More interview sagas
Following LQ, here is my interview saga, what the heck, couple of interview sagas
Saga 1
Circa '96.
Fearing that i may write the exam again, ICAI passed me out in the finals. Before the euphoria could die down, came the next big problem.
Campus interviews.
So, the location for the first saga was the Institute premises and your truly was appearing before a panel of interviewers from BPCL.
I nervously walked in (despite back to back interviews) and was asked to 'take my seat'.
Just into the 1st minute of sitting down, questions start raining - unfortunately the budget was too fresh in their memories, to my bad luck and fin min in his infinite wisdom had just introduced Minimum Alternate Tax or MAT.
So the panelists start firing MAT salvos at me and quite appropriately 'floored' me. Just as i was longing for a Rama who would say "Indru Poi Naalai vaa" (sathiyama naan vandirukka maatten !), the lone lady member, obviously sensing my discomfort throws the first question which i could try answering.
Did i say "Try answering" ? No it was my turn to floor them with the full might of my 'knowledge' at display.
Question was : Who do you think is better Illaiyaraaja or A R Rahman ?
In Tamil there is a "saying" (!!!) - "Pinni Pedal yedukkaradhu" (LQ / SF - my apologies upfront, i cant translate or transliterate this one)
I assumed the role of a 'Masculine Kannamba' and words start flowing. Those days my loyalties were a shade higher with ARR. Almost creating a world record for a Ph.D award in the 'shortest time frame' (within the hour that is), i start rattling point after point - fusion, new voices, new approach etc..etc..
As a highlight, i also did an ERC (Explain with Reference to Context) on the movie "Mr. Romeo" which had released just then.
After 10 minutes of my enlightening speech, the panel went speechless till the same member mustered courage to ask me to leave and check out the results the next day.
Mission accomplished, i walk out with a great sense of relief only to bump into the next candidate.
"Hey, what did they ask ?"
"A lot about MAT"
"Oh...what did you say ?"
"I could hardly recall 1 or 2 points"
"Then what else ?"
"They asked me about some Accounting standards for which i had no answer"
"Oh...not a worry for me...what else ?"
"Finally they asked me who is better - Illaiyaraaja or AR Rahman ?"
"What ?" and starts to walk away. The "look" on his face, OMG, i cant forget till date.
Now the twist - Yours truly was the first name on the selected list next day.
Saga 2
Will keep it simple this time.
Setting was a "foreign" job with some McDowells Co, i think.
Question 1 : You will be posted in Mauritius...Do you where it is ?
Me : (On the strength of 37 out of 40 in 10th std Geography, CBSE), Oh sure, it is somewhere next to Maldives.
Lone panelist : Young fellow, i dont know how much you know your accounting but you surely dont know Geography !
Me: Err..Err.. sheepish grin..
Question 2 : Forget it...what is your expectation ?
Me : Rs. 4 Lacs per annum
Panelist : Listen....In case of any foreign assignment, you should always state in terms of what you want to save per annum not the salary that you want.
Me : I meant the same..My savings target is Rs. 4 lacs per annum
Now the turn of the panelist's face to do a rainbow - violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange & seething red - I dont think we can meet it.
and me....
Get out ! what else, though in not so many words.
ippa ninaichallum enakku "chipu chippaa" varudhu