There are good number of referrences available in Vedas about Double Planets or a Male Planet supprted by She Planets or She Male Planets. A male Planet is the one that has or creates Electrons(-ve) and a She Planets are the one that has magnetic force (+ve) and She male planets are the Æthers, that carries the electro Magnetic force to the Earth.
The Vedas quotes about this clearly!
The woman not only in Human but also in animal and in Plants, has a pulling power the magnetic force, which is due to her Hydrogen contents in her. She has Hydro carbons in her cells. When water is formed with Oxygen and Hydrogen, it is H2 that covers oxygen and convert that oxygen in to water., and this water is not only H2O, but it has Urea, Formaldehydes, resins, caseins, and other gases that penetrates in water that may look like dissolved but can be separated by heating.
The women, who has the Uterus, which has the power to attract all the vibrations from the Planets, naturally attracts the opposite sex the male who is -ve ions.
The wonders of the nature is women, in human and in animals. But they should be utilized properly. She has the power to convert the blood in to milk, which has Calcium. for this also uteres is responsible.
Women as such can work hard than that of men, but since they have memory pockets in their brain in small knots they are emotional and afraid of speed.
Her flesh has Calcium Hydrocorbens which she doen't want to loose and the women while walking in Hot Sun prefers to go with an Umbrella.
So the magnetic force from the Uteres is the one that attracts the men, and the men which has a connection with the breasts.
The breasts has the power to pull the magnetic force from Venus and Mercury both for men and women, and the breast of the women has lots of fibrils, which is filled with calcium resin and hydrocarbons, which has a link with uterus, absorbs the vibrations from the Moons of the Sun, the Venus and Mercury and send the waves in to the uterus, that creates a baby with strong bones.
Regarding the child with mind power it is the Nabhi, the belly button that plays a roll.
So when a man with fighting tendency approach a woman, he looses and surrenders to the force she sends from her body.
If we see Dhathathreya Kavasam and Hamsa Kavasam, and go deep in to it we can understand.
Ha- the rare, superior, Amsa- Figure the shape, Kavasha set aside.
We can take this as to set aside the ugly side of the human.