ÃpasthambhaSchool which was 10,000 years old rediscovered!
Discoveries of Shri. R.Ramachandran, Vedic Scholar from Chennai based on inscriptions and literatures.
The present day Subramanya is located in South Kanara is in Kudremukh group of mountains of three peaks
1)Mukha Head 1881 Meters (6173 Ft)
2)Midge Point 1883 Meters (6177 Ft) and
3) Funk Hill 1892 Meters (6207 Ft).
In this Subramanya is located at 1727 Meters (5667 Ft) over looking Bisle Ghat and Sisalkal 1195 Meters (3921 Ft)[FONT="][1][/FONT].
In Ramayana Period that is B.C. 8000 this place was identified as Sahaya and MalayaMountains. The MalayaMountains were a range of mountains that were mentioned in the Matsya Purana, the Kurma Purana, and the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These mountains are believed to have formed the Southern most part (Southwards starting from Palakkad) of the Western Ghats, while the Northern part of the same was called the Sahya Mountains. The peaks of these MalayaMountains are higher than those of the Sahya Mountains. The Anaimalai and Nilgiri form some of its higher ranges. Believably in the Ramayana and Mahabharata ages, and later in the period of recorded history it might have been the junction of the Chera and Pandya Kingdoms.[FONT="][2][/FONT].
Here, Rama saw these mountains where Sita Devi was sitting under Simsapa tree. This tree is of three kinds white, black and yellow, which is bitter in taste (Ashoka Tree). From this forest King Dhasaratha took few herbal sticks and for Flag post (Samiths) for doing Asvatha metha yags for his country[3].
There are chances that Ravana the Lankathipathi, was studying in the school of Ãpastambha, branch of which was located here[FONT="][4][/FONT].
Prof., Max Muller wrote on the authority of F.E. Hall that Ravana (Rawana) wrote a commentary on the Rig Veda[FONT="][5][/FONT].
Rāvana: Prof Max Muller wrote on the authority of F.E.Hall that Rāvana wrote a commentary on the Rig Veda (Pada Pātha of Rig Veda) in a note at the end of its astaka VII, it is ascribed to Ravana. The Pada text of Rig Veda as given differs slightly from the well known work of Śākalya[FONT="][6][/FONT].
An inscription dated March 9, 1346 by Emperor Harihara (1336-1356) refers to sage Vidyaraya theerta and sree Bharati therertha, in which Sree Vidyaranya Theertha was Senior to Bhatarathi Theertha[7].
A gift of land was made on May 26th 1386 at the river bed of Pampa named Kil Kunda Nadu, Aragade Area, Santalige Nadu for the Athishtana of Vidyaranya Vidya theertha Bharathi Theertha[8].
Even though, this Place was called Pithra[FONT="][9][/FONT] Kunta[FONT="][10][/FONT] once upon a time the meaning of which is the ornament of three Vedas where all the three Vedas were taught and a Brahman is guarded by three Vedas, this place was renamed as Sri Skandapura by King Sangama II, Son of Kampanna on May 30th 1356.
Chapter 5 of Bitragunta copper plates mentions, on May 30th 1356 a village called Bitragunda was renamed as Sri Skandapura by King Sangama II Son of Kampa[11].
This may be due to the work that Skanda Swamin did on Rig Veda.
After Ramayana period This Pithra Kunda was just forgotten and not came in to picture.
But there are reasons to believe that the Agama for Temples and Palaces were written by Maya and titled Mayamatha was from here only in B.C. 500.
In A.D 610- 642 when Pulikesi II was ruling Chalukya Dynasty there were several wars with Pallavas from Kanchi, and Mahendra Varman I A.D.600-630 at one stage, took few Agama texts from Chalukya, and when his son Narasimha Varman formed a rock cut temple in Mahabali Puram, made everything in rock and even the Gopura Kalasa was also made by rock. But as it was against Agama, the king didn’t installed those rock Gopura Kalasa and kept that aside.
From this point we can easily understand that the Ãgama for constructing temples were originated from this place.
The festivals are all done in Vaikanasa Agamas[FONT="][12][/FONT].
Only the Brahmins from here formed and invented the Ganesa Idle which identifies the South Pole (Rahu).
From the above mentioned points we can easily come to a conclusion that in our horoscopes Rahu and Kethu was placed, and the calculation was arrived that it takes 18 months for crossing one rasi of 30 deg., of the Zodiac.
