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Time to Spread Shri Madhvacharya- and His Teachings etc

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Time to Spread Shri Madhvacharya- and His Teachings etc

Like Sankaracharya, Madhwacharya's Biograbhy and teachings are immense important

Shri Madhvacharya-

Shri Madhvacharya appeared in 1238 A.D. near Udupi, Karnataka in South India. He was considered an incarnation of Vayu (wind god). He had an unusually strong physique and extraordinary intellectual power. Once a fierce Bengali tiger attacked Madhvacharya's sannyasa disciple, Satya Tirtha.

Madhvacharya wrestled the tiger and sent him away with his tail between his legs. Madhvacharya took diksha at age five, sannyasa at twelve and left home. He appeared with a mission to fight and defeat Sankara's Mayavada (impersonal) philosophy. By giving a pure interpretation of Vedanta-sutra he promoted pure theism. He named his innovative shastric explanation dvaita-dvaita-vada (pure dualism).

After Shankaracharya, who had previously toured India spreading impersonalism, Madhvacarya also traveled the length and breadth of India preaching personaltheism and devotion to Lord Vishnu. He defeated innumerable Jains, Buddhists, Mayavadis, atheists, logicians, and agnostics.

With a hope of meeting Shrila Vyasadeva himself Madhvacharya walked up the Himalayas. Vyasadeva gave him a Shalagrama sila called Ashtamurti, approved his Bhagavad-gita commentary, and blessed Madhvacharya with deeper realizations of the sastras.

In Udupi, Madhvacharya installed a beautiful Deity of Gopala standing alone holding a cowherding stick. This Deity manifested from within a chunk of gopi-candana (sacred clay). He established eight mathas (Temples) to lovingly serve "Udupi Krishna." The sannyasi leaders of each matha worship the Krishna Deity with a rigorous regimen of ceremonial ritual, punctuality, and impec-cable personal conduct. Every Ekadashi they observe nirjala (total fast all food and water).

The Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya originates with the Madhvas. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His followers thoroughly studied Madhva's works before compiling their philosophy. For the Sat Sandarbhas Shri Jiva Goswami drew heavily from Madhva's writings. Jiva Goswami found 'the Gaudiya philosophy of acintya-bheda-abheda tattva in Madhva's Bhagavat-parya. Shri Chaitanya Himself visited Udupi, the seat of Madhva's sect. The Lord introduced Hari Nama sankirtana into their sect.


In Udupi, Madhvacharya installed a beautiful Deity of Gopala standing alone holding a cowherding stick. This Deity manifested from within a chunk of gopi-candana (sacred clay). He established eight mathas (Temples) to lovingly serve "Udupi Krishna." (In the image: Udupi Krishna, Karnataka).

The Madhvas and Gaudiyas share many of the same philosophical points. Both consider it necessary to surrender to the lotus feet of the guru (gurupadashraya). In Sutra Bhasya, Madhvacharya cites the Brihat Tantra and Mahasamhita to show that a disciple may reject a "bogus guru" who proves to be useless. He may then accept another qualified self-realized person as his guru.

In Prameya-ratnavalli, Shri Baladeva Vidyabhushana summarized the nine principles common to both Shri Chaitanya's and Madhva's teachings. In Vaishnava Siddhanta Mala, Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ordered all Gaudiya Vaishnavas to carefully observe the nine instructions of truth given by Shri Madhavacharya through our guru parampara.

Shri Madhvacharya's Nine Teachings

(1) Bhagavan Shri Krishna alone is the Supreme Absolute Truth, one without a second.

(2) He is the object of knowledge in all the Vedas.
(3) The universe is real, satya.

(4) The differences between Ishvara (God), Jiva (soul) and Matter are real.

(5) Jiva souls are by nature the servants of the Supreme Lord Hari.

(6) There are two categories of jivas; liberated and illusioned.
(7) Liberation (moksha) means attainmg the lotus feet of Bhagavan Krishna, in other words, entering an eternal relationship of service to the Supreme Lord.
(8) Pure devotional service to Krishna is the only way to attain this liberation.

(9) The truth may be known by pratyaksha (direct perception), anuman (inference or logic), sabda (spiritual sound or Vedic authority.
Shri Madhvacharya serves as Madhavi-gopi in Radha-Govinda's eternal Vrindavana pleasure pastimes.


