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Why do Sandhyavandanam at all ?

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i think venky has covered most of it.and rightfully everyone should do it too.but as per shastras only brahmanas,kshatriyas,vysyas should do it,but then in todays circumstances all of us have become everything,only naam ka vaasthay we are what we are!!

Given a free hand in deciding, most would choose arbitrarily... and the sanctitiy may not always be present... sooner or later, it would disintegrate and the whole system/practice would be lost...

That is why varna characteristics were passed onto jathi... an assigned group based on, perhaps personality traits, were vested with the four svabhavas...

So, sandhyavandhanam is recommended for the brahmin jathi... kshatriyas and vaishyas have degenerated so much that the practice seems to have never been in their families...

Brahmins too, have been guilty of ignorance... perhaps, the svabhava itself is changing in many brahmin families...!

It can be applicable to all, but is not practical now...


Given a free hand in deciding, most would choose arbitrarily... and the sanctitiy may not always be present... sooner or later, it would disintegrate and the whole system/practice would be lost...

That is why varna characteristics were passed onto jathi... an assigned group based on, perhaps personality traits, were vested with the four svabhavas...

a very sincere observation on your part.i totally concur on this view.

So, sandhyavandhanam is recommended for the brahmin jathi... kshatriyas and vaishyas have degenerated so much that the practice seems to have never been in their families...

Brahmins too, have been guilty of ignorance... perhaps, the svabhava itself is changing in many brahmin families...!

It can be applicable to all, but is not practical now...
perhaps,the svabhavam has to be nurtured.becoz i still remember while in my teens,when sandhyavandanam was taught to me,the peace that i dereived,is simply un-explainable.i was transported into a different realm of dimension of brilliance.after stopping sandhi practice,i have become a shonachalam and shunupi. :(

why sandhyavandhanam?

Given a free hand in deciding, most would choose arbitrarily... and the sanctitiy may not always be present... sooner or later, it would disintegrate and the whole system/practice would be lost...

That is why varna characteristics were passed onto jathi... an assigned group based on, perhaps personality traits, were vested with the four svabhavas...

So, sandhyavandhanam is recommended for the brahmin jathi... kshatriyas and vaishyas have degenerated so much that the practice seems to have never been in their families...

Brahmins too, have been guilty of ignorance... perhaps, the svabhava itself is changing in many brahmin families...!

It can be applicable to all, but is not practical now...

Sandhyavandhanam is a nithya karmanushtanam.
which means that every bhramin who has been initiated into bhrammobadesam, should do it without fail.
Its like taking bath, having our food etc.
All it takes 10 minutes to perform sandhyavandhanam total 30 minutes is sandhyavandhanam, madhyanikam and evening sandhyavandhanam including chanting GAYATHRI japam.

This will give us TEJAS.
From my experience i found that i get some sort of respect from people, whereever i go.Iam a very ordinary person, but the respect i get without asking is due to my performing sandhyavandhanam
I request you all to please perform SV without fail and see the results for yourselves.
I feel the main reason most bhramins have lost respect is because we have forgotton our NITHYA KARMANUSHTANAM.

Ganeshraam Iyer
All Dvijas are expected to do Sandyavandanam.For Brahmins the most important part of Sandyavandanam is the Gayatri Japam

I agree with members sandhya is a nithyakarma and have to be follwed.
It is my experience after chanting gayatri one get piece of mind.

It wouild have been better the brahmin community take this aspect

Mohan Parasuram
Sandhyavandanas is something which will wipe of the daily sins committed which will ultimately help in taking the mind to god.The meaning of Gayatri is "it will protwct the person who chants it."
Activating the Ida and Pingala Naadis by Shuklambaradaram, then Controlling and Regularising the breath by Pranayamam, by performing Arkhyas to Devas, by constantly chanting the Mantra internally and so on. All these activities will relieve from stress and strain, purify the blood, gives pure oxygen to your inactive cells and make them active, awaken your Kundalini Shakti. Doing Nitya Anushtanam will always keep you brisk
In addition to the above views, I would like to add that this important nithyakarmanushtana has to be performed with great faith which will add good samskaras and also protect us against evil forces.
My Experience with Sandhyavandanam

