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the effect of chanting "Rama namam'

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Virtues of chanting Taraka mantram "Rama" namam

"Rama" is called Taraka Mantra. Taraka Mantra is one which helps a person to cross over the cycle of birth and death to immortalhood, i.e., it helps one merge with the Almighty. It is a mantra which helps you rid of your bad and good karmas. [Even good karmas are to be got rid off because one is born to enjoy the fruits of good karma. For example look at the irony of this guy who has been elected five times as Chief Minister in spite of his present evil karma of being an anti-Hindu, a brahmin hater, a temple hater and cow hater. But he will definitely enjoy its "fruits" as well may be as a dweller on the banks of Kooum as compared to his present heaven of air-conditioned comfort etc. Sorry I have digressed..coming back to Sri Rama Nama]

So this taraka mantra "Rama" is derived from the roots of two maha mantras -- Om Namo Narayanaya and Om Nama: Shivaya -- "Ra" from Namo Narayanaya and "Ma" from Nama Shivaya.

Although my preferred japam is the Gayatri but before gaining sleep I always chant "Rama Rama Rama Rama...." after remembering my Guru who initiated me into this japa and Sri Maha Ganapati; even before I hit 100 I dose off to a state of dreamless pleasant sleep.

"Rama" namam is the one mantra which is chanted into the ears of those who are at the verge of shedding this mortal coil. But whether they are in a state of hearing that or not is a moot question. In all likelihood they are already in the clutches of "Chitra-gupta -- which means secret picture" where they are shown as if flowing from a projector, the movie of their life from childhood to that stage when they are in the last stages of their life here; they are shown their likes and dislikes, the pleasures and pains they endured, the people who gave or caused them this pleasure/pain etc. Depending upon the "scene" in this very private movie the expression on their face change -- sometimes smiling, sometimes staring, sometimes shrinking in horror etc. Watching this the relatives who crowd around the person who is in his death throes imagine that they are reacting to the presence of some near or dear one and all that.

This is also one of the reasons that we are discouraged from having dogs and cats as pet animals. Dogs in particular are capable of providing us so much of happiness by their loyalty and devotion that in all probability we would be remembering the dog in our last moments. The Gita says that the person at the verge of death is shown a picture of his next birth. Definitely you would not like to remember your dog in that stage which would result in your attaining a dog's birth.

So if you are in the habit of chanting any particular mantra on a regular basis, you will notice that even without your volunteering it, the mantra goes on repeating itself at the back of your mind all the time -- even when you are asleep. That is called "ajapa japam". It goes on and on even when you are engaged in conversing with somebody, when you are engaged in your daily routine.

Therefore a person who is all the while busy chanting the Gayatri or the taraka mantra of Rama namam or the Panchaakshari, Ashtaakshari, Sastaakshari, Sathakshari, that particular mantra will take over controls of the dying person's thought process and he will die remembering the Almighty's name. Do I have to say to what world he/she will go?

For reading and gaining knowledge of the "mystery" beyond our immediate vision, I welcome readers to read the following book [only the very fortunate amongst us will gain access to it in any bookshop].

Jeeva Brahmaikiya Vedanta Rahasyam by Kadappai Sri Paramahamsa Sachchidananda Yogeeswarar published by Sri Sachchidanandar Company, 24, Srinivasa Perumal Sannadhi Street, Royappettai, Chennai-600014.

Oh, well, again I have digressed from "Rama" to "Chitragupta" and beyond. Au revoir guys and girls,

- Sreenivasan Raju Aiyer

PS: People who are in the habit of performing their "Sandhyavandanam" would remember that one of the chant we recite towards the end is one devoted to "Yama". You turn to the South and chant "Yamaya nama: Yamaya Dharmarajaya.....Chitraguptaya vai nama: Chitraguptaya vai nama: Om Nama: Iti". So who is this "Chitragupta"..... just ponder.
I agree with Mr. srinivasanb2001; In Vishnusahasranamam itself it is mentioned as Eswara Uvacha, Sri Rama Rama Ramedhi Rame Raame manorame, Sahasranama sthatthulyam Sri Rama nama varanane; Sri Rama nama varanana Namaohm Nama Idhi; So let us Chant Rama namam daily and inculcate our younger generation also the same to derive its pleasure
Whether it is chanting rama nama or om nama shivaya or om namo narayanaya or om our mind gets a soothing effect and our body gets a well deserved rest and all the bad thoughts vanish. This is very effective and useful in present day living conditions.
I agree with Mr. srinivasanb2001; In Vishnusahasranamam itself it is mentioned as Eswara Uvacha, Sri Rama Rama Ramedhi Rame Raame manorame, Sahasranama sthatthulyam Sri Rama nama varanane; Sri Rama nama varanana Namaohm Nama Idhi; So let us Chant Rama namam daily and inculcate our younger generation also the same to derive its pleasure

Welcome to this forum Shri.Sivaraman.. The first person to host the family snap, in the handle name.. I do appreciate that, and for sure many of our members like that good open hearted guesture in you..