Liberation (moksha) means attainmg the lotus feet of Bhagavan Krishna, in other words, entering an eternal relationship of service to the Supreme Lord. (In the image: Krishna embracing His friend Gopa Kumar).

We will see more about This Great Saint and His Teachings in future threads

Request Members to contribute more about this Great Saint and His Teachings


even though advaita is a great philosophy ....but maayavadi/sunyavaadi similar to buddhism....saint chaitanya/prabhupada

swamis are greatly influenced by sri madvacharya....
puja at the shrine of Kere Anjaneya

Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam performs special puja at the shrine of Kere Anjaneya
Posted: 12 May 2015 11:30 PM PDT

On 13th May 2015, on the occasion of Hanumat Jayanti , Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam performed a special Puja to Lord Kere Anjaneya, the guardian deity consecrated by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in the west of Sringeri. Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam, after granting Darshan to devotees at Guru Nivas, arrived at the temple and was present during the Mahamangalarati to Lord Kere Anjaneya. The Jagadgurus then blessed the members of the Bhajana Samaj.

The post Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam performs special puja at the shrine of Kere Anjaneya appeared first on Sringeri Sharada Peetham.


Kumbhabhisheka at Maavinakatte
Posted: 09 May 2015 09:00 PM PDT

On 10th May 2015, Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam and Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam graced Maavinakatte near Sringeri. Sri Mahasannidhanam performed the Jeernodharana Kumbhabhisheka of Lord Aane Vighneshwara and Sri Brahma Jatikeshwara. Sri Sannidhanam then performed the Shikhara Kalashabhisheka.

The post Kumbhabhisheka at Maavinakatte appeared first on Sringeri Sharada Peetham.
Sringeri Kshethra Mahathmiyam

Sringeri Kshethra Mahathmiyam

July 3, 2015

Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara – Due to our Adi Aacharyal Sri Sri Adi Sankara Bhagawath Padar’s Anugraham Sringeri Kshethram and Amnaaya Peedam was established. Please listen to this amazing 7 minute sathsangam by Brahmasri Guruji Gopalavallidasar on this divya kshethram and our Aacharyal Bhagawad Padar’s Prathyaksha anubhavam. Ram Ram!


Sage of Kanchi
75th "Acharya Thrayam

75th "Acharya Thrayam

With the divine blessings and under the aegis of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, 75th "Acharya Thrayam" a dance balley is going to perfrom at Manchiryal, ADB Dist. Telangana during the Godavari Pushkaras by Smt. Madhavi Ramanujam and her disciples on 17.7.2015

HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji

HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji






HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji visited Abhaya Foundation Organisation on the request of Smn. Balachandra garu @ Ibrahim Patnam on 9.7.2015 afternoon and showered mangalasasanams. Smn. Balachandra garu, Abhaya Foundation founder and C.E.O invited HH Swamiji with Poorna Kumbham. Teachers and Students gathered there from 25 schools of Ibrahimpatnam.

Ibrahimpatnam M.E.O also participated on this auspicious occasion. HH Swamiji unwield the Abhaya Foundation Sthupa in that premises. Later Neem and People saplings planted by HH Swamiji in the Abhaya premises. Later Swamiji entered into Abhaya Hrudayam Hall and addressed teachers. HH Swamiji explained the glory of selfless service taking Hanuman, a best example from Ramayana. And also praised Smn. Balachandra garu and his wonderful efforts in serving society at large.

Afterwards HH Swamiji entered into Abhaya Acharanam Hall to bless almost 1000 students from Ibrahimpatnam mandal. Distributed prizes to winners in different faculties. Later HH Swamiji visited another building in Abhaya premises and blessed those who came to get trained in different vocational courses with help of Govt. D.R.D.A on behalf of Abhaya Foundation.

At last HH Swamiji visited Vinobhabhave Gosala which is near by Abhaya foundation and reached JIVA Campus in the evening.

Toughest Sanskrit Exam conducted by Sringeri Jagadguru

Toughest Sanskrit Exam conducted by Sringeri Jagadguru


Published on Jan 7, 2013
Sanskrit Exam conducted by Sringeri Jagadguru during Maha Ganapati Vakyartha Vidwat Sadas 2012. This is the final day of the Annual 14 day event. Every evening similar discussions take place in chaste Sanskrit for 3-4 hours.



