Hope you enjoy my following composition....
You laughed with me
And you laughed at me.
You threw dust in my eyes
And lent your hand to wipe out the tears.
You put me in prison
And prayed for my release;
You took off my clothes
And felt I’m shameless
You broke my heart
And called me heartless;
You drew a line around me
And blamed that I’m in a narrow circle.
You drove away my friends
And scorned that I’m not social;
You took me places
And felt that I am a vagabond.
In my sunny world you came as cloud
And regretted darkness;
You erased my name
And called me names.
You hid yourself in me,
But I lost myself;
You brought changes in me
And wondered why I am not stable.
You wanted me to be what you liked
But never liked what I wanted;
You taught me a language
But wanted me to forget my mother tongue.
You signaled my journey
But laid speed-breaker on the way;
Well. You might have been good
But you sure made me feel bad.
Loka samasta sukhino bavantu.
You laughed with me
And you laughed at me.
You threw dust in my eyes
And lent your hand to wipe out the tears.
You put me in prison
And prayed for my release;
You took off my clothes
And felt I’m shameless
You broke my heart
And called me heartless;
You drew a line around me
And blamed that I’m in a narrow circle.
You drove away my friends
And scorned that I’m not social;
You took me places
And felt that I am a vagabond.
In my sunny world you came as cloud
And regretted darkness;
You erased my name
And called me names.
You hid yourself in me,
But I lost myself;
You brought changes in me
And wondered why I am not stable.
You wanted me to be what you liked
But never liked what I wanted;
You taught me a language
But wanted me to forget my mother tongue.
You signaled my journey
But laid speed-breaker on the way;
Well. You might have been good
But you sure made me feel bad.
Loka samasta sukhino bavantu.