My father gave me brahamopadesam when I was 10 years old, I started doing Sandhyavandam regularly and the effect of the same in my performance at school was remarkable. I was never in top 10 till the 5th standard but always remained in toppers till my post graduation since I started doing Sandhyavandanam.
Since joining work I am not doing Sandhyavandanam regularly and I feel stressed. This article has been a great motivation for me to resume doing my nitya karmaanushtanam
Thanks for posting such relevant topic
The base of gayathri is Mathu (Honey) Vidya, then comes Prajothir Vidya, Chandilya Vidya, Samavarga Vidya, Panchagni Vidya, and few more, which I am yet to study . Once a upasaka concentrate on these Vidyas he gets the power to the Universe and see the rest of the world and he can predict what will happen tomorrow and tell you what the mistake you did yesterday. The final authority is SRIVIDYA which means he is vidyathipathy on Universe.
But once you pass on Gayathri and enters Prajothi Vidya, the faith and attraction in your family will start melting.

You must loose something to gain something and if you come out of family life you can medidate on Self which will take you to Universe.

Because of which, Brahmins after solving all their house hold duties went to forests sat under herbal trees and did their duty for others which will benefit to the society for which no compensation was paid.

So Gayathri is only a beginning like L.K.G., where Madhu Vidya is Pre K.G.
I agree with the above views on Sandhya Vandhanam. It is good if we can do it 3 times a day. It takes atleast 15 minutes to do it each time. For those working for a living, we can not do Sandhya Vandhanam during noon time. Morning, we rush to office, evening we are tired.
One way to do this practice is to recite atleast Gayatry mantram as often as possible 3 times a day. Slowly inceasing the number of times you tell the mantram each time in a day. Weekends, we can try to do full sandhya vandanam.
Important thing is to learn the meaning for Sandhya Vandanam mantras.
Learning the meaning from books is possible by reading a page or so every day.
This will help us get into the practice of saying Sandhya Vandhanam every day.
Even though we are Brahmins, we do not practice like a Brahmin, i.e. Reading Vedas, chanting Vedas, taking part in Poojas and Homas, etc.
I seem to be having only the following few Brahmin values: Wear Poonal, Say Gayatri mantra every day, eat Vegetarian food, have mild manners, go to temple every week once, do special prayers for a few minutes on special days like Vinayak chathurthi, Navarathri, etc. I do not know much about Vedas, puranas, Periayavall's teachings, or recite all sahasranamas for all Gods, etc. Many times I feel that I am not a Brahmin by profession, but just born in a Brahmin family.

Any comments friends?
I think gurus of all sampradayas say to us to do sandhyavandanam.This is fundamental.Once we do this automatically the rest will follow like a chain chemical reaction in a irreversible process.Om Adi Shankharayacharya Grubhyho Namaha !Thank you!.

Sandhyavandanam and its importance.

Dear insearchofmyroots Ji,

This topic has been discussed in many ways in this Forum. I am moving your thread under the relevant thread as a topic under 'Philosophy and Traditions'. Thanks.


can anyone throw light on the importance of sandhyavandanam. specifically i want to know can anyone practice it or it is necessary for the upanayanam ceremony to be done?

what is guru palan? why is it important before carrying the upanayanam ceremony?

if anyone could share their valuable views. please
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I do twice almost daily for the last 37 yrs and my
expnce of pranayama is that ,it keeps u in good shape,
no apples on side of ur waist,neither any convex stomach,
right , but do it properly, this is what the world is doing now
which we were supposed to from ages
Please visit the following website were Sandhyavandanam is discussed in detail

SandhyaVandanam :: Forums @ KanchiForum.org

The above website also gives linkages to various other useful websites on the subject

All the best
எண்ணாயிரம் ஆண்டு யோகம் இருப்பினும் கண்ணார் அமுதனை கண்டறிவாரில்லை உள் நாடி ஒளி பெற உள்ளே நோக்கினார் கண்ணாடி போல கலந்து நின்றானே
this is a very interesting and debatable topic. pardon me for calling this as a debatable topic. my upanayanam was conducted at the age of 7 years. at that time i used to do the sandhyavandanam strictly thrice a day but totally wondering why kids of my age were not bound by this daily duty. my innocent mind at that time did not know the castes and creeds and religions.

