somanathan Iyer
Active member
This a reproduction of an article by C.C. Saint-Clair Which is interesting to think over.
personal evolution beyond an egocentric automated way of being can be explained very succinctly. It simply means letting Soul take over control.
The trick is to accept that the only way that’s ever going to happen is by us hitting the Pause button of our much glorified brain i.e. to pause the unsolicited thoughts it keeps generating and spinning out like the air-light candy floss that spins out of the pan to glue itself on to the stick & … volumize.
Anxiety from this & about that = thoughts
If I do this now & that I will have this & that later = thoughts
Fear of this & that = thoughts
What if this & what if that = thoughts
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this & that = thoughts
Why the f… did this happen = thoughts
If I had done this & that = thoughts
These loose threads become into our awareness totally randomly.
We do not bring them on consciously: True or False?
They are not a part of an active problem-solving session based on concrete evidence: True or False?
There is nothing ‘intellectual’ about such thoughts: True or False?
Each flurry of thoughts is produced by whichever bit of our ego is constantly fretting about not being appreciated enough or respected enough = not being LOVED enough.
Just as our lungs do the breathing for us and saliva keeps forming so we can swallow and our liver filters to detox all by itself, for all intense and purposes our brain is structured/conditioned to generate a perpetual flurry of random thoughts.
A mind-over-matter approach will not bypass her activity anymore than a leopard can change her spots.
Thing is: it’s up to us, persona-in-charge, to deliberately hit the *pause* button again and again and again – many times daily – and ‘come up for air’, as the expression goes.
If we could improve our performance at hitting Pause – just imagine how different our work-home-holiday-family-love-friendship-civic relationships would be!
Just imagine how different a person each one of us would be!
personal evolution beyond an egocentric automated way of being can be explained very succinctly. It simply means letting Soul take over control.
The trick is to accept that the only way that’s ever going to happen is by us hitting the Pause button of our much glorified brain i.e. to pause the unsolicited thoughts it keeps generating and spinning out like the air-light candy floss that spins out of the pan to glue itself on to the stick & … volumize.
Anxiety from this & about that = thoughts
If I do this now & that I will have this & that later = thoughts
Fear of this & that = thoughts
What if this & what if that = thoughts
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this & that = thoughts
Why the f… did this happen = thoughts
If I had done this & that = thoughts
These loose threads become into our awareness totally randomly.
We do not bring them on consciously: True or False?
They are not a part of an active problem-solving session based on concrete evidence: True or False?
There is nothing ‘intellectual’ about such thoughts: True or False?
Each flurry of thoughts is produced by whichever bit of our ego is constantly fretting about not being appreciated enough or respected enough = not being LOVED enough.
Just as our lungs do the breathing for us and saliva keeps forming so we can swallow and our liver filters to detox all by itself, for all intense and purposes our brain is structured/conditioned to generate a perpetual flurry of random thoughts.
A mind-over-matter approach will not bypass her activity anymore than a leopard can change her spots.
Thing is: it’s up to us, persona-in-charge, to deliberately hit the *pause* button again and again and again – many times daily – and ‘come up for air’, as the expression goes.
If we could improve our performance at hitting Pause – just imagine how different our work-home-holiday-family-love-friendship-civic relationships would be!
Just imagine how different a person each one of us would be!