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Will this be a solution to Caste Divide Indian Society ?

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Will this be a solution to Caste Divide Indian Society ?

China reveals plan for ethnic mixing

Parts of China’s troubled northwest region of Xinjiang have begun offering cash to interethnic couples as part of a drive to assimilate the culturally distinct Uighur minority.

Qiemo County, part of the 460,000km2 Bayinguoleng autonomous Mongolian prefecture, announced the policy late last month, calling it a “big celebratory gift package” for couples in which one member is an ethnic minority and the other is Han Chinese.

The package includes annual cash payments of 10,000 yuan (US$1,630) for interethnic couples during the first five years of their marriage, as well as housing, healthcare and education subsidies, according to a statement on the Qiemo County Government Web site.

“Ethnic groups are different only in that we have different languages and different customs, but we have the same blue sky above our heads, the same fertile ground beneath our feet, and the same love in our hearts,” Qiongkule Township committee deputy secretary Yasen Nasier told journalists during the announcement on Aug. 25.

“I believe that intermarriage between ethnic groups is a foundation of Chinese culture, and will strengthen the concrete expression of exchange, association and mingling of all ethnic groups,” Nasier said.
A county official confirmed the policy when reached by telephone.

“This is meant to promote ethnic unity — that’s the main thing,” the official said.

Xinjiang is China’s largest province, a vast sweep of mountains, forests and deserts bordering seven central and south Asian countries, including Afghanistan and India. Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking, predominantly Muslim ethnic group, make up the region’s plurality. When Chinese Communist Party (CCP) troops took control of Xinjiang in 1949, Han Chinese only made up 6 percent of its total population. Today they make up nearly half.

While ethnic intermarriage is fairly common across China, it is rare between Uighurs and Han Chinese, underscoring the groups’ deep-rooted cultural, religious and linguistic differences. The region’s cities are often clearly divided along ethnic lines, with Han residents frequenting separate shops and restaurants from their Uighur counterparts.

The region has seen a sharp rise in violent incidents in recent years, including attacks on police stations and government offices, and increasingly, terror attacks in major urban centers. In late May, an attack at a crowded market in the region’s capital city, Urumqi, killed 31 people and injured dozens. A month later, nearly 100 people were killed and 215 arrested when knife-wielding mobs rampaged through Shache, a county in Xinjiang’s arid southwest, marking the region’s worst clash in five years.

State media reports consistently blame the violence on Muslim fundamentalists, terrorists and “separatists,” and point to economic growth and preferential ethnic policies as evidence of good regional governance.

Yet the region’s 8 million Uighurs complain that the economic growth has mainly benefited the Han Chinese, and that local authorities place severe restrictions on their religious and cultural freedom, including bans on veils, beards and worship at non-state-sanctioned mosques.

Qiemo’s interethnic marriage policy “seems of a piece with general assumptions about Chinese policy in the region, in the sense that the party appears to believe that material incentives can overcome or mediate most political, economic and social problems,” said Michael Clarke, an expert on Xinjiang at Griffith University in Australia.

China reveals plan for ethnic mixing - Taipei Times
Will this be a solution to Caste Divide Indian Society ?

“Ethnic groups are different only in that we have different languages and different customs, but we have the same blue sky above our heads, the same fertile ground beneath our feet, and the same love in our hearts,” Qiongkule Township committee deputy secretary Yasen Nasier told journalists during the announcement on Aug. 25.

Wonderful post.
On a facetious note:

You must not be living in TN.
You do not seem to respect local traditions.
You are disrespecting our lineage and caste purity.
You ideas are
from your [ so-called ] developed/ educated/civilized world.
It is not prescribed in the Vedas.
I remember in our young days, the chemistry department head would line up microscopes, ask each of us to pick up one slide each.

Each slide would contain a drop of pink liquid.

We were supposed to place the slide beneath the magnifying glass and report our findings.

We would giggle and laugh continuously wondering what that RASNA type liquid might have.

But beyond the surface, through the eye of the microscope, we could see innumerable organisms move and dance.

So, what we thought was irrelevant became relevant when viewed through the right lens.

Our giggling stopped.

