin color. Yet many identification forms that people fill out today in the world still define race in terms of color.



RACE - Race and Human Variation
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7aam arivu - movie review

7aam arivu – movie review

We had a chance to see it matinee in a regular Toronto mainstream theatre. Total audience 15, of which 6 were school going kids, two of them couples sneaking away, probably without the knowledge of their parents. All except us, sri Lankans.

I was very impressed by the way the movie started, reaching back to 1600 years, about the pallava prince bodhivarman, who took the tamil arts and medicines to china, and who is still remembered there. but not anymore in the land of his birth.

The current day plot by Chinese government against india, is something of a stretch, but in a movie, anything is possible, I guess. That we have a pretty shruthi hasan as a biotech engineer dabbling in geneology and remembered memory and skills, is in itself an interesting concept.

In a somewhat perverse way, this shruthi’s work, may support the view, of racial superiority for if our genes and skills are related, this effectively dismisses that sons and daughters of lavatory cleaners, are good for nothing else, as in their genes, all they would know is how to clean latrines. I did not like this assumption.

Later in the movie, there is both shruthi and surya’s diatribe against current practice of tamil nadu – I quote ‘in the name of reservation …. We drive out our best and brightest to usa and other foreign lands’. Coming from murugadoss, via sun pictures, I was surprised. Maybe the stalins and marans, now thanks to two generation of ic marriages to Brahmins, have changed their views re reservations? Who knows!!

The music by harris jeyaraj is toe tappingly good. Very modern and sync with the beat of today. I loved it.

The movie is 168 minutes but only once I looked at the watch after 130 minutes. Because in Toronto, we do not have breaks at intermission of the movie. We just hold the water in our kidneys and suffer through the whole movie. :(

And finally surya. He is awesomely good in most places – what with his handsome face, 6 pack body and the lithe compostures of his movements. But surya is not a serious actor, and when he delivers some serious politically correct statements re sri lankan tamils or reservation in india, it does not sound convincing. Such statements should be best left out in a movie like this, which is a mass action entertainer, with a drop of historical pride as icing.

Just two days ago, thala ajith was bragging in facebook. His long running mangatha, is still vasool raja #1 in tamil nadu, beating out 7aam arivu (surprise) and velayudham (deservedly so). 7aam is anyday a better movie than either mangatha or vel.

Shruthi is tall, stately but appears to have problems delivering tamil dialogues. Otherwise she is perfect.

The photography is awesome. Never realized that Chennai was so beautiful, including the iit campus. I do not believe that the interiors of the museum shown in the movie, is madras museum . if it be so, then kudos to them for such a great presentation.

Dong le the Chinese assassin is frighteningly lifelike. Whenever he appered, mrs K crouched near me terrified and held my hands. I should in a way thank him I guess. :)

All in all 7aam arivu is a superb thriller, world standard.

4 :)
dont know sangom. have not seen aayiraththil oruvan. even the older version with mgr. :)

I had read reviews of the aayirathil oruvan in Tamil Magazines. You can find some info about it here. I feel there is some similarity between the two. Hence the query pl.
Aayirathil oruvan is way different from 7am arivu. Aayirathil oruvan is about a middle class man (kamal hassan) doing something extraordinary to get rid of a few dreaded terrorists locked up in jail.

Aayirathil oruvan is IMO one of the best in present-day tamil cinema. Brings out lack of security in police stations, and the ease by which anyone can learn from the internet to make bombs. Loved the movie, and i love everything about Kamal Hassan in every movie :)

Am told 7am arivu made one mistake. They claimed Pallavas were tamils. Dunno if it is tamil nationalism that spurs such claims, but wish muragadoos had done some research before proceeding to make a movie out of the sentiment.

I would agree pallava descendents can be found in present day tamilians. However, the origin of pallavas was not from tamilians.

Another prob, in the movie, is the claim that tamil arts / sciences conflict with modern science. Understandably ancient sciences were very advanced for their times. However, traditional science and modern science need not be in conflict.

The chinese research their traditional science in modern day universities today. Indians don't. Phytochemistry in the post-genomic era is turning out to be big business for pharma companies. The chinese, imo, are leading in it.

