these upanyasakas seem to be so unreachable ... wuld it cost their ppl so much to have a blog on wordpress and keep ppl informed ? that is one aspect of pr our ppl dont consider imporatant .. it is the sheer arrogance of thinking whtever they know and do will always be sufficient .. the humility to look around to learn better ways of interacting with the public is somehting our vaidhika prachrakas would do well to learn from their peers in the other faiths ..... msg to the upanyasakas ... start a blog on wordpress or blogspot ... it doesnt cost money ...
sri velukkudi krishnan and his people have probably done the best job in the respect of transparency of functioning and the use of web to reach ppl and be reached as welll
ya .. sri krishna premi and his people have maintained a fair web presence and improving constantly , on that score they do need to be thanked and appreciated for the transparency of their functioning ..... although , they can use the web much more creatively with discussion forums where sri krishna premi posts and answers questions on dharma and current issues facing the santana dharma , podcasts and upanyasams on topics other than just bhagavatham ...
as for sri jayakrishna dikshithar , the website is all glossy and nice , but i was saddened to know that he gave up agnihotram on the advice of sri haridas giri to take up what he is doing now , i heard even the acharyas were saddened by this ... i emailed them to confirm it , no response ... agni hotram once started should not be stopped under any circumstance , rt?.... if this is true , inspite of all the bhagavtha prachram he does , do u think he will have any locus standi to ask a young brahmana boy to do sandya vandhanam properly ... or will he say , dont bother abt all that , jus do namasankeerthanam ..... even mahaperiyavaa propagated nama japam , but never at the cost of swadharma anushtanam ....
and btw, if i am rt he is also the son of sri rama dikshitar whose amazing upanyasam on skandam is available for bhakthas , ...........with all this website and facilities , one would think the son would provide an avenue for all to listen and learn from his learned father's upanyasams , they r only distrubuting his skandham it seems and there is not even a picture of sri rama dikshitar on his son's website ... so much for , technology and dharma pracharam ...whts more , that they have his father's skandham to sell is not even listed on the website , i got to know it from emailing them ....
as for sri sundar kumar , sri nochur venkataraman , sri tsb and others ...not much on the web ...
one of the reasons these dharma pracharakas need a more meticulous web presence is it will give the public a chance to see if these ppl are jus words or if they walk their talk too ... as sri krishna says , the common people take their cues from the actions of the great ones ...
sri velukkudi krishnan and his people have probably done the best job in the respect of transparency of functioning and the use of web to reach ppl and be reached as welll
ya .. sri krishna premi and his people have maintained a fair web presence and improving constantly , on that score they do need to be thanked and appreciated for the transparency of their functioning ..... although , they can use the web much more creatively with discussion forums where sri krishna premi posts and answers questions on dharma and current issues facing the santana dharma , podcasts and upanyasams on topics other than just bhagavatham ...
as for sri jayakrishna dikshithar , the website is all glossy and nice , but i was saddened to know that he gave up agnihotram on the advice of sri haridas giri to take up what he is doing now , i heard even the acharyas were saddened by this ... i emailed them to confirm it , no response ... agni hotram once started should not be stopped under any circumstance , rt?.... if this is true , inspite of all the bhagavtha prachram he does , do u think he will have any locus standi to ask a young brahmana boy to do sandya vandhanam properly ... or will he say , dont bother abt all that , jus do namasankeerthanam ..... even mahaperiyavaa propagated nama japam , but never at the cost of swadharma anushtanam ....
and btw, if i am rt he is also the son of sri rama dikshitar whose amazing upanyasam on skandam is available for bhakthas , ...........with all this website and facilities , one would think the son would provide an avenue for all to listen and learn from his learned father's upanyasams , they r only distrubuting his skandham it seems and there is not even a picture of sri rama dikshitar on his son's website ... so much for , technology and dharma pracharam ...whts more , that they have his father's skandham to sell is not even listed on the website , i got to know it from emailing them ....
as for sri sundar kumar , sri nochur venkataraman , sri tsb and others ...not much on the web ...
one of the reasons these dharma pracharakas need a more meticulous web presence is it will give the public a chance to see if these ppl are jus words or if they walk their talk too ... as sri krishna says , the common people take their cues from the actions of the great ones ...
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