Then we grew up and while at college, we would get frustrated with the speed clamps.

So time flew and we grew to be adults and we would wonder why as youngsters our bikes had to zip forward only at 40 to 50 Kms per hour speed and why not at the thrilling 100 kms/hr speed.

When we once saw the Capital D ( death ) happen in front of our eyes, due to such speeds, we realized the hazards and our frustration turned to wisdom.

Then we grew up further and we started enjoying life around us, beyond the college. We wanted to change the world, The way people thought, spoke and behaved. We became rebels over-night.

Then on week-ends, with ample time on hand, we observed the sparrow, the wood-pecker, the parrot, the ant, the elephant, the tall man, the short man, the beautiful woman, the ugly woman, the scheming man and the scheming woman,…etc etc etc the world around us.

We quickly realized the line we had read while at school

We realized that this is the Law of Nature.

We instantly matured to wisdom and then like our parents and grand-parents and the lineage preceding them, we too occupied our time, money and energy with this wisdom applied to perfecting our daily lives, without questioning the Law of Nature and dropping the rebellious streak, realizing that WISDOM LIES IN MOVING WITH THE FLOW OF NATURE and not in OPPOSING it.

We were by this time of wisdom, aged 35.

I guess this answers your question

Will this be a solution to Caste Divide Indian Society ?

China reveals plan for ethnic mixing
The solution of caste divides can not be solved even with a mass nationwide orgy ..it will just create a new system of division.

After all even those who claim pure lineage of any kind as not as pure as many claim if they were to be subjected to DNA analysis...that would only show that so called "ethnic mixing" has been there since generations but even then divisions in society remained.

If a person still wants to see himself as divided..then he is divided...even a brain transplant wont help.
"When Chinese Communist Party (CCP) troops took control of Xinjiang in 1949, Han Chinese only made up 6 percent of its total population. Today they make up nearly half."

This kind of invasion can be a solution to achieve goals, good or bad.
Did you read the report of a person of ripe old age whose left and right brains are not connected as in 100% of humans. He has lived a normal life all these days, and now only a scan has revealed this anomaly(?).

If a person still wants to see himself as divided..then he is divided...even a brain transplant wont help.
Did you read the report of a person of ripe old age whose left and right brains are not connected as in 100% of humans. He has lived a normal life all these days, and now only a scan has revealed this anomaly(?).

I am sure he is not an Indian! Is he?

We Indians even with a lobectomy will still talk about caste!LOL
Play of words fail, even if that translates to a collapse of Ego.

We had this Murphy Radio.
It would have numbers written all over.
we were informed that each number would take us to a different location from where the aired content would be different.

We saw the same numbers behind the bus. We were informed that the bus of a particular number would NOT take us to the Radio station ( say for example, ceylon station, chennai FM,...etc ) but would take us to a physical location.

similarly, DNA might be similar like the Numbers mentioned above, but the similarity ends there.
there is SOMETHING beyond the human eye and that the sages say is known as REALIZATION BY EXPERIENCE.

so too are Caste and Religion, DNA and lobes ( even at a ripe old age, people speak of lobes and choose to mock. that shows to what extent they have gone astray and have a lot of distance to reach square one again and get started all over again )...



Did you read the report of a person of ripe old age whose left and right brains are not connected as in 100% of humans. He has lived a normal life all these days, and now only a scan has revealed this anomaly(?).
Practicing is more important than talking.
By the way, do you have dual citizenship?
Because this question is always asked - where is your loyalty, which country?
Because this question can never be asked. Where is your loyalty - to the jati or the religion or the country.

I am sure he is not an Indian! Is he?

We Indians even with a lobectomy will still talk about caste!LOL

Although I maintain my earlier stand on avoiding controversial topics, beyond a point,

I feel it is necessary to give a two-pronged answer.

The Indian Constitution CLEARLY demarcates RELIGION and the STATE. --------- Renu madam answered.

Answers to suit Individual EGOs/ OBNOXIOUS questions OR the TRUTH ??? I prefer the TRUTH ... Shri Sarangan answered.