The horoscope of Adhi sankara has no mention about this Rahu and Kethu, and from this period people started celebrating the birth day based on Nakshathra. Till A.D. 500 people were celebrating their birth days on Thithi based, and were called Chandra Sidhdhantha, and once people started celebrating their birth days based on Nakshathra they were called as followers of Surya Sidhdhanth.
But when we look in to the Ayurvedic section of India, Saraka was staying here and taught Ayur Veda to various students. This school also taught Medicine to Jeevika in 10th Century A.D.
In AD 1200 Anatha Theertha[FONT="][13][/FONT] rediscovered this school which was later taken over by Skanda Swamin, the author of Kaushika Bhashya which taught Vedanta on Siva[FONT="][14][/FONT], and later on by Madhvacharya[FONT="][15][/FONT]. (A.D.1199-1275)[FONT="][16][/FONT]
Shri Madhvacharya (1238-1317) was the chief proponent of Tattvavada popularly known as Dvaita.,was born on Vijayadashami day of 1238 CE at Pajaka.Pajaka is a village in Udupi Taluk and district of Karnataka state in India. Pajaka is the place where Dvaita philosopher.
This Madvacharya wrote commentaries on Rig Veda as per his wish, and the Madhva Vijaya , Vedartha Prakasa, in Taitriya Samhitha he mentions about sacrificial rites and how to perform these for the welfare of the people and this was known as or say titles as Vaikanasa Agama.
In the Year Saka 1163, (AD1201)[FONT="][17][/FONT] , ruler who ruled Subramanya were Chalukyas, and the name of the King was Tri Bhuvana Malla Someswara Deva IV., who was also called Jaya Varma Deva . These Chalukyas were the arrogant worshippers of Lord Siva.
On the grants they made to these temples bore the symbol of Linga, and the temple the Siva was at the center and Brahma and Vishnu on either side’[FONT="][18][/FONT]. And they minted Coins with Varaha Symbol.
After this period Jains had an upper hand, and Mohamadians invaded South India. In 14th Century, the Chalukya King Veera Vellala III was giving trouble to Mohamadians and Delhi Sultan deputed Harihara and Bukka to counter him in 1326-1327. But Harihara and Bukka, who were Hindus, who were forcefully converted to Muslim by the Delhi Sultan, again reconverted to Hiduism at Virupaksha Temple at Humpy on 18th April 1336[FONT="][19][/FONT].
This Bukka had a Minister by name Madava, This Madava’s younger brother was told as Sayanna. But many scholars disagree with this quote.
Sayanna was a Telugu Brahmin of Bhardwaja Gothra of Krishna Yajur Veda of Bhaudanya Suthra, born in A.D.1295 at the river bed of Krishna.. As a priest by profession he moved to Hampi.
Madava the Minister of Bukka, was asked to take charge of Sringeri mutt of Smartha in November 1331, by Bukka, and renamed as Madavacharya / Vidyatheertha/ Vidyaranya Swami and took charge as peetathipathi on Sukla Patcha, (Bright Moon) Sabthami thithi, on the month of karthigai[FONT="][20][/FONT]. At this time the Bramins were fighting with Jains and Mohamadians from Delhi and South India were already captured most of the places and Hindu Culture was at a shake.
In A.D. 1350 Bukka died[FONT="][21][/FONT].
After the death of Bukka, Sayanna had written commentary for Rig Veda and due his unity and born in Bhaudanya Suktha sect, he was forced to write the thesis with the combination of Jains literatures and interrupted with more Vaisnava names, such as Narayana to show his loyalty to the community he belonged![FONT="][22][/FONT]
This mixture of Agamas were called Vaikanasa Agama, which is followed by this Subramanya Mutt.( [FONT="]Vai[/FONT] means the approach or solutions and [FONT="]Ka[/FONT] means Rig Veda attributed to Saunaka. [FONT="]Asna[/FONT] means Mountain.)
The full meaning for various requirements for human, the solutions are offered in this mountain with the quotes from Rig Veda attributed to Saunaka
According to Saunaka, Rig Veda has 21 Subtle branches which gives are guides for a correct approach on each and every letters written or composed.
Trishub contains: 4,253 rics; Gayatri contains: 2,451 rics; Jagathi contains: 1,348 rics; Anushtub contains: 855; Ushnih contais : 341; Pankti contais : 312 others 849 making a total of 10,409 rics[FONT="][23][/FONT].
The only Srautha Suthra of Atharva Veda is Vaitana Suthra consists of 8 Adyayas divided in to 43 Kandikas. The Vaitana Suthra follows the Saunaka recession of Athrava Veda. This is the work of Atharvana School. Vaitana Sutra recommends fourth priest to sit silently in a yagna in the South of Agni facing North in a sacrifice it has drawn few mantras rituals from Kousika Suthra.