HH Swamiji and HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji,

HH Swamiji and HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji,

Jai Srimannarayana!



Under the aegis of HH Swamiji and HH Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji, Godavari Pushkara Prayuktha Brahma Yajnam 3rd day celebrations went well. Being Sunday thousands people thronged to the sacred place of Brahna Yajnam, felt blessed to take theertham from HH Swamiji and had Pushkara Snanam along with HH Swamiji. In the evening Telangana State ministers Smn. Harish Rao garu and Smn. Eetala Rejendar garu visited HH Swamiji and joined to worship the Sacred River Godavari with all respect followed by Haarathi. All the government officials also followed the same. HH Swamiji showered special mangalasasanams to all of them.


  • HH Swamiji.webp
    HH Swamiji.webp
    53.2 KB · Views: 1,308
Sir, why, if I may ask, is it now the "Time to Spread Shri Madhvacharya- and His Teachings etc"? Any particular reason?
Sir, why, if I may ask, is it now the "Time to Spread Shri Madhvacharya- and His Teachings etc"? Any particular reason?[/QUOTE

We have various threads in our forum for various Gurus...May be PJ is trying to fill in the gaps...Welcome this!
If His preaching is totally against the philosophy of Sankara and Ramanuja, who will follow Madhwacharaya's teachings, except those who belong to Madhwa Sect.

In Madhwacharaya forum, news items of Sringeri and Jeers are published. What is the relationship between Madhwa and Srigeri & Jeers?
Sir, why, if I may ask, is it now the "Time to Spread Shri Madhvacharya- and His Teachings etc"? Any particular reason?


Raji Ram Madam has started a Thread in 2012 for Mahaperiyava's teachings and many members contributed many of his teachings in this Forum

I also started to contribute in that Thread and I am still continuing to do so.

A member has sent me a private message requesting me to start a Thread on Shri Madhvacharya- and His Teachings etc" so i thought that i can start contributing about this Great Guru and His Teachings.

One need not be a Madwa to appreciate Sri Madhwacharya's Teachings; I only wish other members also contribute in Shri Madhwacharya's thread as well as Maha Periyava's Thread.
Tour programme of Jagadguru Shankaracharyas

Tour programme of Jagadguru Shankaracharyas

Monday, July 20th, 2015
THEIR HOLINESSES JAGADGURU SHANKARACHARYAS of Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri, will be departing from Bangalore on 20-Jul-2015 and reaching Sringeri on 23-Jul-2015. Updated tour programme is available for download below

Please open the link to download the program

Vijaya Yatra of the Jagadguru Documentary

Vijaya Yatra of the Jagadguru Documentary

The Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji undertook a year long Vijaya Yatra of South India, to instill faith and devotion and to bless one and all. In the course of His Vijaya Yatra, the Mahaswamiji visited many important places of pilgrimage, as well as many cities, towns and villages and performed many Kumbhabhishekam or consecration of new shrines aswell as re-consecration of shrines and temples which were renovated.

A documentary was produced by the “Shankara Advaita Research Centre” showcasing important moments and giving the viewer a bird’s eye view of the year long Yatra of the Jagadguru in under one hundred minutes. On the occasion of Guru Purnima, we are pleased to present this video.


Published on Jul 31, 2015

DVD Released on 3rd January 2015 during the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Peetharohanam of Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji
Sringeri Jagadguru on Sandhyavandhanam

Sringeri Jagadguru on Sandhyavandhanam

In several Anugraha Bhashanams, Sringeri Jagadguru emphasized the importance of doing Sandhyavandhanam.
A rough translation below:


  • “People say they don’t have any time to do Sandhyavandhanam. But they have time to watch TV, read newspaper and engage in gossip. So to say that there is not enough time for Sandhyavandhanam is wrong.
  • The Shastras prescribe two pakshas: Mukya Paksham and GowNa Paksham
  • To do 1008 Gayatri Japam is Mukya Paksham. People used to do this for 3 kaalas in the olden days.
  • If there is not sufficient time, then the Shastras prescribe GowNa Paksham of doing 108 Gayatri Japam.
  • If there is further little time, then the Shastras prescribe doing at least 32 Gayatri Japam.
  • But people usually ask for an alternative and a way to leave Sandhyavandhanam. For that, there is no other alternative.
  • For a person who has had Upanayanam and Brahmopadesham (according to Shastras), he has to do Sandhyavandhanam till the end.
  • If he says he can’t do or has no time to do, it will become a grave mistake.
  • The reality is people don’t have the will to do Sandhyavandhanam and hence give various reasons.
  • In Kannada, there is an old saying: “Where there is will, there is way.” (Manasu irindal margam irukum)
  • What one needs is real Shraddha to do Sandhyavandhanam and not other reasons.”

