This is a poem I wrote some years back....
You’ve been talking to me
Like a news reader
I could hear you
Only when I made the news
You’ve been playing with me
Like a honeybee
I felt your sting
Only when my flower was totally dry
You’ve been dealing with me
Like a trader of goods
I came to know your business
Only when I became bankrupt
You’ve been preparing me
Like a dry wood
I didn’t quite realize it
Till you made me a coffin
You’ve been going away from me
Like a falling hair
I felt your separation
Only when I was completely bald
Loka samasta sukhino bavantu.
You’ve been talking to me
Like a news reader
I could hear you
Only when I made the news
You’ve been playing with me
Like a honeybee
I felt your sting
Only when my flower was totally dry
You’ve been dealing with me
Like a trader of goods
I came to know your business
Only when I became bankrupt
You’ve been preparing me
Like a dry wood
I didn’t quite realize it
Till you made me a coffin
You’ve been going away from me
Like a falling hair
I felt your separation
Only when I was completely bald
Loka samasta sukhino bavantu.