as i grew and slowly lost my innocence i became disillusioned. while i agree that sandhya vandanam is the nitya karmanushtana of the brahmin the one who wears the thread, it is also a known fact that any person who wears the sacred thread has to be initiated into the recital of vedas by a guru in most of our cases who would be a sastrigal. but in todays world, so called modern world where we are moving towards rajaji's famed 'vasudheiva kutumbakam', i question this forum as to,

1. why is vegetarianism is necessarily related to brahmins. there have been numerous instances where in it has been clearly stated that rishi munis do consume meat. it is also a known fact that bhagwan Buddha had died after consuming pork.

2. what is the age at which upanayanam should be conducted,

3. after upanayanam during avani avittam the brahmacharis are required to perform something called samitha-dhanam, is it not required that the brahmachari should perform samitha-dhanam until he turns a grahastan.

4. why is it that only the person wearing the sacred thread has to perform the nitya anushthana. i believe sandhya vandanam is a form of prayer then daily prayer of 15 minutes doesnt suffice.

5. how are we who are wearing the sacred thread different from other people. we have two eyes,two ears, hands and feet. we eat, drink (pun intended :-) )sleep and perform other daily duties like others.

i might sound an aethist and infact some members might be cursing me for such blatant post, but the fact of the matter is that we need to accept certain realities. u can say that these questions and many more are the result of the modern education rather the convent education and subsequent higher studies.
Activating the Ida and Pingala Naadis by Shuklambaradaram, then Controlling and Regularising the breath by Pranayamam, by performing Arkhyas to Devas, by constantly chanting the Mantra internally and so on. All these activities will relieve from stress and strain, purify the blood, gives pure oxygen to your inactive cells and make them active, awaken your Kundalini Shakti. Doing Nitya Anushtanam will always keep you brisk

Dear Sir,

So far did not come across any info that ida and pingala can be activated with the shuklambaradaram prayer. The sandhyavandana surely releives stress and strain but do not know how it can awaken the kundalini. Request you to elaborate please.
Shree insearchofmyroots,

1. why is vegetarianism is necessarily related to brahmins. there have been numerous instances where in it has been clearly stated that rishi munis do consume meat. it is also a known fact that bhagwan Buddha had died after consuming pork.
Vegetarian way of life,is a sacrifice, that is asked by other communities for the loka-kshemam.This worked in previous yugam,but in kalki yugam brahmans will eat meat as prohefy is there.
2. what is the age at which upanayanam should be conducted,
By age 7,14 or before marriage for people residing outside of river godavari now meaning outside of india too.
3. after upanayanam during avani avittam the brahmacharis are required to perform something called samitha-dhanam, is it not required that the brahmachari should perform samitha-dhanam until he turns a grahastan.
i dunno this sir.
4. why is it that only the person wearing the sacred thread has to perform the nitya anushthana. i believe sandhya vandanam is a form of prayer then daily prayer of 15 minutes doesnt suffice.
At least 15 minutes you do first,then see the bhakthi catching up with you like wildfire.
5. how are we who are wearing the sacred thread different from other people. we have two eyes,two ears, hands and feet. we eat, drink (pun intended :-) )sleep and perform other daily duties like others.
Gurus have said this.We follow our gurus-no argument here that is all.
shree Gopalswamy sridharan

please pardon my cynicism. but you have stated that vegetarianism is a way of life and that it has been prophecised that in the kali age there would be utter degeneration. i believe the actual prophecy is a curse on the whole brahmin community where in the chanting of vedas would become a profession.

as far as prayer is considered is it necessary for exhibitionism, though i am impressed by the avani avittam mantram because in the sankalpam we pray to all the directions, we take the name of the sacred rivers and places which goes to show that in ancient times our people had such deep geographic, astrological and arithmatic knowledge.
also the sankalpam is like a legal contract stating that in the presence of the holy rivers the sacred places and in the concerned rashi and paksham i am performing this holy deed. more than the spiritual aspect i want to know the scientific aspect. i am indeed intrigued that our forefathers had such vast knowledge and yet today we are forced to learn the western science.

