It is true that clip have shocking stuff to reveal. But that is the fact of life that exist today.
While we point our fingers towards somebody, remember three of ours point to us.
This is what we have done to ourself and see this as an oppurtunity to help those who are in real need from our community.
One appreciable fact of the video is that none of the Brahmins who inspite of their hard times, have not left their beleif . That shows the mettle and that should be enough for revival.
Lets also evaluate what we have done to them. We always try to be sympathasisers rather than getting into act. Instead of Cutting a donation cheque of ..... INR to '*******' , which is cattering for the worldly poorer people (I am not saying we should not care for them), lets try to help the ones who are closer to us. Lets help ourselfs to reach the self sufficiency then lets look upon the world.
This is a wake up call, we can do it and we should do it.
7 minutes clip exposes the reality that today's brahmins have become oppressed and marginalized.