Practicing is more important than talking.
By the way, do you have dual citizenship?
Because this question is always asked - where is your loyalty, which country?
Because this question can never be asked. Where is your loyalty - to the jati or the religion or the country.
Practicing is more important than talking.
By the way, do you have dual citizenship?
Because this question is always asked - where is your loyalty, which country?
Because this question can never be asked. Where is your loyalty - to the jati or the religion or the country.

For many people, the answers reveal themselves by sensing where the hatred is directed even if seemingly latent. The more latent the more is the revelation :-)
Practicing is more important than talking.
By the way, do you have dual citizenship?
Because this question is always asked - where is your loyalty, which country?
Because this question can never be asked. Where is your loyalty - to the jati or the religion or the country.

I dont have dual citizenship.I am Msian citizen.My loyalty is ONLY to Malaysia even though genetically I am of Indian origin.To India I am a tourist...that is what my Visa says..Tourist Visa!

As a Indian by race I have noticed that no matter where an Indian is..they usually still adhere to caste.
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For many people, the answers reveal themselves by sensing where the hatred is directed even if seemingly latent. The more latent the more is the revelation :-)

I admire your self introspection.Indeed admirable..not many are so honest about themselves.
Just for clarification.

When I used the word Indian..I am not talking about Indian citizens.I am talking about the Indian race..those who are genetically Indian.

The genetically Indian is free to reside anywhere in the world and he/she might not always be an Indian passport holder.

I hope this clears the doubts some have.
I dont have dual citizenship.I am Msian citizen.My loyalty is ONLY to Malaysia even though genetically I am of Indian origin.To India I am a tourist...that is what my Visa says..Tourist Visa!

As a Indian by race I have noticed that no matter where an Indian is..they usually still adhere to caste.

So you are speaking for yourself now as a part of Indian race whatever it is ?? Though born and raised in another country you feel you adhere to your caste whatever it is. That is contradictory to other statements you have made about yourself!

I have dual citizenship visa in India and so are my children. I have not made overt or covert comments of derogatory nature generalizing all of India or all of its race
Just for clarification.

When I used the word Indian..I am not talking about Indian citizens.I am talking about the Indian race..those who are genetically Indian.

The genetically Indian is free to reside anywhere in the world and he/she might not always be an Indian passport holder.

I hope this clears the doubts some have.

Mark my words your post will be used against you.
India does not recognize dual citizenship.
India is in the blood of Indians, irrespective of where they live. We see it in People from Africa, Fiji, West Indies, England, USA. They might be born and raised anywhere in the world. Here is USA PIO's celebrate Indian Independence more enthusiastically than many in India do.
Mark my words your post will be used against you.
India does not recognize dual citizenship.
India is in the blood of Indians, irrespective of where they live. We see it in People from Africa, Fiji, West Indies, England, USA. They might be born and raised anywhere in the world. Here is USA PIO's celebrate Indian Independence more enthusiastically than many in India do.

Dear Prasad ji,

Even Malaysia does not recognize dual citizenship. I am aware that India does not recognize it too cos I have friends who were Indian citizens who took US citizenship and gave up their Indian citizenship.

Prasad ji..as person whose ancestors have been in Malaysia for so many generations..its only right my loyalty is to my country of birth.

Malaysia is my motherland after all.

I really dont know if I fully identify with India in all aspects..so I cant full say that India is fully in my blood. May be some part is..that I dont deny.

Anyway even if my post is used against me in anyway so be it.I will have to "handle" the ammunition!LOL

But if someone asks me a question honestly I will also answer honestly.
So you are speaking for yourself now as a part of Indian race whatever it is ?? Though born and raised in another country you feel you adhere to your caste whatever it is. That is contradictory to other statements you have made about yourself!

I have dual citizenship visa in India and so are my children. I have not made overt or covert comments of derogatory nature generalizing all of India or all of its race

I do not identify with any caste. I hope you realize that.At least I am not having dual citizenship(thats not even legal to start with!LOL)
How come you are a dual citizen and so open about it...beware..you could get caught!LOL

BTW just becos I am not born in India that means I am supposed to keep my mouth shut?? What nonsense yaar!
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We are indians only from 20th century. Before that we lived in akanda bharat, free to roam to any corner of bharatavarsha for thousands of years. No border, no passport, no visa and no citizenship rules and rights.
I do not identify with any caste. I hope you realize that.At least I am not having dual citizenship(thats not even legal to start with!LOL)
How come you are a dual citizen and so open about it...beware..you could get caught!LOL

BTW just becos I am not born in India that means I am supposed to keep my mouth shut?? What nonsense yaar!

