Dear Kujuppu,
Because of a host of factors, the genetic stock of humans is deteriorating, and that too fast, imo. of late. I read somewhere that boys who look bony and underfed during their young age and trim during their teen ages will have the best reproduction ability

. May be that was one factor which caused large families (offsprings) among brahmins two or three generations ago.
Give too much fat to the boys and they tend to develop feminine characteristics. On the contrary if a girl is deprived of fat intake during her pubescent years, their fertility is affected. In some rural societies, even today a girl child is given peanuts, molasses and sesamum daily (a handful or so in all) and asked to eat it when she becomes 9 or 10 years. This also shows how wise our uneducated forefathers were.
But today, all such lifestyle has disappeared. The media has replaced traditional wisdom and we now have one brand of complan for almost anything from increasing height to scoring high marks in Mathematics

Parents are influenced by kids, wife pressurises husband or buys things herself if she has her own income and the aim of most parents is to make their kids chubby babies, chubbier the better. Already the incidence of gynaecomastia is very much on the increase among male tabra children.
This particular boy seems to be conversant with Hindi. Though I can't say what made the parents to publicise this dance, one thing is good, the poor fellow gets some exercise! If fatty food intake is controlled side by side, may be this boy will grow into a tolerably fat young man.
Renuka will be the most suitable authority to comment on this thread, imo.