thank you for your postings. i have read them all, and in this forum, under the aegis of a decorum, we can all exchange views.
we can address each other directly. i respect you. your views. and above all, your regard for traditions as perceived by you. these are what that makes you what you are. i have no problem with that.
i wish you had not referred to other commenters on this post as couple of men. we are not couple of men. we are just as human, and personally, have gone through the equivalent of the whole nine yards of a brahmin male's ritualistic obligations (twice at that too - one for my maternal grandparents and one for my dear own).
not one iota of rituals was spared. the pithurs should be happy. so do all my extended relatives, whose death is ignored, an act of shame or forgotten, every one of them, and all their pets.
kamakshi, it behooves beyond the extent of my sense of decency to seek out your status in life. but, in my experience of close to 58 years, i find, that the strongest supporters of status quo, are those that have everything working good in their life. why is the need to be different? - they ask!
God has been kind to me. i have been fortunate, thank God, for many things in my life. i do not desire more. but, and the big BUT, i see so many of my friends, acquaitances, relatives, coming up with low cards in the life on earth that is the poker game. there is no rhyme or reason.
i am unable to callously dismiss it as their fate. or as the effect of the sins committed in the previous life.
i cannot accept the concept of a tamil brahmin in the narrow sense of preserving something that is endangered. to me, unless you grow, you cannot survive. and you cannot grow by shrinking.
i feel, that we need to open our minds, to welcoming communities beyond our narrow definitions and help them embrace the best of our traditions. the best of our culture. the best of our food. and above all, the best of our thoughts.
kamakshi, re the previous paragraph, with deep regrets, i would disagree with you, based on your postings, on almost all counts.
anger, fear, outrage, i think are better overcome, with confidence, open mind and above all, to welcome the concept of a universal Hinduism.
in a scientific context, what you have posted, about moving away from scrutiny of the jaaghagam / subsects / language et al, is akin, to an extension, that if these do not matter, nothing else matters.
you cannot compromise on your own terms, and take a moral turpitude on it. either you go to the vedas, and live by it. or you don't. no middle way to suit your current sense of morality. if that be so, the rest of us, are just a few years ahead of you.
on the other hand, while revelling in your own standards, you might just look at some of us, who have gone beyond, and wonder, if that would be the mirror to the future! i don't intend to hurt your feelings. but i am obliged, not only on my behalf, but on many here, to pen these words.
hope this explains.
thank you again.