No one, not I asked you to keep your mouth shut.

I only called attention to your statement making derogatory comments about 'ALL' people of Indian race whatever that is with your comment about caste. The focus is on generalization which is a form of put down.

Please re-read what I wrote - I said we have what is called dual citizenship VISA .. that is how the OCI visa is referred to by many people in India. It means laws of India only applies to me when I visit India
I only called attention to your statement making derogatory comments about 'ALL' people of Indian race whatever that is with your comment about caste. The focus is on generalization which is a form of put down.

That is your perception.
I have dual citizenship visa in India and so are my children. I have not made overt or covert comments of derogatory nature generalizing all of India or all of its race

India does not allow dual citizenship. You have to surrender the Indian passport as written on the first page of the passport itself.

People with OCI etc are not Indian citizens as they do not have the right to vote. Without the right to vote and an Indian passport you are not Indian in the legal / technical sense.

At best you (and Renukaji) can call yourself a persion of Indian origin. Whenever you are asked about country of citizenship at this point, do you write "India"?
Please re-read what I wrote - I said we have what is called dual citizenship VISA .. that is how the OCI visa is referred to by many people in India. It means laws of India only applies to me when I visit India

Absolutely not true. You have no political rights, hence you are not a (dual) citizen of India. You have only property rights, that too you are not allowed to buy agricultural land.

The laws of US apply to you even if you decide to reside in India. If you hold a US passport you are supposed to pay federal income tax on worldwide income. The most you can avoid is state income tax.

Of course this has got nothing to do with commenting on the forum. As per forum owner, anybody with internet access can comment as long as following rules of forum.
Absolutely not true. You have no political rights, hence you are not a (dual) citizen of India. You have only property rights, that too you are not allowed to buy agricultural land.

The laws of US apply to you even if you decide to reside in India. If you hold a US passport you are supposed to pay federal income tax on worldwide income. The most you can avoid is state income tax.

Of course this has got nothing to do with commenting on the forum. As per forum owner, anybody with internet access can comment as long as following rules of forum.

I never claimed political rights in what I wrote. It is a VISA !!! I have said that a few times now. It is a VISA (NOT A PASSPORT) referred to in India by many including at Immigraiton counters as Dual citizenship VISA. It is also known as OCI visa (Overseas CITZEN of India VISA).

You have to pay Indian income tax also if you stay more than 6 months in India .. Laws of India apply to a person first in India if one has OCI visa but the same is not true for a PIO (person of Indian Orgina ) card holder.

There was no question about who can write what provided they have internet access - why state the obvious...
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Before that we lived in akanda bharat, free to roam to any corner of bharatavarsha for thousands of years. No border, no passport, no visa and no citizenship rules and rights.
We are Indians because British rule brought all princely states under one umbrella.
Before that we were of selective princely state. As a poor individual may be you could migrate from one place to other as nomads.

In chandragupta's rule according to Arthashastra specifies fines and punishments to support strict enforcement of laws. The science of law enforcement is also called Dandaniti.

He believed that every nation acts to maximize its own interests and power. Alliances were only good as long as they were in the best interest of both parties. However, as soon as the balance of power shifts, allies may become enemies…and enemies may become allies.
Enemy solders were killed. So people of one kingdom were allowed to move within that kingdom provided king allowed it.

When the first immigrants landed on the swampy port of Navsari (Gujarat) and requested for shelter and patronage of the local ruler; he sent them a bowl of milk full to the brim, indicating that though they are welcome, his land is full of inhabitants. The Parsee high Priest asked for some sugar and put it in the bowl and sent it back. The milk did not overflow and sugar added the taste-suggesting merger as subjects and eternal help to the ruler by the refugee community. The ruler was impressed.

So a King had to allow them to settle in his kingdom.

Simple google gives correct picture instead of spreading untruths.
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