Links of Sringeri Jagadguru’s Anugraha Bhashanam on Sandhyavandhanam:

Tamil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tsyqzMFsF8
Kannada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g0BKdLEo6A
Telugu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnZaovlUjbU
​Source of this article: Sringeri Videos page in Facebook
Shankar Mutts By Shankaracharya Four Vedas

Shankar Mutts By Shankaracharya Four Vedas

hose who a little of Sanskrit and hinduism would know what an Intellectual Giant Adi Shankaracharya was. But not many know the logic that has gone behind his establishing the four Mutts.
He chose four directions to found the Mutts.

[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
[TD]Govardhana Pīṭhaṃ[/TD]
[TD]Prajñānam brahma (Consciousness is Brahman)[/TD]
[TD]Rig Veda[/TD]
[TD]Sringeri Śārada Pīṭhaṃ[/TD]
[TD]Aham brahmāsmi (I am Brahman)[/TD]
[TD]Yajur Veda[/TD]
[TD]Dvāraka Pīṭhaṃ[/TD]
[TD]Tattvamasi (That thou art)[/TD]
[TD]Sama Veda[/TD]
[TD]Jyotirmaṭha Pīṭhaṃ[/TD]
[TD]Ayamātmā brahma (This Atman is Brahman)[/TD]
[TD]Atharva Veda[/TD]

All the Four vedas have been represented

Padmapadacharya (fl. 8th century CE) was an Indian philosopher, a follower of Adi Shankara.

Padmapāda’s dates are unknown, but modern scholarship places his life around the middle of the 8th century; similarly information about him comes mainly from hagiographies. What is known for certain is that he was a direct disciple of Shankara, of whom he was a younger contemporary. Padmapada was the first head of Puri Govardhana matha. He is believed to have founded a math by name Thekke Matham in Thrissur, Kerala. Keralites believe that he was a Nambuthiri belonging to Vemannillom, though according to textual sources he was from the Chola region in South India.

Sureśvara (also known as Sureśvarācārya, c. 750 CE) was an Indian philosopher, who studied under Śankara. Śankara is said to have entrusted to Sureśvara his first monastic institution, the Sringeri Sharada Peetham. Suresvara is believed to have founded the famous Naduvil Matham in Thrissur…

Little is known for sure about Sureśvara’s life. According to a strong tradition within Advaita Vedānta, before he became a disciple of Śankara, Sureśvara was known as Maņdana Miśra, a Mīmāmsāka. After being defeated in debate by Śankara, Miśra renounced his life as a householder, and became a sannyāsin. Whether this Maņdana Miśra was the same as the author of Brahmasiddhi is questioned by modern scholars, on the basis of textual analysis.

Hastamalakacharya (IAST Hastāmalakācārya) (c. 8th century CE) was a disciple of Adi Shankara, the Advaita philosopher. He was made the first Jagadguru (head) of the Dvāraka Pīṭhaṃ, the monastery founded by Adi Shankara in Dwaraka. Hastamalaka founded a matha by name Idayil Matham in Thrissur, Kerala.

The Mādhavīya Śaṃkaravijayam states that when Adi Shankara was at Kollur, he accepted invitations by brāhmaņas to have Bhikşa (alms or food) at their houses. On such an occasion he visited a village called Śrī Bali (present day Shivalli), where every house was said to emit the holy smell of the smoke of Agnihotra sacrifice, to accept Bhikşa. That place was inhabited by about two thousand brāhmaņas who were learned in the Vedas and performed the Yajnas prescribed in the Vedas. There was also a temple dedicated to Shiva and Parvati.

In that village there lived a brāhmaņa, Prabhākara, who was noted for his learning. He had a son who though appearing quite handsome, behaved rather like an idiot. Though upanayanam was performed for him, he did not take to studying the Vedas, instead preferred to sit around doing nothing. Hearing about Adi Shankara’s visit, Prabhākara approached the Acharya (teacher) with a load of fruit and prostrated before him. He also made his son prostrate before him. Prabhākara explained to Adi Shankara that his son behaved rather like an idiot and sat idly throughout the day.

