The Age of Kali
Further to the post by "kudumi" on the above subject, I give below a portion from the english rendering of Srimad Bagavatam by Swami Krishnadas Achutha describing "Evils of Kali":
XII CHAPTER 2 - Evils of Kaliyuga
"Suka continued: Thenceforward, day after day, by the force of Kala (Time), righteousness, truthfulness, purity of body and mind, forgiveness, compassion, length of life and bodily strength and keenness of memory will decline.
In Kaliyuga, wealth will be the criterian of pedigree, morality and merit. Those who are mighty, will be called righteous and fair. Personal liking will determine the choice of a partner in life. Trickery will be the motive force in business and dealings. Ability to give sexual pleasure will be the criterion of masculine and feminine excellence. External marks will be the means of knowing a brahmana and a sanyasin. Justice will be vitiated, because of one's inability to gratify those who administer it. Voluble speech will be criterion of scholarship. Toilet will be regarded as a sign of bath. Distant tank will be considered holy resort for bath; long hair will be regarded as sign of beauty. Filling the belly will be the end of human pursuit. Audacity of speech wil be the criterian of truthfulness. Skill will consist in supporting one's family. Virtuous deeds will, be done, only for fame. The terrestrial globe will be run over by wicked people, and the person who will be more powerful, will become the ruler. People will resort to mountains and forests and eat roots, leaves meat, honey, flowers and seeds.Oppressed by famine and taxation, people will perish through drought, excessive heat amd cold, storms, rain, snowfall and mutual conflict. In Kaliyuga, the maximum expectation of life will be twenty or thirty years. Religion will be replaced by heresy and rulers wil turn out to be thieves. Man will take up the wanton destruction of life and property. Connotation of relationship will extend only to the relatives of one's wife. Clouds will end in flashes of lightning and no rains will pour; dwellings will look desolate for want of hospitality to strangers. When Kaliyuga is about to terminate, the Lord will appear as Kalki in the house of the brahmin called Vishnuyasa, in the village of Sambhala." ......
It goes on further till the end of the Chapter. I request all to read this description of the effects of Kaliyuga written thousands of years ago and find how prophetic the words of Srimad Bhagavatam are.
A word about this book. Srimad Bhagavatam by Swamy Srikrishnadas Achyutha, an English rendering of the epic in easily readable story form is one of the Best translations of the great Book I have come across . This is a publication of TTD, Tirupati, published in 1984. Sri Swamiji has done this as a work of love, and life's mission, to share the spiritual thrill he has derived from the great Purana with the devotees of Bhagavan.
Hari Om,