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Why ladies wear Gold and Kum Kum?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramacchandran
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According to Vedic science, Female are having lots of Hydrogen and resin in them. The resin in their flesh keep their skin smooth and hydrogen in them keep their uterus and breast in active form. If the activation of uterus fails during menopause time she looses her temper. Lots of Hydrogen in them, need to be activated and she needs electrons, that will keep them active which is a must for the world. If the ladies are lazy, the family will not run. The activation is possible only if she generates heat in her! the heat she can collect from Sun., but if she wears a Gold, the Metal will absorb heat from Sun and penetrates through her skin and activate her. the same is for wearing Kum kum, which is red. The rays from Sun, penetrates through the vain in the temple and activates the brain. The Sun's rays are supported by rays from Venus and Mercury. These are penetrating through the breast of the men and women, which is responsible for the creation of Semen for men and Milk for the baby in women. The Casein in the cavity of fibrils in the breast, has this resin and when it is activated by the uterus during child birth creates Milk.

If we research in this this will lead us to Old age and Diseases.
This is interesting!

But does such a small dot have high heat absorbing powers? or has it anything to do with the chakra?

Btw, men also did wear gold ornaments, but they had 'sandanam' on their forehead...
The gents think they need to be activated some people will say "Sir, If I wera this Gold chain, I feel I have enormous Power in me " and so..on.

When people think a lot, the vain in fore head is emptied due to air locking and continuous supply of air is stopped which creates heat and head ache comes. If they wear a sand that will hold the flow of air, and he may not feel pressure in fore head.

A small dot can make wonders in our life and Vedic Science has solutions for all.
Here I forgot to tell one thing. When a male or female child is born, at that time the old people , the grand ma, great grand ma visit the hospital see the breast of the child, and press the breast of the child. They say the child has fluid in the breast and when bathing they massage the breast of the child and remove that fluid. for a person who thinks other wise, it may look awkward but if they leave that as such, that will result in cancer in future!. The Resin in the milk that deposited in the cavity between the fibers, rotten in years and forms bacteria which eats away the Oxygen from blood!
When the baby is born, the women apply Vasambu, burnt ash mix with oil and put thilagam. This will absorb the Kabham from the body and generate heat in the new born. These methods are only from tamil nadu!
helo can you tell wht is the authority of all these findindgs. I am hearing for the first time such discussion. is it your own thinking or supported by any dingis.
According to Vedic science, Female are having lots of Hydrogen and resin in them. The resin in their flesh keep their skin smooth and hydrogen in them keep their uterus and breast in active form. If the activation of uterus fails during menopause time she looses her temper. Lots of Hydrogen in them, need to be activated and she needs electrons, that will keep them active which is a must for the world. If the ladies are lazy, the family will not run. The activation is possible only if she generates heat in her! the heat she can collect from Sun., but if she wears a Gold, the Metal will absorb heat from Sun and penetrates through her skin and activate her. the same is for wearing Kum kum, which is red. The rays from Sun, penetrates through the vain in the temple and activates the brain. The Sun's rays are supported by rays from Venus and Mercury. These are penetrating through the breast of the men and women, which is responsible for the creation of Semen for men and Milk for the baby in women. The Casein in the cavity of fibrils in the breast, has this resin and when it is activated by the uterus during child birth creates Milk.

If we research in this this will lead us to Old age and Diseases.
I am doing Ph.D. In Vedas and these are my findings in Vedas. What ever I quote here has a back from Hindu Chemistry, Occult Chemistry by Anne basent and Jina raja. The American Cancer Institute and AACR, Coma recovery cell in U.K., Paralysis Society in Germany are looking forward my thesis and I am a member of American cancer Society.

You can find my postings at

Visit to Discussion forum and look for the articals by Vedic science.

I know ravana , Lankathipathy had written commentary in Rig Veda and I located that.

My thesis will tell manythings in future.
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I do not think the exposition is correct,In the north very few ladies wear kumkum.Sumangalis wear sindoor. So if it is a vedic traditin it will be applicable to all Hindus
We are to go long way.
If an English tell we accept as it is.
If I tell Veda has a quote about it you say No!
Now an English said that Veda has quoted about Frog!

As a learned bramins I request can you tell (Clarify me) me what is a Frog and how it finds a place in Vedas?

Secondly, there is a quote that After 12 years of fasting Viswamitra ate Dead dog!

Please clarify these.
Then let me answer this.