Hope you would write here your thoughts on daily basis. Thanks in advance..
kabīrā jab ham paidā hue
jaga hańse ham roye
aisī karanī kara calo
ham hańse jaga roye
chadariyā jhinī re jhinī
he rāma nāma rasa bhinī
aṣṭa kamalā ka carkhā banāyā
pañca tattva kī pūnī
nava dasa māsa bunana ko lāge
mūrakha mailī kinhī
jaba morī chādara bana ghara āyā
rańga reja ko dinhī
aisā rańga rańgā rańgare ne
lālo lāla kar dinhī
cādara oḍha śańka mat kariyo
yeh do dina tumko dinhī
mūrakha loga bheda nahi jāne
din din mailī kinhī
dhruva prahlāda sudāmā ne oḍhi
śukadeva ne nirmala kinhī
dāsa kabīra ne aisī odhī
jyoń kī tyoń dhara dinhī
1) Poet Kabir Das says, “When I was born, the world smiled and cried. However, I will do such deeds that when I leave, I will be the one smiling and the world will be the one crying.” This life is like a very thin transparent shawl which should be drenched in the holy name of Lord Rama, the Reservoir of Pleasure.

2) The eight lotuses is the spinning wheel using the five earthly elements to make the chadar (the body). In nine to ten months, the chadar is completed; however, the fools will destroy it.

3) When the chadar is completed, it is sent to the dyer (the spiritual master) to color it. The dyer (the spiritual master) colored it as such that it is all red (the color of self-realization).

4) Do not have doubts or fears while wearing this chadar. It is only given to you for two days and it is temporary too. The foolish people do not understand the temporariness of this chadar, and they day by day destroy it.

5) Great devotees such as Dhruva Maharaja, Prahlad Maharaja, Sudama, and Sukadeva have worn this chadar as well as purified their chadars as well other chadars (souls). The servant, Kabir Dasa, is attempting to wear this chadar as given to him originally by his guru.
A good poem by Sant Kabir. So let us chant the name of Lord Ram.

Jai Shree Ram.
Another Quote from Sri Guru Granth Sahib


--Sri Guru Nanak Dev

Jai Shree Ram.
Quotes from Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Translations are also provided.

अंतरजामी रामु रवांई मै डरु कैसे चहीऐ ॥१॥
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I chant the Name of Lord Ram, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts - why should I be afraid?[/FONT]

सरब निरंतरि रामु रहिआ रवि ऐसा रूपु बखानिआ ॥१॥
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Lord Ram is pervading and permeating amongst all; this is how His Form can be described[/FONT]

आनद रूपी मेरो रामईआ ॥१॥
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]My Ram is the Embodiment of Bliss.[/FONT]

रामु सिमरि रामु सिमरि इहै तेरै काजि है ॥
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Meditate in remembrance on Ram - meditate on Ram; this alone shall be of use to you. [/FONT]

इह जग महि राम नामु सो तउ नही सुनिओ कानि ॥
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]In this world, you have not listened to the Ram's Name.

राम भगति हीए आनि छाडि दे तै मन को मानु ॥
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Let devotional worship of Ram enter into your heart, and abandon the intellectualism of your mind.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Jai Shree Ram
Hello to Community

I am new to the community, from USA. Although born into Christian family, I am very interested in practices of Hindu faith since some 40 years now. I saw the posting on chanting thr name of Lord Rama and have some questions. Is it better to chant Sri Ram or Sri Rama? If there is a difference, what are the different effects? How many repetitions are recommended? May I chant all day while doing other things? Or should chanting be in formal sitting only?

Thank you for your advice on this subject.