The style of composition adopted in Vaitana Suthra is briefer than that of even the Kathyayana Srutha suthra which is noted for shortness of expression. This Suthra employs the rare word JAMBILA “Saliva” which is not met with in any other Suthra. The injunction of this Suthra that the sacrificer should be caused by the Bhrigvangirovid (the Brahman who is well versed with Atharva Veda Applications) to recite the the sacrificial formula[FONT="][24][/FONT].
The only Srautha Suthra of Atharva Veda is Vaitana Suthra consists of 8 Adyayas divided in to 43 Kandikas. The Vaitana Suthra follows the Saunaka recession of Athrava Veda. This is the work of Atharvana School. Vaitana Sutra recommends fourth priest to sit silently in a yagna in the South of Agni facing North in a sacrifice it has drawn few mantras rituals from Kousika Suthra.
The style of composition adopted in Vaitana Suthra is briefer than that of even the Kathyayana Srutha Suthra which is noted for shortness of expression. This Suthra employs the rare word JAMBILA “Saliva” which is not met with in any other Suthra. The injunction of this Suthra that the sacrificer should be caused by the Bhrigvangirovid (the Brahman who is well versed with Atharva Veda Applications) to recite the the sacrificial formula[FONT="][25][/FONT].
The name of the Bhargava family is closely connected with Vedic scholarship. Thus Yaska, the author or Nirukta, and saunaka[FONT="][26][/FONT], the author of Rigveda Pratisakhya and Anukramanis, were both Bhargavas. Saunaks’s name is also associated with the best known recension of the Atharvaveda. Similarly Vyasa’s renowned disciple Vaisampayana, who was a teacher of Yajurveda and who is believed to have narrated the story of the Bharata war to king Janamejaya, was a Bhargava[FONT="][27][/FONT].
In Madhava Vijaya Veddantha Prakasa , the first place was given to Taitriya Samhita for sacrificial rites. Sayanna quotes many books from the school at Skanda pura alias Subramanya.
This madavachaya attained Siddhi in A.D.1386. His last book written by his pupil Ramakrishna was Pancadasi[FONT="][28][/FONT].
Sayyana died in A.D.1386[FONT="][29][/FONT].
Discoveries of Shri. R.Ramachandran, Vedic Scholar from Chennai based on inscriptions and literatures.
The present day Subramanya is located in South Kanara is in Kudremukh group of mountains of three peaks
1)Mukha Head 1881 Meters (6173 Ft)
2)Midge Point 1883 Meters (6177 Ft) and
3) Funk Hill 1892 Meters (6207 Ft).
In this Subramanya is located at 1727 Meters (5667 Ft) over looking Bisle Ghat and Sisalkal 1195 Meters (3921 Ft)[FONT="][1][/FONT].
In Ramayana Period that is B.C. 8000 this place was identified as Sahaya and MalayaMountains. The MalayaMountains were a range of mountains that were mentioned in the Matsya Purana, the Kurma Purana, and the epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. These mountains are believed to have formed the Southern most part (Southwards starting from Palakkad) of the Western Ghats, while the Northern part of the same was called the Sahya Mountains. The peaks of these MalayaMountains are higher than those of the Sahya Mountains. The Anaimalai and Nilgiri form some of its higher ranges. Believably in the Ramayana and Mahabharata ages, and later in the period of recorded history it might have been the junction of the Chera and Pandya Kingdoms.[FONT="][2][/FONT].
Here, Rama saw these mountains where Sita Devi was sitting under Simsapa tree. This tree is of three kinds white, black and yellow, which is bitter in taste (Ashoka Tree). From this forest King Dhasaratha took few herbal sticks and for Flag post (Samiths) for doing Asvatha metha yags for his country[3].
There are chances that Ravana the Lankathipathi, was studying in the school of Ãpastambha, branch of which was located here[FONT="][4][/FONT].
Prof., Max Muller wrote on the authority of F.E. Hall that Ravana (Rawana) wrote a commentary on the Rig Veda[FONT="][5][/FONT].
Rāvana: Prof Max Muller wrote on the authority of F.E.Hall that Rāvana wrote a commentary on the Rig Veda (Pada Pātha of Rig Veda) in a note at the end of its astaka VII, it is ascribed to Ravana. The Pada text of Rig Veda as given differs slightly from the well known work of Śākalya[FONT="][6][/FONT].