Mr.Prabhkaran and PBKHEMA

I am yet to receive a reply on this note!
The area between the eyebrows, the sixth chakra known as the 'agna' meaning 'command', is the seat of concealed wisdom. It is the centre point wherein all experience is gathered in total concentration. According to the tantric cult, when during meditation the latent energy ('kundalini') rises from the base of the spine towards the head, this 'agna' is the probable outlet for this potent energy. The red 'kumkum' between the eyebrows is said to retain energy in the human body and control the various levels of concentration. It is also the central point of the base of the creation itself — symbolizing auspiciousness and good fortune.
Dear sesahdri sir,

A small dot can do anything. Can't it just stop a whole paragraph when you write??

As you asked, there is a chakra ther , "Agna" From this point enormous energy is released by human body. So only woman started wearing this kumkum to arrest it. Also, I dont know the reality , but i hear that you cannot hypnotise or mesmerise the persons wearing kumkum in forehead. Wearing kumkum or sindur is as per style of their family. Even on forehead, they wear as a symbol of sowbagya.

Dear Ramachandran sir,

I will try my little knowledge to say something (not the exact replies) for your queries.

Frog has been mentioned in rig veda as a sign of rain and prosperity. Some may even say that, based on its voice only some manthras to please rain-god has been derived.

Second, is yes vishwamithra ate the meat of dog after 12 years of penance. At the time, Indra purposefully created a great famine, and nothing was available for him to eat. So, he ate that and he also provided the same to his guru and gurupatni also. The legend goes like this... But the thing is "these are just Abath dharmas". You dont have rights to die. Somehow, if there is a possibility to save this body, you have to do that. We should not argue, since vsiwamithra ate dog, why not us. I may also ask other thing, by birth he is a kshatriya only, what is the wrong in eating meat for them???

Durga dasan, You are not talking the realities of Frog and Dead dog meat!
Vedas quote about this!
The Risis are great men. Try to go in to it deeply further!
Thats what I said sir. Iam unable to get the exact replies. Am waiting for that to get from you. Anyhow, I simply shared whatever I know...

Durga dasan, You are not talking the realities of Frog and Dead dog meat!
Vedas quote about this!
The Risis are great men. Try to go in to it deeply further!


i think durga has given enough explanations through his various posts to justify his stands.

i think, a statement like 'the rishis are great men. try to go into it deeply further' does not tell us much about what you think or to what level you have investigated the issue.

maybe sir, you can give us some more details about what you mean here?

thank you.
Great treasure is there in that! Please try all possiblities. You will get.
When the Risis are greatmen, and scholars they need not quote about frogs and Viswamithra is a great scholar!, do you believe that the sage took a meat from a dead dog? What is the necessity? Certainly it quotes something. Please go in to it all angles. If there is wish there is a way.
Great treasure is there in that! Please try all possiblities. You will get.
When the Risis are greatmen, and scholars they need not quote about frogs and Viswamithra is a great scholar!, do you believe that the sage took a meat from a dead dog? What is the necessity? Certainly it quotes something. Please go in to it all angles. If there is wish there is a way.


i think there are several ways to reply.

the best and the correct way, i think, is to give coherent further explanation to a stand that you have taken over a post.

to me, it shows, that you know some other perspectives on the post, and you wish to comment from a different and perhaps opposing viewpoint. this has a charm to it, in that it respect the original poster and gives him his dues by way of a well thought out reply. ne pas?

on the other hand, when we bring a child to a temple or pooja, and when the child gets distracted, the father admonishes the child with something like if the child did not do right, and உம்மாச்சி
will be angry.

if you don't mind sir, i view your statements in the latter category.

from what i understand, you are expressing a blind faith that the rishis are persons of such calibre that it is immaterial whether they ate a dog or a donkey.

i would tend to agree with you myself.

but on further thought, i think this is a 'lazy' answer, further distended with the exhortation for durga or myself to seek further.

myself is a மண்டு and these things do not enter my head. durga has proved himself here in this forum and is very involved in முதியோர் கல்வி on several fronts here in several other threads.

it is not fair for him to be loaded further.

which is why i ask you ramacchandran, to do some research yourself and not take the easy way. ok?

i expect some solid evidence and தர்க்கம் from you, and not some worthless wise sounding words. you can do better than that, i think, based on your several other postings.

thank you in advance.
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Dear Kunjuppu sir,

On seeing your post, all of a sudden when I remember the meaning of "Ummacchi" explained by kanchi periava.

