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Why do Good People Suffer?

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I like the comment and agree with it, in my personal lifestyle. It helps that you do not have craving for material goods.

Having said that, let us take the other side of the equation. In a consumer driven economy, Gandhiyan philosophy will be the last nail on the coffin.
For younger people (except Dr. Renuka) it might be better to have a different perspective.
Every statement is appropriate in its own time and place. What was true before Independence is not true after Independence. Similarly what is normal in India is not same in Saudi Arabia.
If we all live the austere life style of Mahatma Gandhi, we will have to shut down all factories, and people will loose jobs and there will be chaos in the country. We should live within our means, but credit is the engine of growth. So home loan, car loan and credit cards should be accepted life style.
"want not - Have not", sometimes greed is the driving force.
Let us not condemn all those people who are chasing after the next BMW. I am an INVESTOR lol.

Greed is Good: Why You Need to Tap Into Your Inner Gordon Gekko - CBS News

Dear Prasad ji,

Out here luxury car theft is quite rampant.
So you see I can go to bed peacefully that no one will steal my local made car.
economy, Gandhiyan philosophy will be the last nail on the coffin.
For younger people (except Dr. Renuka) it might be better to have a different perspective.

Dear Prasad ji,

I am not really a Gandhian.

I do not deprive myself but I do not over spend either.

I update my fashion sense and clothes from time to time and always dress up to date but I do not buy branded labels.

In Malaysia lots of local brands are very nice and affordable and one can still looks like a million dollars by only spending RM 50.

It all boils down to careful spending.

Some woman chase after brands like Prada,Chanel,YSL just for the sake of the label name and end up wasting money cos they do not have good fashion sense and choice of clothes.

I spend a good amount of money on food cos I tend to buy only organic stuff.

I do not mind paying more for quality food cos health is important.

I also invest in good gym equipment at home so that exercising will be an exciting experience.

I have a passion for Sanskrit books and have a library at home too.

So I am no Gandhian it is just that I do not over spend.
nancy_robin_11GoatMilking jan07.webp

Now we can have Goat's milk. If you like. LOL

My father used to say this often.....

'The rain it raineth more upon the just, because
the unjust has stolen his umbrella!' - taken form the poem:

'The rain it raineth every day
Upon the just and unjust fella,
But more upon the just because
The unjust hath the just's umbrella.'


The persons who
are not selfish and help others in their distress are good people. They might suffer due to financial

problems or ill health. This is because of some wrong deeds they have done in previous births. I was a non believer of

previous births when I was young but as I watch the changes in the lives of many of my relatives and friends, now I am
forced to believe it! :decision:

Dear Shakuntala,

My mother' elder brother's wife served as a gynecologist first and in the cancer ward later, in a leading hospital in Coimbatore.

She was a great asset to our family and showed love to everyone around her. Extending help to others was the ONLY motto in

her life. Do you know what her condition is now, when her age is nearing 90? She is bedridden for the past four years and her

condition is really pathetic. She can not move her limbs but her memory and speech are excellent! I can justify this only by

believing that she might have done something wrong in her earlier birth! I know a few more persons like her. :pout:
I was a non believer of

previous births when I was young but as I watch the changes in the lives of many of my relatives and friends, now I am
forced to believe it!
I would like to go with Raji maam.

We have come across so many a incidents where in by some miracle a person recounts his previous birth. My patti used to say MS, would have done so many abhishegams with hiney and other things to get such a great voice, and the way she has done great things in the present birth she would have straight away attained moksha...More and more births so that you can do something good in this life and get salvage!! We also see many childrens excel in some fields totally new to the family he/she is born... விட்ட குறை தொட்ட குறை என்றும் சொல்ல்லாம்....

Frankly speaking I can safely bet that most of us in forum have not faced adversities in the real sense of it.

I think you will loose your bet. This life itself is an adversity. I don't want this.

நாறுமுடலை, நரிப்பொதி சோற்றினை, நான்தினமுஞ்
சோறுங் கறியும்நிரப்பிய பாண்டத்தைத் தோகையர்தம்
கூறும்மலமும் இரத்தமுஞ் சோருங் குழியில்விழாது
ஏறும் படியருள்வாய் இறைவா, கச்சியேகம்பனே. - பட்டினத்தார்

This is a slap on the face poem. Meaning in short - I am filling this stinking body with rice and vegetables which at end will become the meal for fox and other animals ( when I die). Ekambara Natha, save this body from lust for women ( I did not explain Pattinathar's narration about lust). If anyone knows the full meaning of this poem would call this life as adversity. Most people in this forum would love to end this adversity with this life. Try Eakabara Nathan in Kanchipuram.


Dear Shakuntala,

My mother' elder brother's wife served as a gynecologist first and in the cancer ward later, in a leading hospital in Coimbatore.

She was a great asset to our family and showed love to everyone around her. Extending help to others was the ONLY motto in

her life. Do you know what her condition is now, when her age is nearing 90? She is bedridden for the past four years and her

condition is really pathetic. She can not move her limbs but her memory and speech are excellent! I can justify this only by

believing that she might have done something wrong in her earlier birth! I know a few more persons like her. :pout:

Dear RR ji,

I read once that people like the lady you wrote are actually having excellent karma and are using up all the Sanchita Karma at a faster rate by taking apparent suffering on them.

The suffering they endure might be actually due to the fact that it is their last birth or just a few more births left.

Sanchita Karma includes both the good and bad Karma which needs to be used up and suffering by high souls are just a Fast Forward Mode.

We Hindus sometimes wrongly attribute all suffering to "bad karma".
Not every "bad" is "bad" and not every "good"is "good".

Dear Renu,

The Karma theory is well known to my aunt and she silently suffers! We are amazed at her will power. She calls me
on phone once in a month to enquire about the welfare of all the family members. She is in Venezuela! :yo: to her!!
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