Q1. Sir – Who has performed sraardha first? Who has coordinated the procedures for the sraardha we perform today? Has any body amended it?
A1. Good question! It will be astonishing to you if I say that Sri Varaha moorthy has performed sradha first. Sage Bodhayana has co-ordinated the procedures for Sraadha. But his procedures are lengthy. For instance, even while Bhokthas are taking food, Kartha is to continue performing the lengthy Jayathi Homa. These procedures are later amended by sage Apasthambha which is the basis of Sraadha Niyama now we follow.
Dear Sir, You would have heard lengthy manthras for Bodhaya soothra while you perform annual upakarma. I hope this much will satisfy your question.
Q2. Sir, I have heard Sraadha has to be performed by self. Is it possible?
A2. Sraadha niyama say so. But due to the elaborate procedures and complexities in them, we seek the Sasthrikals known as Bruhaspathi or Vadyar to guide. Now it has become order of the day to invite Sasthrikals, Bruhaspathi known as Vaadyar.
If you refer Ithihasa (The History) Ramayana, you will read Sri Rama performed Sraadha for Dasaratha himself
Q3. Sir is it correct that Sraadha has to be performed in Aparannam. What is your view?
A3. Again Sraadha niyama say so. We are in a fast moving world. Can the present day kartha and Bhoktha can remain that much time? Kartha or Bhoktha can be a sugar patient. Can they wait so much? However it is apt to perform sraadha so that the Bhokthas take their food in the afternoon. I hope after reading this you will not get displeased with either sasthrikals or Bhokthas if they come a little late by 11 AM or so. I hope this reply satisfy you.
Q4. Sir, Your answers make me more curious. You have said Sradha Niyama two times to me. Where can we have sraadha niyama now?
A4. It is interesting to note that you are more curious. One sradha niyama authority is vaidyanatheeyam or Vaidyanatha deekshitheeyam. You can refer it to clarify many of your doubts. This is actually a Tamil translation of smrithi muktAphalam, named as vaidhyanAdha dhIkshithIyam, compiled and translated by Sri Venkatrama Shastry and Sri Ramamoorthy Shastry, at the behest of srI KAnchi ParamAchAryAl in 1985. I can give you the details of this book since you are very curious.
Title: samkshEpa dharma sAstram ,
Publishers: Heritage India Educational Trust,
#6, Sanskrit College street, Mylapore,
Chennai - 600 004 Latest edition: Third, 1990
This book deals with many other topics too. Just for your information, the book is really a boon as the price is astonishingly very very little comparing to its worth. Since you are at present settled in Chennai, I think you could get one copy from them. There are many books in other languages too. As an appendix, this book also clarifies on Aasaucha sadakam.
Q5. Sir, This question was in my mind for a long time. Now I put it to you. Do Viswamdeva (Viswedava) escort or guide the pithru?
A5. I think you are going deeper in to sraadha. I will try to answer all your queries, For your question Viswam deva is both. Even if the pithru is in nether world he is to be brought by Viswam deva only. I hope this gives satisfactory answer to you.
Q6. Sir, This is another question in my mind for a long time. During sraadha we feed only one Bhoktha. Then how do we call Vasu, Rudra Aditya swaroopaya and pithrus from three generations? I hope I am making you to think putting questions of elaborative nature.
A6. Dear Sir, Surely the answer to this question is rather than elaborative they are sookshma in nature. How ever I will answer the question in simplest manner.
Basically understand in Sraadha a set of procedures is followed to recollect the pithru. The set procedures as told are followed. Many of these procedures have inner meanings too still not fully explained or can understand from the sraadha books.
If you go through the manthras you will learn not only three generations but jnatha Anjatha pithrus too you invite and feed. This is sankalpa. You are performing sraadha to the pithru who has left on that thithi.
You have asked why we refer in Sradha Vasu Rudra Aditya swaroopaya. They are sradha deities.
If you are going to invite a relative and his friends too are there will you invite your friend only? Why for courtesy call others too? Will we not send them too some compliments through him?
