Respected MsVIsalakshmi Raman, MS Raji Ram, Mr. Saidevo & Mr. Ranganathan, Thank you for your responseே.
The Question I would like to pose is " Why not our Tamil Brahmin community adopt and practice writing in Tamil Grantha, i.e.Tamil Alphabets+ the missing consonants க2,க3.....ப4 taken from Grantha?" This will complete the alphabet set(like Telugu,Malayalam etc) and we will be eqipped for reading and writing Sanskrit slokas as also Tamil Hymns and teaching our future generations. During beginning of 20th Century this had been in vogue. Ours is perhaps the only community which has been compelled to use english alphabets to write sanskrit slokas!!.I am sure a good number of our forum members will be enthusiastic.Our community need not be just an appendage of the 'செம்மொழிச்செம்மல்கள்', but a self sufficient, confident group, contributing to the development of Tamil (Manipravalam?), without worrying about பிராம்மண தமிழ்.
Anti- Brahminism is a recurrent feature of any discussion on the development of Tamil script for computer applications. Even the suggestion to include জ স শ ষ হ by one of us will be taken to be a Brahminical plot to Sanskritise Tamil.While Tamil is a wonderful Language, and we are proud to be the inheritors of the culture, there is no gainsaying that the script is woefully inadequate for modern information exchange.Let the ignoramusses struggle with the existing script (attributable to the Christian evangelists -God bless them). Let us use our Tamil Grantha and become leaders once again.
Iswaro Rakshatu
( sorry for not writing in Tamil Grantha!!)
Mrs. VR nice to know I am in your thoughts, albeit generating so much negative energy. Just in case people are wondering what she is talking about, here is the nonsense poem I penned sometime back in response to concerted assault from Her Majesty....They write nonsense poems and challenge you and
bless you to go nuts trying to correct that which is beyond correction.
Mrs. RR, you could have saved all this trouble by just asking me, I have both versions in my computerAre you forgetful? After a search for about 10 mts, I could locate your original.
Respected MsVIsalakshmi Raman, MS Raji Ram, Mr. Saidevo & Mr. Ranganathan, Thank you for your responseே.
The Question I would like to pose is " Why not our Tamil Brahmin community adopt and practice writing in Tamil Grantha, i.e.Tamil Alphabets+ the missing consonants க2,க3.....ப4 taken from Grantha?" This will complete the alphabet set(like Telugu,Malayalam etc) and we will be eqipped for reading and writing Sanskrit slokas as also Tamil Hymns and teaching our future generations. During beginning of 20th Century this had been in vogue. Ours is perhaps the only community which has been compelled to use english alphabets to write sanskrit slokas!!.I am sure a good number of our forum members will be enthusiastic.Our community need not be just an appendage of the 'செம்மொழிச்செம்மல்கள்', but a self sufficient, confident group, contributing to the development of Tamil (Manipravalam?), without worrying about பிராம்மண தமிழ்.
Anti- Brahminism is a recurrent feature of any discussion on the development of Tamil script for computer applications. Even the suggestion to include জ স শ ষ হ by one of us will be taken to be a Brahminical plot to Sanskritise Tamil.While Tamil is a wonderful Language, and we are proud to be the inheritors of the culture, there is no gainsaying that the script is woefully inadequate for modern information exchange.Let the ignoramusses struggle with the existing script (attributable to the Christian evangelists -God bless them). Let us use our Tamil Grantha and become leaders once again.
Iswaro Rakshatu
( sorry for not writing in Tamil Grantha!!)
you have provided very good reasons for adopting grantha. grantha is after all ancient tamil - many of the stonecuts and palm leaf editions are in grantha afaik. maybe even thirukkural might have been written in grantha originally.
in order to get a broad based buy in - i would suggest a two pronged approach.
- sell the benefits of grantha ie the missing sounds in the current alphabet, and the need to inculcate other sounds ie p, b, bh, ph difference
- sell it across the literary and mass based circles. unless it is accepted bottoms up, it will not become real. one good example of instant adaptation is periyar tamil - when i was young i used to think it was very logical, and there were many magazines which used periyar tamil before it became the norm.
a case of failure: the change of tamil new years day from april 14 to pongal. there is an equally good arguement for this, and it was accepted in a 1920 conference that tamil new years is better off at pongal ie start of thai month. but MK goofed it up and provided a handy tool to his opponents who panned it.
it is all in marketing and propagating.. remove the caste element, and let it be started and spread by NBs, xtians and muslims - thus guaranteeing a widespread mass based appeal. once all the groups do not feel 'threatened' and there is a buy-in, acceptance will automatically follow.
best wishes.