An inscription dated March 9, 1346 by Emperor Harihara (1336-1356) refers to sage Vidyaraya theerta and sree Bharati therertha, in which Sree Vidyaranya Theertha was Senior to Bhatarathi Theertha[7].
A gift of land was made on May 26th 1386 at the river bed of Pampa named Kil Kunda Nadu, Aragade Area, Santalige Nadu for the Athishtana of Vidyaranya Vidya theertha Bharathi Theertha[8].
Even though, this Place was called Pithra[FONT="][9][/FONT] Kunta[FONT="][10][/FONT] once upon a time the meaning of which is the ornament of three Vedas where all the three Vedas were taught and a Brahman is guarded by three Vedas, this place was renamed as Sri Skandapura by King Sangama II, Son of Kampanna on May 30th 1356.
Chapter 5 of Bitragunta copper plates mentions, on May 30th 1356 a village called Bitragunda was renamed as Sri Skandapura by King Sangama II Son of Kampa[11].
This may be due to the work that Skanda Swamin did on Rig Veda.
After Ramayana period This Pithra Kunda was just forgotten and not came in to picture.
But there are reasons to believe that the Agama for Temples and Palaces were written by Maya and titled Mayamatha was from here only in B.C. 500.
In A.D 610- 642 when Pulikesi II was ruling Chalukya Dynasty there were several wars with Pallavas from Kanchi, and Mahendra Varman I A.D.600-630 at one stage, took few Agama texts from Chalukya, and when his son Narasimha Varman formed a rock cut temple in Mahabali Puram, made everything in rock and even the Gopura Kalasa was also made by rock. But as it was against Agama, the king didn’t installed those rock Gopura Kalasa and kept that aside.
From this point we can easily understand that the Ãgama for constructing temples were originated from this place.
The festivals are all done in Vaikanasa Agamas[FONT="][12][/FONT].
Only the Brahmins from here formed and invented the Ganesa Idle which identifies the South Pole (Rahu).
From the above mentioned points we can easily come to a conclusion that in our horoscopes Rahu and Kethu was placed, and the calculation was arrived that it takes 18 months for crossing one rasi of 30 deg., of the Zodiac.
The horoscope of Adhi sankara has no mention about this Rahu and Kethu, and from this period people started celebrating the birth day based on Nakshathra. Till A.D. 500 people were celebrating their birth days on Thithi based, and were called Chandra Sidhdhantha, and once people started celebrating their birth days based on Nakshathra they were called as followers of Surya Sidhdhanth.
But when we look in to the Ayurvedic section of India, Saraka was staying here and taught Ayur Veda to various students. This school also taught Medicine to Jeevika in 10th Century A.D.
In AD 1200 Anatha Theertha[FONT="][13][/FONT] rediscovered this school which was later taken over by Skanda Swamin, the author of Kaushika Bhashya which taught Vedanta on Siva[FONT="][14][/FONT], and later on by Madhvacharya[FONT="][15][/FONT]. (A.D.1199-1275)[FONT="][16][/FONT]
Shri Madhvacharya (1238-1317) was the chief proponent of Tattvavada popularly known as Dvaita.,was born on Vijayadashami day of 1238 CE at Pajaka.Pajaka is a village in Udupi Taluk and district of Karnataka state in India. Pajaka is the place where Dvaita philosopher.
This Madvacharya wrote commentaries on Rig Veda as per his wish, and the Madhva Vijaya , Vedartha Prakasa, in Taitriya Samhitha he mentions about sacrificial rites and how to perform these for the welfare of the people and this was known as or say titles as Vaikanasa Agama.
In the Year Saka 1163, (AD1201)[FONT="][17][/FONT] , ruler who ruled Subramanya were Chalukyas, and the name of the King was Tri Bhuvana Malla Someswara Deva IV., who was also called Jaya Varma Deva . These Chalukyas were the arrogant worshippers of Lord Siva.
On the grants they made to these temples bore the symbol of Linga, and the temple the Siva was at the center and Brahma and Vishnu on either side’[FONT="][18][/FONT]. And they minted Coins with Varaha Symbol.
After this period Jains had an upper hand, and Mohamadians invaded South India. In 14th Century, the Chalukya King Veera Vellala III was giving trouble to Mohamadians and Delhi Sultan deputed Harihara and Bukka to counter him in 1326-1327. But Harihara and Bukka, who were Hindus, who were forcefully converted to Muslim by the Delhi Sultan, again reconverted to Hiduism at Virupaksha Temple at Humpy on 18th April 1336[FONT="][19][/FONT].