Then, Adi Shankara addressed that young boy and asked him who he was. The boy replied in 12 verses containing the gist of theAdvaita philosophy.[SUP][1][/SUP] Thus Adi Shankara was immensely impressed with him and accepted him as his disciple. He was named Hastāmalaka (one with the amalaka fruit in his hand) since the knowledge of the Self was natural to him like an Amalaka fruit in one’s hand. Adi Shankara took the boy into his party and started towards his next destination..

Totakacharya (IAST Toṭakācārya) (c. 8th century CE) was a disciple of Ādi Śaṅkara, the Advaita philosopher. He was made the first Jagadguru (head) of the Jyotirmaṭha Pīthaṃ, the northern maṭha founded by Ādi Śaṅkara near Badrinath. He founded a maṭha by name Vadakke Matham in Thrissur, Kerala…

he Mādhavīya Śaṅkaravijayam states that when Ādi Śaṅkara was at Śṛṅgeri, he met a boy named Giri. Ādi Śaṅkara accepted the boy as his disciple. Giri was a hard-working and loyal servant of his Guru, Ādi Śaṅkara, though he did not appear bright to the other disciples. One day, Giri was washing his Guru’s clothes, when Ādi Śaṅkara sat down to begin a lesson on Advaita Vedānta. He however did not start the lesson saying he was waiting for Giri to come back from his chores and singing lessons. At this, Padmapada pointed to a wall and said that it would be the same if Ādi Śaṅkara taught to this dumb object as he taught to Giri. Now, Ādi Śaṅkara wanted to reward Giri for his loyalty and devotion. Thus he mentally granted Giri the complete knowledge of all the śāstras (sciences). The enlightened Giri composed extempore the Toṭākāṣṭakam, a Sanskrit poem in the toṭaka metre, in praise of the Guru Ādi Śaṅkara. Thus the dumb disciple Giri became Toṭākācārya.

Look at the way Shankaracharya appointed Pontiffs, from deep south to west and from North to South.

And three of these Mutts are a part of falling into a pattern of same lattitude.

Geographically speaking the char Dham make a perfect square with Badrinath and Rameswaram falling on the same longitude and Dwarka (old) and Puri on the same latitude, representing the farthest north, east, west, and south points of India (at that time, before coastlines changed)
Badrinath, coordinates. Longitude.

Rameshwaram Longitiude.

Dwaraka latitude.

Puri Latitude.

* Present alignment.

How can parents instill spirituality in their children?

How can parents instill spirituality in their children?


During his April, 2011, birthday celebrations, Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji, 61st Shankaracharya of Sringeri Math, kindly consented to an interview for the readers of Hinduism Today and responded to questions about modern Hindu living.

How can parents instill spirituality in their children?

It is the duty of parents to inform and educate their children about our culture from a tender age. For example, as children, we were regularly told stories from the Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavata. We took in these stories and their morals and ethics. The glory of God, how He saved and elevated His devotees, the way devotees sought Him--these were etched in our minds. It made us resolve to live the same way, carrying these values, as our ancestors had done before us.

Thus, whenever any Western hero is highlighted, we were certain that nobody could be greater than our own Rama. And not just at home. These stories were taught to us in our textbooks when I was in school--Ramayana, etc., as well as stories of the great pilgrim centers of our land. I don't think there are any lessons in our textbooks today that highlight and showcase our culture. This is a very serious setback.

If an environment to understand our culture is created at home and school, then elevating our children and making them worthwhile citizens is possible. But the situation is now the diametric opposite. Children do not learn our culture at home or school, and are being instead exposed to alien and contrary cultures through TV and cinema. Under these adverse influences, they are becoming rebellious and treating their parents with disregard.

What is your advice for Hindu parents in other countries?

Haven't these parents come from here, India? Whether they are in America or in London, our culture does not change--praying to God, keeping a tulsi plant in front of the house, touching the feet of parents--these are simple things. The parents have grown up in Hindu culture and should carry it and inculcate it in their children wherever they are.

Can the guru's grace be received by darshan, sight, alone?