One bhoktha whom you invite represent the pithru for whom sradha is performed. We identify him in addition with Sraadha deities Vasu, Rudra and Aditya. Usually Vasu is pithru deity for whom sraadha is done. Rudra and Aditya represent other pithru deities whom you invite. It is told by identifying the invited bhoktha with Vasu, Rudra and Aditya deities the sraadha offerings are taken to all invitees. As I first said the explanation is sookshma. This indirectly hints pithru is another deity like viswamdeva (Viswedevas).
Q7. Sir Do our pithru reach swarga?
A7. Why doubt? The ultimate destination being Kailasam aka Paramapadam, the souls wander from one location to other, depending on their merits and punya bhalam. They reach their destinations by various steps; pithrulokam, devalokam, etc. The actual paramapatham, Srivaikuntham or kailasam are one and the same as per the philosophical readings.
Q8. Excuse me sir; you have said depending on the merit the pithru reach Paramapadam. If so what happen by performing sraadha to a pithru reached Swarga. Is it too sooshma to explain?
A8. But having no way to know the facts, we are instructed to continue the srardham till our lifetime. Here too, we do it not only for the parents who left, but also for three-generation viz. grand and great grand parents. Why? If by any chance, if our parent reached the destination but any of the grand parents left wandering, then it is for them to gain through this srardham. What if none of them wandering but all reached safely to the Kailasam or the Paramapadam? It will benefit Njaatha ajnjaatha pithrus.
The very basic reason for having prescribed to perform it for three generation is the most vital part of the value added srardham.
Q9. Sir, Do not think I am philosophical and too much pondering. When we offer the seventh pinda during sraadha it go to Jnatha Anjatha pithrus. Am I correct if I say it pertain to sahothra?
A9. Mr, Gopala Krishnan- It is not you are going philosophical but it is a desire to know more on sraadha. I am happy you are showing so much interest. I am too much happy to answer you …
Ok, Sir, you are correct. Jnatha Anjatha Here, when you perform the srardham with homam, after offering twice each to Pithru, Pithamaha & Prapithamaha - the seventh time offering is to Njaathi -i.e. distant cousins who left the earth. In case of anyone who left without any such ceremony performed, let the seventh step offering reach them – that is for the Sahothra njaathi. (Njaathaagnjaatha, pithrupyapcha, yathaa swaahaah
By doing this seventh Ahuthi with Havis that reaches to the Sahothra Daayathi, who might have left without any kriya/kainkaryam performed for many reasons (No issues, died at unknown place, nobody knows who is who when left, or some of them with issues but they never cared to perform the rituals from the beginning etc. etl.)
So, even if our parents, grand & great grand parents reached the abode, it is for us to continue the thithi srardham till our life time only for those who might have fortunate..
Q10. Sir, I have a doubt. Do the tharpanam done on sraadha day itself at the end is not as per niyama?
A10. Sir, Is your entire query on sraadha is over and I can take a relief?
Surely It is local codification in course of time. Actually it has to be performed only on the next day. But it has become practice of the day in context of sasthrikal and Kartha. However some thing done is better than not done. We are also becoming Apasthamba some times!!!
Q11. Sir, My questions on sraadha are not over please. The Tharpanam question on sraadha day came to my mind and I raised it. Sir, Many perform Hiranya sraadha in place of sraadhan with Homam. Why there are these two types of sraadham? Sir, Hiranya sraadham as per rules is to be conducted by those who are physically not capable and much aged or who are extremely poor.
A11. Sir, Well asked an important question. Hiranya sraadha is told for people who have got certain limitations like very aged and not able to perform the long procedure srarddha etc.
All capacitate (it is not financial alone but physical and mental too) people should perform sraadha with Homam. True benefit is only achieved through performing Srardham with HOMAM! Only when performed with homam, these are given thrice to the parents - first through the agni swaroopam, then through the Brahmmana Bhojanam and then lastly through the Pinda pradhanam (For Sama and Rg Vedhis three pindams and for Yajur Vedhis with six pindams – and for Bhodhayana soothra followers it is 24 Pindams!). Only on doing these three steps, then the remainder cooked rice becomes Pithru sesham.
One has to eat this pithru seasham to gain the benefits of the srardham . The pithru seasham is known blessings directed to us which is left untouched by many - without knowing the values!
In hiranya sraadham there is no pithru sesham, which is the main blessing of pithru. I hope after reading this answer at least able people will perform sraadha with Homam.
