Namaste happyhindu,
Interesting, quite interesting. Can you explain what is always meant by "The Son of God" and "Savior of Mankind"? These two statements I don't understand. Maybe you, or someone else, could shed some light on them?
Justinji, this what i know at present:
Son of God:
God is consiousness. Jesus was born of kumari garbham (virgin birth). He was conceived as an amsa (part) of the God conciousness. So He is called Son of God.
Saviour of mankind:
To Christians, this applies to Christ alone. But to us, it applies to the entire concept of Gods and God.
The adam-eve's story of the fruit (of knowledge) or the apple (kundam) sitatued at the end of the coccygeal plexus with the snake (lucifer (?)) around it actually signifies sacred knowledge; the knowing of which leads us to redemption from re-birth or salvation (moksha). This other male-female equivalents are (yang-yin) (shiva-shakti) (lakshmi-vishnu) (svaha-agni) and so on.
Yogananda Paramahansa explained about the Adam-Eve story partly in the book "Autobiography of a Yogi". The sephirot is no different from the kundalini concept in essence, just explained somewhat differently.
So when Christ is called "saviour of mankind", it is intended to mean as "He, the salvation for mankind". Christ meant salvation thru "me" or "Christ's Consiousness" which is God-Consciousness, which in turn means "salvation thru this knowledge". So to us, it is the knowlegde (vid) that is the saviour of the mankind.
Christ, like Krishna, espoused Bhakti and surrender as means to it. But unfortunately, the path of the knowledge was not explained clearly in the Bible as Krishna did clearly in the Gita.
The concept of Bhudevi-Narayana-Shridevi and the concept of Siddhi-Ganesha-Buddhi merges with the Shiva-Shakti or duality [male-female] concept. Ganesha is Mooladhara and Narayana is both the latent energy within the Mooladhara and the Sushumna (which Narayana represents). However, without power of Shakti, this Mooladhara cannot be awakened and Shakti does not ascend. Hence, the propitiating of Devi or feminine energy and chanting of Devi Mahatmya by those that seek to awaken the kundalini. In some story-versions, this Shakti (as Parvati) is seen / represented as the sister of Vishnu. Narayana is also considered the creator of it all.
Some say Aayana is a unit of measure (sun's journey time) and therefore 'Nara-Aayana' intends to mean some type of a unit of measure, in terms of a man's journey time. To complete the journey sucessfully wud mean to attain the abode of Narayana or salvation (moksha). Which abode, Vaikuntam or the one prior to it might be explained differently by diff seers. The consciousnss itself, however is Shiva. All this is a very elaborate explanation and i am not yet clear about certain parts in it.
Plus, it is possible, they mean 'attaining and becoming one with Shiva' as one level of consciousness; and 'attaining vaikuntam' as the next (advanced?) level of consiousness to be attained. All this has given rise to various philosophies, such as advaita, dwaita, vishistadvaita and various concepts.
i think i have given you an information-overload for the simple 2 phrases u asked me. hope i have not confused you