our panchangam the holy calendar is so precise just one of the examples. the point which i want to make is that can anyone throw some light on the science behind the sandhya vandanam. one of the examples i would like to tell is about the namaz. the pose is vajrasan, and hand movements stimulate certain pressure points.

another example are the various mudras. these are only a few examples which i have given like wise i request members to explain the science of Sandhya Vandanam.

Shree insearchofmyroots,

shree Gopalswamy sridharan

please pardon my cynicism. but you have stated that vegetarianism is a way of life and that it has been prophecised that in the kali age there would be utter degeneration. i believe the actual prophecy is a curse on the whole brahmin community where in the chanting of vedas would become a profession.

Its human nature to go in groups or packs as wolves.In order for people to have semblance of leadership,brahmins were made to sacrifice eating meat,with the fond hope,amongst humans, brahmans are doing this sacrifice for welfare of the world.But rest of the community or for that matter brahmans do take meat,and there is no bad karma accrued ,on account of it.If we follow a sampradaya guru,then we should follow rules and regulations set by guru,shastras,etc.Otherwise what's the fun in calling a person guru and not doing what the guru is telling us to do.We commit guru drogam,which of course its purely between the guru and the sishya.If the sishya gets banished,then of course,its a different matter,i think.

as far as prayer is considered is it necessary for exhibitionism, though i am impressed by the avani avittam mantram because in the sankalpam we pray to all the directions, we take the name of the sacred rivers and places which goes to show that in ancient times our people had such deep geographic, astrological and arithmatic knowledge.
also the sankalpam is like a legal contract stating that in the presence of the holy rivers the sacred places and in the concerned rashi and paksham i am performing this holy deed. more than the spiritual aspect i want to know the scientific aspect. i am indeed intrigued that our forefathers had such vast knowledge and yet today we are forced to learn the western science.

The scientific bearing is acknowledging the natural order of elements.Whenever we say thank you,a sense of feeling good prevails,and a surge of positive energy permeates.Of late,i am beginning not to see western,eastern,norther,southern science.All of us are in science and some of us know the way things work and are or at least trying to explain,in consensus.

our panchangam the holy calendar is so precise just one of the examples. the point which i want to make is that can anyone throw some light on the science behind the sandhya vandanam. one of the examples i would like to tell is about the namaz. the pose is vajrasan, and hand movements stimulate certain pressure points.

No doubt panchangam is followed diligently for religious purposes.But for practical day to day life activity,the mathematical genius of Italian citizens aka Pope Gregory calendar or gregorian calendar is serving well all over the globe for majority of people.But each culture today celeberate as per their traditional calendars as far as i know.

another example are the various mudras. these are only a few examples which i have given like wise i request members to explain the science of Sandhya Vandanam.

When i was given the upadesham,my sastrigal who was patiently explaining the significance,i will try to contribute here.Twilight zone of daytime and nightime as well as the noonday time,has special rays available for the human mind,to offer prayer to shakthi or energy in its pure form.Maybe science will give the names differently for this,like ultr-violet,gamma rays..etc.Its believed spiritual path,is coveniently acheived at these spectacular timings.But,as we working in offices or whatever we do,slowly such practices were being told to follow a select band of people only as majority did not buy this theory but for some people its truth or veda vakku.I think its about faith,no harm in doing it.Namaz is from this sandhya vandanam only,is my belief.Of course i do not have the proof for my statement,if i am refuted.

Thank You!.

I suggest you to read Theivathin Kural Vol 1-3 . I promise you will have the answers for the questions raised about Upanayanam and Sandhyavandanam. If dont get answers in Theuvathin Kural - I will personally meet and explain this.

Sandhyavandanam to grahasthal is equal to Mangal sutram to Sowbhagyavathi. The choice is yours whether you want to wear or not to wear

Regards , Patham Iyer
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