Q12. Sir, who all can take food prepared for sraadha, after offering to Bhoktha?
A12. It can be taken by close relations and by sagothra too. Normally, other Gothra persons do not share the srardha food. However, children below the age of 7 years are allowed eat the srardha food. But in Srivaishnava Thenkalai sampradaya, it is known as ishta pandhi, where any one who is not related, too can eat, if one wish.
Q13. Another important question is coming to my mind Sir, in those days when there was monthly period for the wife how did the kartha-performed sraadha? Now a day the problem may not appear perhaps by taking medical assistance.
A13. It appears you are coming to practical sides.In those days, in villages they had a very big place at backyard for the women to take shelter during the inconvenient periods. They used stay at a distance, where you won’t even hear them. (Even hearing them talking during their periods was not allowed and mostly restricted to few house members).
In Sama Veda sampradaya, they perform only after the fifth day, after Kartha’s wife taking bath. In Rig Veda’s followers too it was the same. But in Yajur Veda followers, they can perform it even in the absence of one’s wife during the Srarddha.
In normal terms, for every sect and sub-sect, allowed their female family member with periods to stay elsewhere during and earlier day of sradha.
During the Punyahavachanam, they used to add a word in sankalpam “rajaswala aasoucha nivruthiyartham” and then perform the Graha suddhi to continue with the ceremony. Oh, thinking of the present day cubicles and flat system and apartments!!!!.
Q14. Sir, I know there are different types of sraadhas. There is Atma pinda sraadha with special manthra too. My question sir, who are advised to perform Jala srradha and Hiranya sraadha?
A14. Hiranaya sraadha I have already replied. How ever I will give one more clarification and express the srardha niyama as explained by my distant cousin, late Sri Mukkur Lakshminarasimhachariar, (who was very popular for his divine writings in many periodicals, very specifically for an article series in Kalki "Kurai Onrum Illai Govinda") has given some hints on the Srardha procedures. He even wrote an article in one of the Kalki Deepavali supplement and I give the contents here below for the readers to take a note. The Srardha niyama in three different types with each having values on Uthama, Madhima & Athama paksha:
The Uthama factors: Srardha with Homam
With five Brahmins - one each for the post of Brahmma, Bruhaspathi, Viswedeva, Pithru and Sri Mahavishnu as Srardha Samrakshaka. - Uthamothamam.
Bruhaspathi, viswedeva, Pithru & Vishnu - Uthamam
Bruhaspathi, Vishwedeva & Pithru - Madhimam
Bruhaspathi & Bhokta Pithru - Adhamam
The Madhima factors - Srardha without Homam but only with sankalpam:
Sankalpa srardha without homam but bhojanam to three Brahmins plus vaadyar - Uthamam
sankalpa Srardha without homam but with two bhoktas - Viswedeva & Pithrus + Vadyar - Madhimam
Sankalpa Srardha without homam but with only one Bhokta + vadyar - Adhamam
Adhama factors - No homam, No bhojanam but only offering raw rice, raw banana with pulses, jaggery etc. with Sankalpam:
offering to 3 Brahmins - Uthamam - Visvedeva, Pithru, Sri Mahavishnu and Bruhaspathi - Uthamam
offering to two Brahmins - visvedeva, Pithrus - Madhimam
offering to only one Brahmin - Adhamam
Offering to only one Brahmin that too without any sankalpa mantra - this is known as Aama srardham.
And still, if one cannot do any of the above for varied reasons, it was said to perform at least the Thila TharppaNam on that day and offer it to the Vishnu padam to remember the Thithi! This is the least one can afford - if one is so poor, sick and disabled. If one cannot even afford the Thila (seasame), then just only with plain water!
If age factor and monetary considerations are not favourable, one has to perform to the minimum possible way, i.e. by Sankalpam with Hiranyam. And Sri Lord Krishna wants at least a TharpaNam by offerring it to the Vishnu Padam (only, sick, aged and poor can do the srardham just only with TharpaNam!).
Q15. Sir, What is pithru dosha? Does this appear on account of non-performance of sraardha?
A15. Very good, now you have come to related topics. The pitru dosha is supposed to be caused by non-performance of sraardha rites. It. causes childlessness, obstacles and failures in many ways.