Bart Walton
Kauai, HI, USA
I am new to the community, from USA. Although born into Christian family, I am very interested in practices of Hindu faith since some 40 years now. I saw the posting on chanting thr name of Lord Rama and have some questions. Is it better to chant Sri Ram or Sri Rama? If there is a difference, what are the different effects? How many repetitions are recommended? May I chant all day while doing other things? Or should chanting be in formal sitting only?

Thank you for your advice on this subject.

Bart Walton
Kauai, HI, USA

I just feel that chanting `Rama', `Rama' is sufficient. You can do your regular work and continue chanting.

Please visit the following website

..::Nama Dwaar ::.. Bodendra Saraswati Swamigal

Sri Bodendra Saraswathi swamigal was a pontiff of Kanchi mutt attained `jeeva samathi' chanting Rama Nama.

Guru Raghavendra also attained `Jeeva Samathi' chanting Rama nama almost during the same period - 17th century AD

Raghavendra Swami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another great saint Thiagayya who composed music keerthanas on Lord Rama in `Telugu' also believed to have chanted more than 170 million Rama Nama during his life time.

All the above Gurus have recommeded Rama nama as `taraka mantra' in this Kali Yuga.

Personally I don't believe any Godmen and believe only in `Rama' nama.

All the best

There was a great saint called Lakshmidharar in Puri, who had written a book called Bagavannama kowmudhi which was a nama siddhantha grantham. Vishwadikendrar had also instructed Bodhendrar to collect this book on his way back and wanted him to master that that book too. He then came to Puri had darshan of Lord Jagannath and then went to Lakshmidharar’s house. Lakshmidharar had passed away and his son Jagannatha Pandit was there. It was evening and the house was locked from inside. Bodhendrar not wanting to disturb them sat down outside the house and started meditating.
A few days earlier an event had happened there. A couple from south India had come on a yatra to Kasi. One night when they were staying in that village the husband woke up the next morning and found that his wife was missing. He searched for her the next morning and could not find her. He then told the villagers about this and they said that some Muslims would come in the night and kidnap any women they find and take them to be with them as their mistress. The husband felt very bad hearing this but dint want to stop his Kasi yatra because of this.
He completed his yatra and was returning back through the same village that day. He was performing his rituals in the river and a Muslim lady seeing him came running to him and started crying to him. He then realised that it was his wife. When he asked her what had happened, she told him that there was no time now and that they have to escape now and promised to tell him what happened later. They then ran through the forest and came to a safer place. The lady then told him that they had kidnapped her in the night by tying her mouth with a cloth and ravished her. She then asked her husband to save her from them and asked him to have her as maid if not as a wife. The husband then told her that if the sastras allowed this he would take her. They then decided to come to see Jaganatha Pandit to check with him on what the Dharma sastras say.
The couple reached Jaganatha Pandit’s house the same night to ask him what the Dharma Sastras say. Bodhendrar was meditating outside the house and they knocked the door to wake up Jaganatha Pandit. When he opened the door they told him their story and feel on his feet asking him to give them a solution. Hearing this he asked her to say Rama Rama Rama and after that they could live together. As he said this his mother who was seated inside asked him why he degraded the power of Rama Nama by asking them to say it 3 times and told him that his father would ask even the biggest sinner to utter Rama only once and that would take care of removing all his sins. Bodhendrar who was sitting there now stood up and asked Jaganatha Pandit if there was any proof for what he was saying. Jaganatha Pandit then said that his father’s book had the proof for the same. Bodhendrar then asked him to show the book. Bodhenrar finished reading the book the same night with the help of a small lamp. The next day he called the couple and Jaganatha Pandit and said that the sastras were true and that his father had mentioned very clearly what he told yesterday, but the outside world wouldn’t believe this. Bodhendrar then asked the couple to go to the river and take a dip after chanting Rama nama. He then said that though she is now wearing a Muslim dress once she takes a dip after chanting Rama nama she will get back to her old attire and become as pure as how she was before she left her husband. The entire city gathered on the river bank to see this event. The lady came and prostrated Bodhendral and he asked her if she believes that by saying Rama nama all her sins would go away. The lady said that she doesn’t know about Rama nama but she believes him and considers him as her guru. She then said Rama and took a dip in the river. As she came out she had flowers in her head, kumkum in her forehead and turmeric applied all over her body. On seeing this everyone started chanting Rama nama and she happily went to her husband. The couple then prostrated to Bodhendral and took his blessing. Bodhendral then continued his yatra to south India.

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