This Bukka had a Minister by name Madava, This Madava’s younger brother was told as Sayanna. But many scholars disagree with this quote.
Sayanna was a Telugu Brahmin of Bhardwaja Gothra of Krishna Yajur Veda of Bhaudanya Suthra, born in A.D.1295 at the river bed of Krishna.. As a priest by profession he moved to Hampi.
Madava the Minister of Bukka, was asked to take charge of Sringeri mutt of Smartha in November 1331, by Bukka, and renamed as Madavacharya / Vidyatheertha/ Vidyaranya Swami and took charge as peetathipathi on Sukla Patcha, (Bright Moon) Sabthami thithi, on the month of karthigai[FONT="][20][/FONT]. At this time the Bramins were fighting with Jains and Mohamadians from Delhi and South India were already captured most of the places and Hindu Culture was at a shake.
In A.D. 1350 Bukka died[FONT="][21][/FONT].
After the death of Bukka, Sayanna had written commentary for Rig Veda and due his unity and born in Bhaudanya Suktha sect, he was forced to write the thesis with the combination of Jains literatures and interrupted with more Vaisnava names, such as Narayana to show his loyalty to the community he belonged![FONT="][22][/FONT]
This mixture of Agamas were called Vaikanasa Agama, which is followed by this Subramanya Mutt.( [FONT="]Vai[/FONT] means the approach or solutions and [FONT="]Ka[/FONT] means Rig Veda attributed to Saunaka. [FONT="]Asna[/FONT] means Mountain.)
The full meaning for various requirements for human, the solutions are offered in this mountain with the quotes from Rig Veda attributed to Saunaka
According to Saunaka, Rig Veda has 21 Subtle branches which gives are guides for a correct approach on each and every letters written or composed.
Trishub contains: 4,253 rics; Gayatri contains: 2,451 rics; Jagathi contains: 1,348 rics; Anushtub contains: 855; Ushnih contais : 341; Pankti contais : 312 others 849 making a total of 10,409 rics[FONT="][23][/FONT].
The only Srautha Suthra of Atharva Veda is Vaitana Suthra consists of 8 Adyayas divided in to 43 Kandikas. The Vaitana Suthra follows the Saunaka recession of Athrava Veda. This is the work of Atharvana School. Vaitana Sutra recommends fourth priest to sit silently in a yagna in the South of Agni facing North in a sacrifice it has drawn few mantras rituals from Kousika Suthra.
The style of composition adopted in Vaitana Suthra is briefer than that of even the Kathyayana Srutha suthra which is noted for shortness of expression. This Suthra employs the rare word JAMBILA “Saliva” which is not met with in any other Suthra. The injunction of this Suthra that the sacrificer should be caused by the Bhrigvangirovid (the Brahman who is well versed with Atharva Veda Applications) to recite the the sacrificial formula[FONT="][24][/FONT].
The only Srautha Suthra of Atharva Veda is Vaitana Suthra consists of 8 Adyayas divided in to 43 Kandikas. The Vaitana Suthra follows the Saunaka recession of Athrava Veda. This is the work of Atharvana School. Vaitana Sutra recommends fourth priest to sit silently in a yagna in the South of Agni facing North in a sacrifice it has drawn few mantras rituals from Kousika Suthra.
The style of composition adopted in Vaitana Suthra is briefer than that of even the Kathyayana Srutha Suthra which is noted for shortness of expression. This Suthra employs the rare word JAMBILA “Saliva” which is not met with in any other Suthra. The injunction of this Suthra that the sacrificer should be caused by the Bhrigvangirovid (the Brahman who is well versed with Atharva Veda Applications) to recite the the sacrificial formula[FONT="][25][/FONT].
The name of the Bhargava family is closely connected with Vedic scholarship. Thus Yaska, the author or Nirukta, and saunaka[FONT="][26][/FONT], the author of Rigveda Pratisakhya and Anukramanis, were both Bhargavas. Saunaks’s name is also associated with the best known recension of the Atharvaveda. Similarly Vyasa’s renowned disciple Vaisampayana, who was a teacher of Yajurveda and who is believed to have narrated the story of the Bharata war to king Janamejaya, was a Bhargava[FONT="][27][/FONT].
In Madhava Vijaya Veddantha Prakasa , the first place was given to Taitriya Samhita for sacrificial rites. Sayanna quotes many books from the school at Skanda pura alias Subramanya.
This madavachaya attained Siddhi in A.D.1386. His last book written by his pupil Ramakrishna was Pancadasi[FONT="][28][/FONT].
Sayyana died in A.D.1386[FONT="][29][/FONT].