An agenda for the Tamil Brahmins
Hi all, I am a TamBrahm who has grown up in a Leafy Government Colony in Delhi now working working working and working in a large glass building in Gurgaon. I speak fluent Hindi ( including a smattering of its different dialects like Khari Boli and Maggi ) but I cannot read and write Tamil, my Tai-muzhi. I still identify myself strongly as a Tam Brahm, have to end even Naan-Kaali dal meals with thayir shadam and pickles. I have grown completely isolated from the political disenfranchisement and social isolation of brahmins in TN. It only hit me when our Pope, the Shankaracharya was jailed.
Here is what I wish we could do as a community. Come together as one and work collectively for the benefit of all, for this we need an organization that could be so:
1. A few dedicated and honest Individuals, like retd SC judges, Sr bureaucrats and Generals, CEOs or NRIs who have no personal agendas be elected leaders, trustees and sevaks/sevikas and mgrs of a central corpus - the Tamil Brahmin welfare and development contributory fund to which every TamBrahm gives 2% of his income.
2. Establish a Global Tamil Brahmin Data bank where besides birth and blood group and education , sub-caste, place of origin, Veda specialization, horoscope, and all other cultural co-ordinates are stored, available online and updated on a regular basis and available in a "Smart Card"- my suggestion is this be inclusive of those non-Tam Brahmins married into the community as well - i believe culture & faith are more important than "pure" blood.( I mean, would you have kept MS subbalaksmi out?)
3. Use the fund to ensure that those priests specialized in the rituals receive a stipend and their work properly video-docunented for posterity besides establishng a panel to certify fully trained Vaidikas of different disciplines.
4. Establish community primary and high schools of the highest standard affliated to the IB programme - not CBSE or the State Boards - with free education for all Tamil Brahmins and free of any govt-imposed reservation criteria.
5. Sponsor intensive training through Brilliants, IMS, Kota aggarwal and other coaching programs to ensure a high number of Tamil Brahmmin youth get into IITs, IIMs and prestigious medical colleges. Use the IB curriculum and demarcated fund money to ensure admission and sponsorship of the most number of our boys and girls into ivy league US colleges
6. Fund social initiatives like an elderly retreat, a community medical insurance fund
7. patronage of arts and crafts and heritage structures of the Tamil land and South India.
8. We have to give back to our motherland. In modern times, we are a community with a distinct identity , not a caste superior to any other. Let us help those far more debased than us in Tamil Nadu, the dalits - my suggestion is that 15% of all sponsorships, school admissions, international scholarships and every other benefit goes into a Dalit Empowerment Program that helps the poorest of the poor. All they need to do is respect vegetarianism inside school, canteen and temple premises - I suggest complete Sanskrit and Vedic tutoring for them in addition to the other subjects and indoctrination in Brahmin concepts of hygeine.
9. The Dalit Empowerment Program should be carried out a) because it is the right thing to do after 25 centuries of oppression,b) it will create self-confident Dalits so smart that they will top exams without reservation and inspire their community C) They will see our sincere wish to help them become equals and protect us with their street power from political oppression
I understand that this may be an utopian dream. But I can be allowed the right to dream for my community