That depends on the power of the guru. Some gurus speak to devotees. Some of them are in such an elevated state that the mere sight of such a guru makes our life fruitful. These great gurus can transform lives and cleanse people of all sins by just their glance.

Chandrasekhara Bharathi Mahaswamiji (1982-1954), the 34th pontiff of Sringeri, is proof of this. Sixty years ago, there was a publication called The Searchlight, published from Patna. Its editor, M. S. M. Sharma, was an atheist who would ridicule anyone who had faith in God. In 1926, one of his friends, a devotee of Sringeri, brought him to have darshan of Guruji. Refusing to adhere to protocol of wearing a dhothi and veshti, he insisted on coming in Western attire. Upon his arrival, Chandrasekhara Bharathi had come out to give darshan to people.

Sharma was standing behind him, amused at people's stupidity in bowing to a person simply because he was wearing saffron robes. Guruji turned around, and the moment his eyes fell on Sharma, some intense transformation happened in him. Sharma fell to the ground and prostrated, not knowing what was making him do so.

As he wrote later of this experience, "Then the miracle happened. The very glance of the guru in a second removed all my atheism. I fell in surrender and could not get up. Guruji asked me to get up and enquired who I was. I told him I was a sinner and had sought him to elevate me. He asked me to come the next day and I went. It was only then I became a human being. Till then, I was an animal. He did not do anything, just a glance."

What is the proper way to approach a guru?

Once, when Guru Chandrasekhara Bharathi was on a tour, a Muslim police officer came to see him. He asked the Math officials who received him about the appropriate protocol. The Math officials told him, "You can meet him the same way you would meet your religious head." One approaches the guru in the same way your culture guides you when meeting a respected elder person.

How can one avoid being misled by some gurus?

There is a difference between the old days and now. In ancient times, the guru was without duplicity or deceitful motives. He would impart knowledge to the disciples with a pure heart. Thus, there was no room for any suspicion. Now, there is a proliferation of gurus, some of whom wear the saffron robes with the very intent of cheating those who come to them as seekers.

It is not wrong for people to be cautious and alert with such people posing as spiritual teachers. Adi Shankaracharya said, "One who has complete knowledge of the scriptures, one who ceaselessly yearns for the good of others, such a person is a guru."

What is your view on re-conversion to Hinduism?

"Reconversion" is a misnomer. Say, for example, that our child leaves home out of some misunderstanding or bad judgment and goes to someone else's house. If we bring him back home, we have just brought him back where he belongs. How can this be reconversion? His leaving home was wrong, but bringing him back home is not wrong.

Why are hatred and conflict increasing, despite our affluence?

Because desire is increasing, there is no contentment. As long as man does not have satisfaction, there is no peace. When our wants keep increasing, where is the room for peace? People believe the myth that money can make them great. What use is a big bank account, if there is no peace? Even if I am a millionaire, I can only eat so much. In that case, why employ wrong means to acquire wealth and harm others? If people realize this, they will not take a wrong path. Adi Shankara said, "Take not pride in your wealth, position, power or vitality. None of this is permanent. Believe only in God. Resort only to God."

What is your advice for sannyasins?

The primary reason to take sannyas is for the monk's own spiritual development. The seeker, wishing to be free from the bonds of this material world, realizes that sannyas is the only path to attain liberation. Thus, he becomes a mendicant and proceeds along this path by practicing self inquiry and meditation on God and the Self, with dispassion and repetition of the syllable Om. His first aim should be to achieve spiritual elevation. Thereafter, if he gets an opportunity to convey a good message to someone, he should.

If someone comes to him with a doubt, and he has the capability to ease their troubles and relieve their doubt, then he should do so. But beyond this, he should not indulge in or get drawn into any material matters. Else, the very purpose of his taking sannyas, to end the cycle of birth and rebirth, is defeated. The renunciate must be completely detached from the material world.

What is your message to the readers of Hinduism Today?

First, give up hatred towards the other. Look at everyone with love and affection. Help others; if not, at least do not harm others.

Secondly, never lose faith and belief in God. Believe in Him through whichever name you choose, but never stop believing. Worship God with dedication and devotion, and you will receive His Grace.

My complete blessings to Hinduism Today. You have been able to deliver righteous thoughts to people through your magazine. With God's grace, may Hinduism Today prosper.

