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Think or sink!

Wisdom is to know when to let go!

எழுபது, எண்பது வயதில் கஷ்டப்பட்டு ஆடுவதை
அதைவிட அதிகக் கஷ்டப்பட்டு பார்க்க வேண்டும்!

இவர்களே ஆடிக் கொண்டிருந்தால் இவர்கள் மாணவியர்
இளசு, மெலிசு, லேசுகளுக்கு வாய்ப்புக்கு கிடைக்குமா?

~ 60, ~ 45, ~30, ~15 என்று நான்கு தலைமுறைகள்
ஆறாத ஆவலுடன் காத்திருப்பது தெரியவில்லையா?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

291a. Erde lacht in Blumen.
291b. Earth laughs in flowers.

Laughter is joy expressed by people.
Flower is joy expressed by the earth.

Erde = Earth
lacht = laughs
in = in
Blumen = flowers.

In ancient times the students used to live with their guru - until they had mastered all that their guru could teach them. They lived away from their family and accepted the Guru pathni as their mother and ate whatever she could offer to them.

Then schools were formed. They were few and far between. The teachers as well as the students would assemble there and knowledge would be transferred.

Now the guru as well as the student stay where they are. Knowledge is still transferred - without anyone leaving their residence.

In the mythological movies, a magical mirror would show whoever the hero/ heroine/ villain / magician wanted to see. Now everyone can see whoever they want to see - at anytime and from anywhere.

Who would have thought such modern wonder will become possible for everyone on earth?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Das Gras ist auf der anderen Seite des Zauns grüner.
Die Entfernung verzaubert die Ansicht.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Distance adds enchantment to the view.

Das = The
Gras = grass
ist = is
grüner. = greener
auf der = on the
anderen = other
Seite = side
des Zauns = of the fence.
Die = The
Entfernung = ditance
verzaubert = enchants
die = the
Ansicht = view.
Lernen deutsch im schlaf = Learn German in your sleep.

The invite was irresistible. An acquaintance decided to try it out.
No need to forgo sleep nor to divert productive hours to learning a new language.

Naturally for the first few days the sleep pattern got terribly disturbed.
Then the brain and the body adapted to the challenge posed by a new language.

Fortunately the acquaintance has gathered vivid knowledge in Deutsche.
Unfortunately it is helpful to him only when he talks in his sleep!

Bonus benefit!
At least no one can understand what he is talking about so vividly in his dream! :)
Women have always wished to decorate themselves to enhance their beauty.
Precious and noble metals are used in making ornaments for men and women.
Their beauty becomes more when precious and semi precious gems are studded.

Even those who can not afford platinum or gold or silver and the costly gemstones
manage to decorate themselves with colorful beads and sparkling crystals and minerals.

Now that wearing heavy golden ornaments literally endangers the life of the wearer, ladies of all ages have started wearing crystals of all colors, designs and shapes - matching their costume color.

This blog explores the precious and semi precious gemstones obtained from the crystals.

Visalakshi Ramani

The multi colored and fascinating Watermelon crystals.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

293a. Man kann das Beste von einem anderen bekommen, entweder durch Überreden oder durch Schlagen.

293b. One can get the best from another, either by coaxing or by thrashing.

Different strokes for different folks.

Some have to be praised sky high.
Some other need to be flattered falsely.

Some others need to be given gift in cash or in kind.
Some others need rough treatment to make them do anything at all.

Man = One
kann = can
bekommen = get
das Beste = the best
von = from
einem anderen = another
entweder = either
durch = by
Überreden = persuading
oder = or
durch = by
Schlagen = thrashing.

Indian concept gives these four methods :- sAma , dhAna, bEdha, dhaNdam,
பேரிளம் பெண்கள் ஆடும் நடனம் !

இரண்டு கால்களில் இவர்களால் நிற்க முடிந்தால்
ஏறி விடுகிறார்கள் அரிதாரம் பூசிக் கொண்டு மேடை.

குச்சி பிடித்துக் கொண்டு நடக்கும் காலம் வரும் வரை
குச்சுப்புடி நடன வகையறாக்கள் விடாமல் தொடருமாம்.

ஒரு கால் தாங்காது அவர்கள் உடலின் எடையை.
இரு கால்களும் தரையில் பதிய ஆடுவர் நடனம்.

சாவி கொடுத்த ஒரு பெரிய பொம்மையைப் போலவே!
கேலி செய்யும் ஒரு பெரிய பொம்மையைப் போலவே!
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A proverb a day to brighten the day.

294a. Wissen ohne Übung macht nur einen halben Künstler aus.
294b. Knowledge without practice makes one but half an artist.

Doing something is not the same as knowing something.
Doing it is one thousand times more difficult than saying it.

The critics who tear to pieces the dreams of success of young artists,
can hardly do justice to the art they speak about and comment so loudly.

Wissen = Knowledge
ohne = without
Übung = practice
macht aus = makes one
nur = only
halben = half
einen = an
Künstler = artist.
Hormone vs Honor!

Hormones make the youngsters seek partners.

Maybe there is wisdom in the ancient custom of marrying the young ones at their right age. Maybe the modern life style where boys and girls mix freely contributes to the love - considered unacceptable by one or both sets of parents.

The result when both the adamant parties do not wish to given in???....Honor killing!
Must parents open their minds for the sake of their children or loose the permanently?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

Es braucht zwei Hände, um zu klatschen.
Es braucht zwei Personen, um sich zu streiten.

It requires two hands to clap.
It required two people to quarrel.

Even when provoked, if one person determines not to react, there will be no quarrel. But when calmness is mistaken for weakness, the provocation may continue!