To-day’s title is, “Ummachi,” occurring in pages 651 to 653, in Volume 1, of Deivathin Kural, Vanady Padippagam, 13 Deendayalu Street, T.Nagar, Chennai, India, (translated from Tamil to English, in this e-mail).
On getting up in the morning, everyone should think of God Narayana. Evening time we should meditate on Parameswara. Mahavishnu protects and sustains the world. In the morning, before starting one’s activities, we should think of him. The whole world take refuge in Parameswara. In the evening, when our activities come to an end, the seen world is covered in darkness, birds seek their nests, the cattle having grazed all over, return to their abode. At that time we should herd our thoughts roaming about, back to the heart, their source and meditate on Parameswara. Night is ‘Dosham’. Prior to that, the evening is ‘pradosham’. We should delve on Parameswara, in pradosham.
Easwara should always be thought of as being with Ambal. Easwara is Sivan. She is Sivaa. In Vedas, ‘Sri Rudram’, says, “ The Rudra with dreadful form, has a very pleasant and salubrious appearance too. That is known as Sivaa. Sivaa is the anti-dote ‘Aushadam’ for all the wordly ills. She is also the medicine for Rudra. If Rudraa is alive despite partaking the most poisonous ‘Alahaala Vish’, it is due to Her, the Mruta Sanjeevani Sivaa, the anti-dote. In ‘Soundarya Lahiri’, Acharyal, asks, “Mother! Is it not so, that due to the curative powers of Your Thaadanga, that despite swallowing ‘Aalahaala’, Parameswara, has remained unaffected?” It is such Sivaa, as being with Siva, that we should think. We cannot and should not think of one and forget the other. Sa + Amba + Siva = Saamabasiva. To think of them together is the custom, the tradition.
It is not only Vedas, that has ordained, that we should we should think of Siva and Sivaa together. The children of our nation, from time immemorial, have demanded us to do so! Children, who are not yet corrupt, who are as yet untouched by sin, their words are also, an inviolable order to us.
What is their Order to us? Children refer to God only as ‘Ummachi’. In the tradition of children’s vocabulary, there are some words, going on for thousands of years, without any change. In the case of elders, words can change. Over a period of time, the same word may have different connotation. Such is not the case with children. “ummachchi or ummachi” has the same meaning of indicating, ‘Swami’. I have been often referred as, ‘ummachi thatha’. I used to wonder, as to what could be the real meaning and origin of this word.
Once I had been to Thiruchi Malaikkottai. In the Temple there, amongst the, ‘Sri Padam Thaangigal’, (people specially meant to carry the palanquins), they referred to each other as ‘Ummachu’. On enquiry, I came to know that, they were from, Thirunallam, near Koneri Rajapuram. In the Temple there, the presiding deity is, “Uma Maheswaran”. The Deity is fondly referred as, ‘Ummachi’. Their they all, call each other as ‘ummachu’, or ‘ummachi’; which is the pet name for, ‘Uma Maheswara’. So I could understand that, for generations, children think of God, as a combined entity of, “Uma Devi and Maheswaraa”.
Children’s words have very high value. Anger and desire does not last long with them. They will lovingly hold anything for some time. In no time they will forget about it. They will get angry with someone. Within a few minutes, the anger will turn into love. They do not have deceit. They do not wish to cheat. That is why, Upanishads advice a devotee to approach God as a child. There is a Tamil Proverb, “Kuzhandiyum Deivamum Kondadum Idaththil”. Meaning that God and Children are there, where they are adored. We should abide by what the Upanishad and children demand of us. Every evening, meditate on ‘Easwara with Uma’ that is ‘ummachchi’. Namh Parvathee pathye Hara Hara Maha Deva!


How nice this is??? Even simple words from our mouth too has some meaning na?? I think "Deivathin kural" (paramacharyar) has covered everything.

Great treasure is there in that! Please try all possiblities. You will get.
When the Risis are greatmen, and scholars they need not quote about frogs and Viswamithra is a great scholar!, do you believe that the sage took a meat from a dead dog? What is the necessity? Certainly it quotes something. Please go in to it all angles. If there is wish there is a way.
I find no mistake in my answer!
What is Veda? Whether it was taken granted as such? No it was discussed 1008 times before scribed and the effects were felt by the seers! So the person who saw the effect and felt was called seer, the person who parthavan was called Paarpan.IT IS SATHA PATHA BRAHMAN!
There is no ego in me!
A man with out Ego is god, a Scholar with Ego is ??? you fill that blank as per your choice.
I am encouraging you to go through Vedas so that you also can get a chance!
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