girl: do you love me
boy: yes dear
girl: would you die for me
boy: no, mine is undying love
first thief: oh! police is there, jump out of the window
second thief; but this is the thirteenth floor
first: hurry! this is no time for superstitions
waiter: i have stewed liver, boiled tongue AND Frog's leg
customer: dont tell me ur problems get me the menu card
boy: yes dear
girl: would you die for me
boy: no, mine is undying love
first thief: oh! police is there, jump out of the window
second thief; but this is the thirteenth floor
first: hurry! this is no time for superstitions
waiter: i have stewed liver, boiled tongue AND Frog's leg
customer: dont tell me ur problems get me the menu card