Es = It
braucht = reqires
zwei = two
Hände = hands
um zu - in order to
klatschen = clap.
Es = It
braucht = requires
zwei = two
Personen = people
um zu = in order to
streiten = quarrel
sich = between themselves.
Smart phone = Liberation

Smart phone has made every Tom, Dick and Harry ( aka Amar, Antony and Akbar)
a star, a producer, a distributor and an entertainer at the same time.

When blogging was made possible, writers broke loose from the control of the editors.
When YouTube was made possible, people have broken loose from the directors.

'Pallup pOna koLLup paati' has her own cooking channel.
'Alte dicke frau' have their own sweet & savories channels.

Pretty girls who love to show off their figures demonstrate how to wear a sari or a scarf in umpteen different ways. But they do not tell us how one can use the restroom without disturbing the ' Veera Naari Jhansi rANi' type sari or sari worn as a jump suit.

Girls dance/ sing/ do anything they want and upload in their channels. Surprisingly the drooling males follow them like leaches - liking every weird thing uploaded.

It requires a great caution not to be carried away by these from the classy and worthy performances.

Does a smart phone really allow you to do everything for free - except talking on the phone?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

296a. Gezogene Brunnen selten trocken.
296b. Drawn wells seldom dry.

Stagnant water stinks. Running water remains fresh and clean.
Stagnant wealth stinks! Why else are 'the miserly rich' called 'the stinking rich'?

Money is like muck. It must spread to become useful.
Money can't buy many things - including peace of mind.

Nature has its own amazing cycles to restore the balance.
Evaporated water comes down again as pure rain water.

Money spent with goodwill for a good purpose will always come back.
Living like a dog in the manger benefits neither the owner nor the others.

Gezogene + Drawn
Brunnen = wells
selten = seldom
trocken = dry.

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

297a. Rosen und Dornen gehören zueinander.
297b. Roses and thorns belong to one another.

Roses are too pretty and too tasty to left without proper safety mechanism.
Nature has provided thorns on every part of a rose plant to protect the roses.

Rosen = Roses
und = and
Dornen = thorns
gehören = belong
zueinander = to one another.
Birthday Party

Social Distancing has become a part of our new lifestyle.
No unnecessary touching of anyone by anyone, anywhere and at any time!

Recently a birthday party was celebrated, observing the social distancing.
The masked guests were allowed to go in - one family at a time, to greet.

Gifts were exchanged and the guests had to leave to make room for the others.
Do they people miss the usual birthday singing, hugging and kissing?

Apparently they are too happy to see the persons in 3D and not on a flat screen!
Adaptation is Man's greatest virtue. He learns to live in Alaska as well as in Sahara.
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

298a. Vertraue keinem Versprechen für morgen. "Das morgen" kommt nie
298b. Don't trust any promise made for tomorrow. 'That tomorrow' never comes!

Tomorrow is a very useful tool to put off something indefinitely or even infinitely.
It is an easy and pleasant substitute for a harsh or a brutal refusal or denial.

My cousin sent a message six months ago that she will talk with me tomorrow.
I am still waiting for her call - which may never come!

Vertraue = Trust
keinem = no
Versprechen = promises made
für = for
morgen = tomorrow.
"Das morgen" = 'That tomorrow'
nie = never
kommt = comes.
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In German männlich = Maculine and weiblich = Feminine.

Long ago living beings were grouped into two categories - as Male and female.
Now there are fifty shades between a 100% male and a 100% female!

The questions I have to answer in the form given in any hospital leaves my speechless! Do I identify myself as a ? / or ? / or ? / or ? / or? / or?.......

Does it still hold good to name feminine gender as weiblich
- when the wife of one man can be another man?
A proverb a day to brighten the day.


Eine Blume macht keine Girlande.
Ein Baum macht keinen Garten.

One flower does not make a garland.
One tree does not make a garden.

There is beauty in greater numbers.
There is safety in greater numbers.

Eine = One
Blume = flower
macht = makes
keine = no
Girlande = garland.
Ein = One
Baum = tree
macht = makes
keinen = no
Garten = garden.
Running from Pillar to Post! ( aka eththaith thindRaal piththam theerum?)

Kunthi Devi made a strange request to Lord Krishna. She wished to have more and more problems in life - so that she would always remember Krishna.

Man remembers God when he has a problem and at other times, God may or may not exist for him. Next to God, man relies on these three things to solve his problems viz
'MaNi ( gem), Mantra and Medicines.

Gemstones are attributed with beneficial properties. Man does not hesitate to buy them - paying through the nose an astronomical sum of money.

All he forgotten Mantras and slOkas are being revived during the pandemic - to protect man, to prolong his life and keep him out of the clutches of Death.

You can sell anything - solid, liquid, gas, ash, fruit, root, vegetable and leaves as a miracle cure for the unknown affliction. The spiraling price of ginger and turmeric bear proof for this - if proof were needed!

People are willing to drink strange concoctions made out of dubious products. Often the treatment may become more dangerous than the disease they try to treat!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

300a. Verdacht ist das Gift, das die Freundschaft tötet.
300b. Suspicion is the poison that kills friendship.

Any relationship is built on trust - be it between friends or couples of just relatives.
When suspicion enters into the mind of one of the parties, the very foundation called Trust gets destroyed first and then the relationship itself gets destroyed.

Verdacht = Suspicion
ist = is
das = the
Gift = poison
das = that
tötet = kills
die = the
Freundschaft = friendship .

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

301a. Der Zorn eines guten Mannes ist am schwersten zu ertragen.
301b. The anger of a good man is the hardest to bear.

Good people do not get angry easily and for most of the time.
But if a good man gets angry, it will be hardest to bear for the others.

Der Zorn - The anger
eines guten Mannes = of a good man
ist = is
am schwersten = the hardest
zu = to
ertragen = bear.

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