Shree insearchofmyroots,
shree Gopalswamy sridharan
please pardon my cynicism. but you have stated that vegetarianism is a way of life and that it has been prophecised that in the kali age there would be utter degeneration. i believe the actual prophecy is a curse on the whole brahmin community where in the chanting of vedas would become a profession.
Its human nature to go in groups or packs as wolves.In order for people to have semblance of leadership,brahmins were made to sacrifice eating meat,with the fond hope,amongst humans, brahmans are doing this sacrifice for welfare of the world.But rest of the community or for that matter brahmans do take meat,and there is no bad karma accrued ,on account of it.If we follow a sampradaya guru,then we should follow rules and regulations set by guru,shastras,etc.Otherwise what's the fun in calling a person guru and not doing what the guru is telling us to do.We commit guru drogam,which of course its purely between the guru and the sishya.If the sishya gets banished,then of course,its a different matter,i think.
as far as prayer is considered is it necessary for exhibitionism, though i am impressed by the avani avittam mantram because in the sankalpam we pray to all the directions, we take the name of the sacred rivers and places which goes to show that in ancient times our people had such deep geographic, astrological and arithmatic knowledge.
also the sankalpam is like a legal contract stating that in the presence of the holy rivers the sacred places and in the concerned rashi and paksham i am performing this holy deed. more than the spiritual aspect i want to know the scientific aspect. i am indeed intrigued that our forefathers had such vast knowledge and yet today we are forced to learn the western science.
The scientific bearing is acknowledging the natural order of elements.Whenever we say thank you,a sense of feeling good prevails,and a surge of positive energy permeates.Of late,i am beginning not to see western,eastern,norther,southern science.All of us are in science and some of us know the way things work and are or at least trying to explain,in consensus.
our panchangam the holy calendar is so precise just one of the examples. the point which i want to make is that can anyone throw some light on the science behind the sandhya vandanam. one of the examples i would like to tell is about the namaz. the pose is vajrasan, and hand movements stimulate certain pressure points.
No doubt panchangam is followed diligently for religious purposes.But for practical day to day life activity,the mathematical genius of Italian citizens aka Pope Gregory calendar or gregorian calendar is serving well all over the globe for majority of people.But each culture today celeberate as per their traditional calendars as far as i know.
another example are the various mudras. these are only a few examples which i have given like wise i request members to explain the science of Sandhya Vandanam.
When i was given the upadesham,my sastrigal who was patiently explaining the significance,i will try to contribute here.Twilight zone of daytime and nightime as well as the noonday time,has special rays available for the human mind,to offer prayer to shakthi or energy in its pure form.Maybe science will give the names differently for this,like ultr-violet,gamma rays..etc.Its believed spiritual path,is coveniently acheived at these spectacular timings.But,as we working in offices or whatever we do,slowly such practices were being told to follow a select band of people only as majority did not buy this theory but for some people its truth or veda vakku.I think its about faith,no harm in doing it.Namaz is from this sandhya vandanam only,is my belief.Of course i do not have the proof for my statement,if i am refuted.
Thank You!.