Am not sure what sort of an idea of genetic memory, the movie professes to bring out. I suppose its the junganian concept of racial memory. Am surprised anyone wud make a movie out of racial concepts. But in cinema anything is possible.
Aayirathil oruvan is way different from 7am arivu. Aayirathil oruvan is about a middle class man (kamal hassan) doing something extraordinary to get rid of a few dreaded terrorists locked up in jail.

Aayirathil oruvan is IMO one of the best in present-day tamil cinema. Brings out lack of security in police stations, and the ease by which anyone can learn from the internet to make bombs. Loved the movie, and i love everything about Kamal Hassan in every movie.

The movie that HH is talking about is "உன்னைப் போல் ஒருவன்".

"ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன்" is a different movie. Details can be found here: Aayirathil Oruvan (2010 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Later in the movie, there is both shruthi and surya’s diatribe against current practice of tamil nadu – I quote ‘in the name of reservation …. We drive out our best and brightest to usa and other foreign lands’. Coming from murugadoss, via sun pictures, I was surprised. Maybe the stalins and marans, now thanks to two generation of ic marriages to Brahmins, have changed their views re reservations? Who knows!!

This, perhaps, is an innocuous comment! But I will reply anyways!

Why would the Stalins and Marans change their views w.r.to reservation on account of their marriage to women from brahmin community? The eligibility of their children to compete for reserved seats does not change on account of this marriage!
கால பைரவன்;106701 said:
This, perhaps, is an innocuous comment! But I will reply anyways!

Why would the Stalins and Marans change their views w.r.to reservation on account of their marriage to women from brahmin community? The eligibility of their children to compete for reserved seats does not change on account of this marriage!

self effacing humour? i find that i am very poor in the delivery of wit and fun. i apologize.

those were meant to be funny lines. ok?

the sarcasm was missed. mea culpa :(
கால பைரவன்;106699 said:
The movie that HH is talking about is "உன்னைப் போல் ஒருவன்".

"ஆயிரத்தில் ஒருவன்" is a different movie. Details can be found here: Aayirathil Oruvan (2010 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
oops, sorry, for a moment forgot its unnaipol oruvan, the kamalhassan movie...thanks for correcting me...lack of sleep causes such memory loss arrghh...

i remember aayirathil oruvan, the super maha fantasy reel, of reema sen (as a pandya) going in search of cholas, finding them on some godforsaken island, befriending them and then betraying them.
Dear Kunjuppu
have not seen aayiraththil oruvan.

I strongly recommend you not to see it! It will be the most wasted 2.5 hours in your life!! Particularly after the first 75 minutes it is worth switching the movie off (if you did watch upto that stage!).

If you are really adamant on seeing it, please have your hand near the fast forward button at all times!

Last but not least, the movie is செம மொக்க (you can ask for the meaning anytime! :)).

Kind regards

Valli, yes aayirathil oruvan was too much sutti hammering reel....but a good movie too.

Back to 7am arivu, loved this compo by harris jeyaraj -- the way he has combined mridangam and veena with chinese intruments is astounding. Truly music is divine..

Anyways, folks, it seems 7am arivu has stired up some political implications -- Fury as Tamil film 'Bodhi Dharma' distorts history : Bollywood News - India Today

Sangam period literature is about the muvendras - cholas, cheras, pandyas. It does not mention Pallavas. The Pallavas were not from the Tamil lands.

The Pallavas brought Sanskrit into Tamil regions, wonder what the tamil purists-nationalists would say to that. Moreover, the Pallavas had close relations with Buddhist srilankans, so the buddhist sinhalese can claim closer cultural affinity to bodhidharma than the hindu srilankan tamils.

Anyways, going back in time, how different were people....i would say pallava descendents can be found in bengal, orissa, andhra, tamilnadu, kerala and srilanka, in various castes. And also ofcourse in funan, cambodia...

Hope the sinhalese and tamils realise they have a lot more in common (lot lot more than they think they have). Hope everyone learns to share and care for one another, instead of seeking exclusive superiority over imagined differences.

This is a very nice chinese movie on Bodhidharma - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsFA7aTRISM&feature=related
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