Sage of Kanchi

Jambunathan Iyer
The Glory of Lord Ganesha

The Glory of Lord Ganesha


Published on Sep 18, 2012
An Anugraha Bhashanam (Benedictory discourse) by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji elucidating the glory of Lord Ganesha and the importance of Ganesha Chaturti. This is a file footage from the archives, recorded in circa 1990.
From the above, it seems he has not recognized Rama at all. His sect is one of the so many sub sects of Vaishnavism with different ideologies.

Further, there are no proper reviews of the three philosophies, at periodical intervals, and their role for humanity. I feel, in the present circumstances, all the three philosophies may not be of much use.

All the two (advaita excepted) are doing well and earning fantastically for at least a few temples each. advaita seems to have lost its steam because it is too abtruse and even the Shankaracharyas perform idol worship and hold out as dwaitins.
All the two (advaita excepted) are doing well and earning fantastically for at least a few temples each. advaita seems to have lost its steam because it is too abtruse and even the Shankaracharyas perform idol worship and hold out as dwaitins.

While the mutt heads of Madhwa and Ramanuja Schools follow a specific sambradaya, it is not so in the case of the third one. The heads of third one have been dancing from end to the other (Shiva and then other Gods), without sticking to a particular sect. They confuse themselves in a such way that it is going to be a herculean effort to change their customs. The only practice they follow over the year, in order to show differently and survive, is sporting of 'Holy Ash.' on their forehead.

Overall, all the three schools fail to bring in oneness among Hindus with a common approach. They are particular only about their popularity, wealth, number of 'chamchas', efficient PROs to sing about them etc.
While the mutt heads of Madhwa and Ramanuja Schools follow a specific sambradaya, it is not so in the case of the third one. The heads of third one have been dancing from end to the other (Shiva and then other Gods), without sticking to a particular sect. They confuse themselves in a such way that it is going to be a herculean effort to change their customs. The only practice they follow over the year, in order to show differently and survive, is sporting of 'Holy Ash.' on their forehead.

Overall, all the three schools fail to bring in oneness among Hindus with a common approach. They are particular only about their popularity, wealth, number of 'chamchas', efficient PROs to sing about them etc.

For good or bad, Sankara brought in the concept of advaita (no two realities). For about 400 years we have no reliable records to show which way brahmins voted. Then Ramanuja came on the scene and propagated visishtadvaita with so much vigour that vaishnavam spread all over the sub-continent. Madhwacharya was bold enough to "call a spade a spade" keeping the same god as that of vaishnavas. Hence all three have been at loggerheads right from their start. The ardent followers also exhibit their allegiance to their own belief system by being as much as possible, critical and against the others. Only the smArtAs are like lotus-eaters.
Bu they were united in their efforts to keep out Charvakas , Buddhists and Jainists .

Buddhism has a wide spread in other countries; whereas, unfortunately, Hinduism has lost even the one country where it was an official religion.

Among religious preachers from Asia, Buddha has been accepted by all sections, and not so in the case of the three popular Acharyas from Hinduism.

Jain temples, especially in TN, paved the way for the growth of one Hindu Sect.
For good or bad, Sankara brought in the concept of advaita (no two realities). For about 400 years we have no reliable records to show which way brahmins voted. Then Ramanuja came on the scene and propagated visishtadvaita with so much vigour that vaishnavam spread all over the sub-continent. Madhwacharya was bold enough to "call a spade a spade" keeping the same god as that of vaishnavas. Hence all three have been at loggerheads right from their start. The ardent followers also exhibit their allegiance to their own belief system by being as much as possible, critical and against the others. Only the smArtAs are like lotus-eaters.

Sankara had a brilliant intellect. He fulfilled the long felt need for a epistemological and ontological base with which the scriptures could be integrated with a simple philosophy and explained to the common man. His advaitam was the product of this goal he set for himself. And his various mutts.

Ramanuja was equally brilliant. He found the advaitam to be still elitist and so gave us the visishtadvaitam. Visishtadvaitam means qualified monism. It is visishta advaitam and not visishta dwaitam. So Ramanuja continued with the work started by Sankara and improved on his advaitam.

Madhwa was still unsatisfied with the advaitam even though it had become a visishtadvaitam by then. So he gave us the dwaitam.

The rest is history.

And the meaning of the term Lotus-eaters is "a people given lazy, carefree living". I do not understand as to why Sangomji is calling smartas by that name. LOL.
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