Choice for all is limited!!!!!!!
How caste can be chosen by the baby ? Certain things one can not choose.Can we choose our parents? Can we choose our family background?If one's father is bad, can the baby choose some other father ?If one want to become prime minister of the country can one change their parents ? Can I say im not privileged to become US president because I was born here? Can a baby choose its mother tongue?No.We have to accept it and be proud of what we have.
BTW religion is also gets fixed at the birth for many of the families. Not sure how many will read many religions, understand and pickup what he/she considers the best.But yes one can change it later.
One more thing is I strongly believe many of the people in India believe in caste system.They can change city and change their claims.After all we cannot scientifically prove one's caste.THere can be many to openly disown it.But I guess there wont be majority in number .We expect some family values and we have certain good assumptions on our caste people.Its each family's responsibility to teach them and make good people out of them.If one's own father hasnt done the job the credibility obviously goes down.One shuns his/her family, who would have toiled for him/her , brings disrespect for their family,not worried about their siblings future and making their own decisions for their life.Well, what kind of family value he/she could teach their son.
The decision of marriage is a conscious decision taken by the parents who should have thought about its consequences before taking the decision.They would have good plans for the baby too. Its their duty to find a good life for the baby.Still the guy would be having the choice of love marriage and a restricted choice in case of arranged marriage.(I am talking about the present day situation.Things can change in future)
In arranged marriage , the families have to come together not the couples alone.In India we are not liberals.There are certain considerations and people know it very well.
Rationalism is a kind of fashion today . I just enhance your questions and see if one can make pure scientific decisions not only based on caste but based on other factors too.
1) Boy and Girl Different caste/religion - Acceptable or Not acceptable?
2) Parents - Difference caste/religion - Acceptable or Not acceptable?
3)Life partners background and job - Acceptable or Not acceptable? (Assume if its like Nayahan how many will of us accept.If he was a techie regularly going to nude clubs ??)
4)Life Partners parents background - matters or doesnt matter?If he was a pimp??(How can one introduce him to others?? Ennakku mattum mama illa.....Ooruke mama)
5)Life partners parent behaviour - If he/she is known for corruption and criminal activities........
6) Relationship ? ( Assume the same boy will fall in love with his sister grown up at some other place.What would be a rational decision?)
7) Age factor - Is it a restriction?
8) Behavior - Each one follows their own behaviors why that shud be affected by marriage?
The baby has no choice in it to decide thats not fair!! to deny a individual of his/her choice !!